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A. B. C. D. E. F. Introduction to TCM Theory of TCM TCM Diagnosis Application of Yin Yang theory TCM treatment Treatment methods in TCM

A. Introduction
TCM had been known for more than 5000 yrs - a special system to diagnose and cure illness in ancient China

Philosophy of TCM
Life and activity of human beings have an intimate r/ship with the environment on all levels

(~1000 - 200 B.C.)

(1) Basic Medical Theory (Yellow Emperors Interior Classic) Book containing anatomy, physiology, etiology, diagnosis, and treatment.

(2) Shen Nong Classic of the Materia Medica :The first Chinese manual on Pharmacology (3) Anesthesia, and surgery with a formula of wine and powdered cannabis- Hua Tuo (Eastern Han physician)
(4) Huang-fu Mi: Earliest known text on acupuncture

B. Major theories of TCM

(1)Yin-Yang, complementary opposites to each other and Everything has both yin and yang aspects..cold/hot, depressed/excited, murung/gembira. (2)The Five Phases (Wu Xing), or five elementsWOOD, FIRE, EARTH, METAL & WATER, interconnected & working in sync with each other.

(3)Qi or Energy Flow..that sustains living thing, circulates in the body through (4) (4)The human body Meridian/Channel System is a concept central to TCM techniques such as acupuncture, and to martial art such as tai chi and qigong.

A TCM doctor makes a diagnosis based on his sensory perceptions to gather clinical information without use any apparatus. The doctor can diagnose internal pathological (disease) changes through observation and analysis of external signs.

General methods of Diagnosis

There are FOUR examination methods: 1) Questioning/history taking, 2) inspection, 3) auscultation (listening) & olfaction (smelling), 4) palpation. The four methods are unique clinical functions and cannot be replaced by one another.

D. Application of Theory Yin Yang

1. 2. 3. 4. Human body structures (biological) application Physiological application Diagnostic application Therapeutic application

Therapeutic Application
Therapeutic application of Yin and yang is to replenish the deficiency and remove the excess
If one aspect is excessive and one is normal treatment aims at removing the excess If one aspect is deficient and one is normal treatment aims at replenish the deficiency

E. Treatment Methods in TCM

The treatment methods used in TCM: 1) Chinese herbal medicine 2) Acupuncture 3) Auriculotherapy 4) Chinese food therapy 5) Cupping (BEKAM) 6) Die- da or Tieh-Ta 7) Gua Sha (URUT TRADISIONAL) 8) Qigong

Qi gong

Chinese herbal medicine



Aconite herb

Licorice herb

Ma huang herb

Rhubarb root herb

Ginseng contain ginsenosides;

American ginseng -"cooling" properties, used for fever and respiratory tract disorders. Asian ginseng has "heating" properties, which are good for improving circulation.

Licorice is used to treat a range of health problems, including:

Bronchitis, Constipation, GI disorder, menopause symp, heartburn, stomach ulcers, eczema

Ginger contains oleoresins, have anti-inflammatory properties and a positive effect on the muscles in the digestive tract. Used in treating nausea after surgery and after chemotherapy and effective in treatment of motion sickness and reducing flatulence.
Ephedra contains alkaloids ephedrine & pseudoephedrine, used to increase HR, constrict blood vessel (increases bp), dilate bronchial tubes (used in asthma) and have thermogenic properties (increases body heat and metabolic rate).

Categorization of herbs
Each herbs has its own specific character, based on

The Four Natures

cold (extreme yin), cool, warm and hot (extreme yang)

The Five Tastes

pungent, sweet, sour, bitter and salty

Yin herbs (herbs have cold or cool properties) treat hyperactivity of Yang or deficiency of Yin. Yang herbs (Herbs have hot or warm properties) treat Yang deficiency or hyperactivity of Yin.

The Four Natures

Four Natures : cold (extreme yin), cool, warm and hot (extreme yang).
Nature of Cold-cool (Yin)
used for person that is suffering from internal cold E.g. Huanglian (Rhizoma coptidis) & Shigao (Gypsum fibrosum) for manifestation of hot syndrome like fever, thirst, diff in breathing

Rhizoma coptidis Nature: cold-cool Taste: bitter

Gypsum fibrosum Nature: cold-cool Taste: pungent and sweet

The Four Natures

Nature of Hot-warm (Yang)
E.g. Fuzi (Radix Aconiti Latelaris Praeparata) & Ginger for manifestation of Cold syndrome such as cold hand and feet, stomachache

Prepared Aconite Root (fu zi) Radix Aconiti Praeparata

The Five Tastes

The five tastes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. pungent, sweet, sour, bitter and salty

Pungent herbs -to generate sweat and promote circulation of energy and blood.

Hoang hua (Flos carthami) - from Safflower

Hoanghua (Flos Carthami) Nature: warm Taste: pungent Use: improve blood circulation, act on heart & liver channel

Salty tastes soften hard masses ,purge and open the bowels, relieve constipation
Natrii sulfas Sodium sulphate (mineral based)

Mangxiao (Natrii Sulfas) Nature: cold Taste: salty Use: for constipation

Sweet-tasting herbs - nourishing, replenishing, tonifying or harmonize bodily systems Licorice (Radix Glycyrrhizae) Nature: neutral Taste: sweet Use: for muscle spasms and relieving pain

Liquorice (gan cao) Radix Glycyrrhizae

Sour taste most often is astringent or consolidates E.g. Wimei (Fructus Mume) neutral nature for cough, diarrhea
Black Plum (wu mei) Fructus Mume

Bitter taste dispels heat, purges the bowels and get rid of dampness by drying them out. E.g.Dahuang/Rhubarb (Rhei Radix)
Rhubarb (da huang) Radix et Rhizoma Rhei

Common Herbs in use

Ginseng help to boost energy, reduce stress and increase endurance Mushroom able to up-regulate aspects of immune system Wolfberry used to treat kidney, liver, eye and skin problems, diabetes, TB, anxiety and insomnia. Used to lower BP and cholesterol levels Dong Quai (female ginseng) regulate menstrual cycle and treat menopausal symptoms caused by hormonal changes Ginger highly spicy and beneficial to digestion, neutralizing poison in food, ventilating lungs, warm the circulation to the limbs, diarrhea and heart conditions Licorice to treat hepatitis, sore throat and muscles spasms

Ephedra (Ma huang) Stem-like herbs that stimulates perspiration, opens the breathing passage and stimulates CNS It is the dried stems of one of three Ephedra species (E. sinica Stapf; E. equisetina Bunge; E. intermedia Schrenk et C.A. Mey) found in China, primarily in northern regions. It has been used in China as a diaphoretic, anti-asthmatic, and diuretic for at least 2000 years Other less known uses of mahuang include the treatment of influenza and rheumatism

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