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A touchpad /ttpd/ or trackpad /trkpd/ is a pointing device featuring a tactile sensor, a specialized surface that can translate the

motion and position of a user's fingers to a relative position on the operating system that is outputted to the screen.
The Transmitter performed the function of modulating the audio signal and rediate the same in the form of electromagnetic wave. The Transmitter performs signal processing operation and thereby it couples the input message signal to the communication channel. Transmitter functions pertaining to the signal processing are: 1. Amplifications 2. Filtering, and 3. Modulation.

A receiver function technique is a way to model the structure of the Earth by using the information from teleseismic earthquakes recorded at a three component seismograph. Ringer's solution is the name given to a solution of several salts dissolved in water for the purpose of creating an isotonic solution relative to the bodily fluids of an animal.


On a telephone set, a switch that is depressed when the handset is placed on it. When this switch is depressed, the telephone is not in use. Such a switch can also be located on a handset. A hookswitch may also be used for functions such as call waiting or conference calling. Also spelled hook switch. Also called switchhook.
The transmission network is the rst link between large power generation facilities and electricity customers. It supplies energy at high voltages to substations, where the energy is distributed to loads at lower voltages via the distribution network. (mouthps) n. 1. A part, as of a musical instrument or a telephone, that functions in or near the mouth. 2. Sports A protective rubber device worn over the teeth, as by boxers. 3. Informal One, such as a spokesperson, through which views are expressed. 4. Slang A defense lawyer.


(rps) n. 1. A part, as of a telephone receiver or hearing aid, that fits in or is held next to the ear. 2. See earphone. 3. Either of the two parts of an eyeglasses frame that extend over or around the ear.


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