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Computational Fluid Dynamics ( And Visualization Thereof )

John T. Bell CS !" at #$C %! Fe&ruary !''(

)hat is CFD* and )ho Cares +

, Simply put* CFD is the calculation of properties of a flo-in. fluid. , /ractical pro&lems may include ener.y flo-* chemical reactions* phase* 0 , Domain is often ( irre.ular ) 1D* plus time. , 2esults may &e scalar* &ut more often are n3D , 2ele4ant industries include automoti4e* chemical processin.* aerospace* 5VAC* . . .

Automoti4e Aerodynamics . . .

. . . And $nterior Comfort . . .

. . . And 6n.ine Conditions

/rocess 6n.ineerin.


7ASA Ames8 Virtual )indtunnel


VT9 6:amples

So 5o- is CFD Calculated +

Classic Differential 6;uations

, 7a4ier3Sto<es= , Continuity= , Cons. 6ner.y=

r r u r r % !r % + ( ug ) u = P + u + F t

(vgn)dA +

dV = ' t

Q Ws W P = e + (vgn)dA + e dV dt dt dt t

Fourth >rder 2un.e39utta

k% = hf ( xn * yn ) h k% k! = hf ( xn + * yn + ) ! ! h k! k1 = hf ( xn + * yn + ) ! ! k( = hf ( xn + h* yn + k1 ) k% k! k1 k( yn +% = yn + + + + + O (h ) " 1 1 "

, Computational Fluid Dynamics is an important tool in many &ranches of science and en.ineerin.. , 2esults are typically n3D* o4er 13D plus time. , CFD calculations re;uire simultaneous solution of many sets of differential e;uations* typically in4ol4in. (th order 2un.e39utta in 13D space. , Visualization of CFD data is an important and pro&lem* re;uirin. cle4er use of all a4aila&le 4isualization tools and s<ills.

, Fluent $nc.= 5ttp=?? , Schulz* @artin et. al.= A$nteracti4e Visualization of Fluid Dynamics Simulations in Bocally 2efined Cartesian CridsD. $666* %EEE. , 7ASA= http=??---.nas.nasa..o4?2esearch?Tas<s? applications.html and http=??---.nas.nasa..o4?2esearch? 2eports? Techreports?%EE!?5T@B?2723E!3'%1.html , Schroeder et. al.= AThe Visualization Tool<it* 1rd 6d.D , SDSC= http=??;uations? , )elty* )ic<s* F )ilson* AFundamentals of @omentum* 5eat* and @ass Transfer* !nd 6d.D* )iley* %EG". , /ress* )illiam et. al.= A7umerical 2ecipes in CD.

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