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Lesson Plan

Subject: General English Topic: Describing nature & wildlife Time: 2 x 45 min lessons Level: Intermediate

Objectives: At the end of this lesson students will be familiar with talking about nature and wildlife. They will have improved their writing & speaking skills on this topic and will have learned new vocabulary related to wildlife & nature. New Vocabulary: Lapping, scenic, remote, idyllic, serene, forage.

Stage: Lead-In

Time: 0-10

Materials: Whiteboard

Ask students what wildlife there is on Saaremaa or Estonia. Write students responses on whiteboard. Use computer and projector to show pictures of some of the more unusual wildlife for weaker students.

Stage: Controlled Practice



Materials: Whiteboard

Ask students to imagine a peaceful place. Elicit Island. Draw picture on whiteboard of island, surrounded by water, surrounded by mountains and forest. Tell students the island is remote, only you live there, without a shop, internet or electricity. Ask students how they could survive here. Elicit; fishing, hunting, farming and foraging. Have students come to the board and add to the drawing, e.g.: Deer, snake, mushrooms, berries. When drawing is full ask students how they would describe the scene. What sounds they would hear? Smells? Sights? Elicit; waves lapping, breeze blowing, birds singing. Describe walking around the island. The sound of the water, the wind in the trees, the wildlife, whats in the sky?, etc.


Free Practice


30 - 60



Give students handout and explain that they will be preparing a short journey similar to what was just described. They may use the ideas on the page or they can use their own ideas. They must write a descriptive journey in 7 stages and finish by describing the sunset. Explain that students will read their story to the class. Students work individually. Monitor students and offer help/feedback where necessary.


Listening & Speaking


60 - 85



Give feedback handout to the students. Students come to the top of the class and read their story to the class. Students complete the feedback sheet after listening to each story. Give each student feedback on their story.






Discuss with students if they would really like this life; alone on an isolated island or are they city folk? What are the advantages and disadvantages? Thanks students for writing and sharing their story.

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