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  There are laws in the world that people must comply with.

each country is regulated by laws

for example:

in Mexico

1  if you enter a party without being invited you can spend 72 hours in a jail.

this conduct is unacceptable and inappropriate by the Mexican state

The sanction can also be a fine of up to $ 2,500 pesos

in Peru there is no penalty for this conduct

for example at my friend's party unknown people attended

they could not have done this in mexico they could have been sanctioned

2. If you are one of those who likes to dress in camouflaged clothing, you should pack other
clothes if you decide to visit Trinidad and Tobago.

If you dress in "military" clothing, it is considered a lack of respect for the security and defense
agencies of that nation. The sanction consists of a prison sentence

you may not know about the law but you will still be penalized

3.Call abroad

In North Korea, communication with the outside world is prohibited. It is considered a crime
and can carry a capital punishment.

What I hate most about this rule is that if you have relatives abroad you could not
communicate with them

4.In the United Arab Emirates, public kissing is prohibited

the reason why it is prohibited is that it is considered an offense to the moral rules of culture

Going hand in hand in public can also carry jail time.

In addition, it is also prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages in public, as well as taking

drugs or spitting on the street.

I think that this prohibition is the best rule that I have been able to investigate.

you could be arrested and pay a fine

If i were president i would implement these rules

except the prohibition to call abroad

The reason I chose these rules is that these rules seem interesting to me.

Also I woud implement that

1 we should use bicycles to avoid polluting the environment

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