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Hrs/ ee! (Th-Pr) Ordinary and Partial Differential (Th-Pr) 3-0 Equations 3-0 Tota" Contact Hrs (Th-Pr) #$-0

ourse Outline% So"ution o& di&&erentia" e'uations () *arious +ethods and their a,,"ications- hi.her order di&&erentia" e'uations /ith en.ineerin. a,,"ications- Series So"ution o& 0i&&erentia" E'uations- 1a,"ace Trans&or+ation2 Partia" di&&erentia" e'uation and its di&&erent +ethods /ith a,,"ications in the &ie"d o& en.ineerin.2 Prerequisite!s"% GS-103 Re#o$$ended Boo%s S& No& 12 22 32 $2 #2 Title 3d*anced En.ineerin. Mathe+atics Hi.her En.ineerin. Mathe+atics 3d*anced En.ineerin. Mathe+atics E"e+entar) 0i&&erentia" E'uations /ith 8oundar) <a"ue Pro("e+s 1a,"ace Trans&or+s and 3,,"ications Aut'or!s" E 4re)s5i. 8 S Gre/a" 0 G2 9i"" : M 62 Cu""en =r2 0a*id E2 Penne) : C2 H2 Ed/ards E= atson Assi(ned ode 46E G6E C;1 E0 3T 6e&erence Re$ar%s Te7t 6e&erence 6e&erence 6e&erence

ourse Ai$ % The ai+ o& this course is to ena("e the students to% Insti"" &"uenc) /ith the (asic Mathe+atica" techni'ues o& >rdinar) and Partia" 0i&&erentia" E'uations /hich are needed as too"s &or en.ineers2 6e*ise- and teach a&resh /here necessar)- a(out so"ution o& >rdinar) di&&erentia" e'uations- /hich are necessar) &or the en.ineerin. courses2 Introduce ne/ to,ics inc"udin. second : hi.her order di&&erentia" e'uationsSeries So"ution o& 0i&&erentia" E'uations and ,artia" di&&erentia" e'uations /ith en.ineerin. a,,"ications /hich are necessar) &or these courses2 P"ace e+,hasis throu.hout u,on the .ras, o& essentia"s and co+,etenc) in +ani,u"ation2 1

ourse O)*e#ti+e % 3t the end o& the course students shou"d (e a("e to%

6eco.ni5e the a,,ro,riate Mathe+atica" too"s and techni'ues o& >rdinar) and Partia" 0i&&erentia" E'uations /ith /hich to a,,roach a /ide *ariet) o& en.ineerin. ,ro("e+s2 S,eci&) a Mathe+atica" re,resentation o& a ,ro("e+2 Carr) out a,,ro,riate Mathe+atica" +ani,u"ations () usin. techni'ues o& >rdinar) and Partia" 0i&&erentia" E'uations to so"*e the en.ineerin. ,ro("e+s2 Inter,ret the o& the Mathe+atica" resu"t2 o+ered% 3uthor(s) G6E46E- P6I PE? : C;1 Contact Hrs 10


S ?o To,ics 12 First Order Ordinary Differential Equations 2 8asic conce,ts- Practica" a,,roach- @or+ation and Geo+etrica" +eanin. o& di&&erentia" e'uation2 So"ution o& 0i&&erentia" E'uation- <aria("es se,ara("e +ethods- Ho+o.eneous e'uations- 1inear e'uations and 8ernou""iAs e'uation- E7act di&&erentia" e'uation- 3,,"ication- Si+,"e e"ectric circuits?e/tonAs "a/ o& coo"in. and Heat &"o/2 222 Se#ond and -i('er Order Linear Differential Equations and t'eir A,,li#ations. Ho+o.eneous "inear e'uationsHo+o.eneous e'uations /ith constant coe&&icients- Case o& co+,"e7 roots- Co+,"e7 e7,onentia" &unctions- 0i&&erentia" o,erators- ?on- Ho+o.eneous e'uations So"utions () undeter+ined coe&&icients- So"ution () *ariation o& ,ara+eter3,,"ications-Si+,"e har+onic +otion>sci""ator) e"ectrica" circuit2 Series Solution of Differential Equations 2 Theor) o& ,o/er series +ethod- @ro(enius +ethod- 1e.endreAs e'uation and 1e.endreAs ,o")no+ia"s- 8esse"As e'uation and 8esse"As &unctions /ith ,ro,ertiesLa,la#e Transfor$ation2 1a,"ace trans&or+ation- In*erse 1a,"ace and its "inearit)- Trans&or+s o& deri*ati*es and inte.ra"s- s-shi&tin.- t-shi&tin. and unit ste, &unction0i&&erentiation and inte.ration o& trans&or+- Con*o"utionInte.ra" e'uation- Partia" &ractions-S)ste+ o& di&&erentia" e'uations- Periodic &unctions /ith a,,"ications2 1a,"ace trans&or+ation as a +ethod &or so"*in. di&&erentia" e'uations2

G6E 46E C;1 E0




G6E46EC;1E0 : P6I G6E 46E C;1 E0 P6I




Partial Differential Equations 2 Introduction- @or+ation and so"ution o& Partia" 0i&&erentia" E'uations 1inear and non"inear &irst order Partia" 0i&&erentia" E'uations and their so"utions- Se,aration o& *aria("es- 3,,"ication% >ne di+ensiona" a*e e'uation and its so"ution () se,aration o& *aria("e +ethod- >ne di+ensiona" heat &"o/- T/o di+ensiona" heat &"o/- T/o di+ensiona" a*e e'uation2

G6E 46E C;1 E0


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