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Instructional Multimedia Project

Peeking through the Branches of Government Ashley Bonte Executive Summary

One of the expectations of South Carolina fourth graders is to be able to demonstrate an understanding of the beginnings of America as a nation and the establishment of the new government. Peeking through the Branches of Government will be an instructional multimedia project designed to serve as a tutorial and a supplement to classroom instruction in order to enhance the learning environment. Goals and Objectives

South Carolina Standard 4-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the beginnings of America as a nation and the establishment of the new government. Indicators: 4-4.1 I can compare the ideas in the Articles of Confederation with those in the United States Constitution, including how powers are now shared between state and national government and how individuals and states are represented in Congress. 4-4.2 I can explain the structure and function of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government. 4-4.3 I can explain the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights placed importance on the active involvement of citizens in government and protected the rights of white male property owners but not those of the slaves, women, and Native Americans. I Can Statements: I can describe the government developed under the Articles of Confederation as a result of the experiences under the royal governors, the King, and Parliament. I can identify the powers granted and the powers denied in the Articles of Confederation. I can describe the government developed under the US Constitution as a result of the problems and weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation. I can compare the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. I can identify the three branches of government and the specific powers of each.

I can define system of checks and balances and explain examples in each branch of government. I can explain how 18th Century opinions affected the meaning of men as it was used in the Declaration of Independence and carried over into the Constitution. I can explain how 18th Century opinions contributed to the failures of the Constitution to protect the rights of slaves, women, and Native Americans. I can explain how sectionalism and the need to create a government acceptable to all regions of the new nation led to the great compromise. I can identify the catalysts for the addition of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution and compare the beliefs of federalists and anti-federalists. I can identify and explain the individual rights and freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights. I can explain the importance of citizens taking an active role in the civil process. I can explain and demonstrate some of the responsibilities of citizenship.

Target Audience The target audience is fourth grade, however the Multimedia project will be appropriate for grades 3-5. This includes students who seek enrichment as well as those who may be struggling to reach the goals and objectives. (Made possible through UDL: see research). Rationale and Instructional Content Fourth grade students are asked to understand our nations foundation of government over a span of three weeks. They are then expected retain this knowledge and in four months, be able to answer questions about our government in order to demonstrate proficiency. For a fourth grader, this abstract concept can be rather difficult to understand. The only resource readily provided is a text book. However, there are a number of students who do not understand the jargon from this text and need additional resources to enhance their understanding. This has inspired my multimedia project. In order to help students understand the real meaning behind the branches of government, I plan on using a UDL tool to design a resource where students can interact with the content while being provided multiple visuals, audio recordings, and activities that will enhance their knowledge. The goal is to provide a way to enrich students learning on this historical topic while still covering the required

standards. This tool is one that can be utilized at home and offers a variety of enrichment for all students. Resources

South Carolina Curriculum Standards Social Studies Grade 4. Retrieved February 2, 2014 from

Loon, A., Ros, A., & Martens, R. (2012). Motivated learning with digital learning tasks: what about autonomy and structure?. Educational Technology Research & Development, 60(6), 1015-1032. Putman, S. (2005). Computer-based Reading Technology in the Classroom: The Affective Influence of Performance Contingent Point Accumulation on 4th Grade Students.
Reading Research & Instruction, 45(1), 19-38. Other web resources:

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