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RFID based Train Accident Avoidance System

This project utilizes the Atmel AT89C52 micro controller the project control the rail gate at any time. The sensor used here is a Magnetic readers, the micro controller is so programmed such that it control the synchronous motor to drive the rail gate. Thus increasing the security o rail gate control. This micro controller is used to control the automatic rail gate or unmanned gate control. This project also chec! the vehicle and human any one inside o this trac! is detected rom inside o this trac! it does not allo" to cross the train on that trac! it automatically stop the train #y using $%&' transmitter, it "as placed on that rail"ay station. (hen the person or vehicle is move orm that trac! then it auto close the rail gate. then it allo" crossing the train. &n this same time it detect the train crossing "hen the train also leave rom that area then it automatically open the door Then ready to scan the ne)t vehicle. This project is designed, using Atmel AT89C52Micro controller, 2*+, -C' 'isplay, Magnet sensor modules, 'oor Automation, $%&' Transmitter And $eceiver, .uzzer indicator.

Base Technology:

/ynchronous motor, 'igital -ogic, Micro Controller 0815+2 #ased

3m#edded technology. Main Blocks: -C' 'isplay. Micro controller. Magnet sensor $ail gate Automation. FEATURES:

ess o!erating !o"er o" cost to design

Easy to im!lement 4nmanned Automaton $educed the cro"d $educed the time delay A## I$ATI%&: $heck !ost A'tomation Sec'rity A'tomation A'tomatic gate control system

RFID Transmitter Station Control Unit

2*+, -C' display

8&$ /ensors

977.92Mhz Transmitter

Train 5o6/top /ignal

Micro Controller AT 89C52

$/ 272 Converter

Magnet .ar 'river circuit Magnet /ensors .uzzer &ndicator

$ail"ay gate 8o"er /upply

RFID Receiver Train Control Unit

2*+, -C' display

977.92M:z $eceiver

Train 5o6/top /ignal

Micro Controller 89C52

$/ 272 Converter

.attery 8o"er /upply

'river circuit

:T;+2' 'ecoder

99 M:z $eceiver

Train Motor

#ilot $ontrol Block Diagram

:T+23 3ncoder

A/< Transmitter

99 M:z oscillator 'river Controls

.attery 8o"er /upply

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