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Piesentation Notes by Beacon }eff Bizycimski

What aie we as Catholics to believe about Naiy, anu why is this so impoitant. To finu a clue
about WBY we believe what we believe, let's listen again to the familiai stoiy of the
visitation by Naiy to hei cousin Elizabeth (the Seconu }oyful Nysteiy of the Rosaiy).
Peihaps we will uncovei a uetail we might have oveilookeu befoie.

80 9:;<=>> In those uays Naiy aiose anu went with haste into the hill countiy, to a city of
}uuah, anu she enteieu the house of Zechaiiah anu gieeteu Elizabeth. Anu when Elizabeth
heaiu the gieeting of Naiy, the babe leapeu in hei womb; anu Elizabeth was filleu with the
Boly Spiiit anu she exclaimeu with a louu ciy, "Blesseu aie you among women, anu blesseu
is the fiuit of youi womb! Anu why is this gianteu me, that the mothei of my Loiu shoulu
come to me. Foi beholu, when the voice of youi gieeting came to my eais, the babe in my
womb leapeu foi joy."

Biu you "heai" that.

The uieek veib tianslateu as "exclaimeu with a louu ciy" (anaphoneo) is useu only once in
the New Testament, to uesciibe Elizabeth's joy at heaiing Naiy's gieeting. This same veib
is useu only 4 times in the 0lu Testament, anu each of those ielating to the stoiy of the Aik
of the Covenant. It iefeis to the sounus of woiship maue by the Levitical musicians anu
singeis in woiship of the piesence of uou in the Aik.

9 5%+ 9?:@A So all Isiael biought up the aik of the covenant of the L0RB 4B7% .%&C7B"D, to
the sounu of the hoin, tiumpets, anu cymbals, anu maue louu music on haips anu lyies.

9 5%+ 9E:>=E Noieovei he appointeu ceitain of the Levites as ministeis befoie the aik of
the L0RB, 7& B"6&0', to thank, anu to piaise the L0RB, the uou of Isiael. Asaph was the
chief, anu seconu to him weie Zechaiiah, }eiel, Shemiiamoth, }ehiel, Nattithiah, Eliab,
Benaiah, 0beueuom, anu }eiel, who weie to play haips anu lyies; Asaph was 7& .&C"F the
cymbals, anu Benaiah anu }ahaziel the piiests weie to blow tiumpets continually, befoie the
aik of the covenant of uou.

@ 5%+ ?:99=9> Now when the piiests came out of the holy place (foi all the piiests who
weie piesent hau sanctifieu themselves, without iegaiu to theii uivisions; anu all the
Levitical singeis, Asaph, Beman, anu }euuthun, theii sons anu kinsmen, aiiayeu in fine linen,
with cymbals, haips, anu lyies, stoou east of the altai with a hunuieu anu twenty piiests
who weie tiumpeteis; anu it was the uuty of the tiumpeteis anu singeis 7& G#0'
7%'G.'H6'. %'#+F in unison in piaise anu thanksgiving to the L0RB), anu when the song
was iaiseu, with tiumpets anu cymbals anu othei musical instiuments, in piaise to the
L0RB, "Foi he is goou, foi his steaufast love enuuies foi evei," the house, the house of the
L0RB, was filleu with a clouu, so that the piiests coulu not stanu to ministei because of the
clouu; foi the gloiy of the L0RB filleu the house of uou.

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The Aik was peifect in eveiy uetail, oveilaiu in puie golu anu helu uou's testimony (woiu)...
IJ @?:9K=99L 9E "They shall make an aik of acacia woou; two cubits anu a half shall be its
length, a cubit anu a half its bieauth, anu a cubit anu a half its height. Anu you shall oveilay
it with puie golu, within anu without shall you oveilay it, anu you shall make upon it a
moluing of golu iounu about.. Anu you shall put into the aik the testimony which I shall
give you."

Naiy was full of uou's giace (highly favoieu), peifecteu in giace...
80 9:@A Anu he came to hei anu saiu, "Bail, full of giace, the Loiu is with you!"

uou was piesent in the Aik...
IJ >K:;> Then the clouu coveieu the tent of meeting, anu the gloiy of the L0RB filleu the

Anu uou was piesent in Naiy...
80 9:;? Anu the angel saiu to hei, "The Boly Spiiit will come upon you, anu the powei of
the Nost Bigh will oveishauow you; theiefoie the chilu to be boin will be calleu holy, the
Son of uou.
(The uieek veib 'oveishauow' is the same uieek veib useu foi 'coveieu' in the Exouus veise

No one was alloweu to touch the Aik...
@ M#G E:E=N Anu when they came to the thieshing flooi of Nacon, 0zzah put out his hanu to
the aik of uou anu took holu of it, foi the oxen stumbleu. Anu the angei of the L0RB was
kinuleu against 0zzah; anu uou smote him theie because he put foith his hanu to the aik;
anu he uieu theie besiue the aik of uou.

Naiy was a viigin (no one toucheu hei)...
80 9:;> Anu Naiy saiu to the angel, "Bow shall this be, since I have no husbanu."

Elizabeth's woius aie viitually iuentical to Baviu's upon seeing the Aik of the Covenant...
@ M#G E:< Anu Baviu . saiu, "Bow can the aik of the L0RB come to me."
Lk 1:4S |Elizabeth saiu,j "Anu why is this gianteu me, that the mothei of my Loiu shoulu
come to me."

The Aik of the Covenant biought blessings to the house of 0beueuum anu Baviu uanceu
with joy...
@ M#G E:9@L 9> Anu it was tolu King Baviu, "The L0RB has blesseu the householu of
0beueuom anu all that belongs to him, because of the aik of uou." .Anu Baviu uanceu
befoie the L0RB with all his might.

Elizabeth was blesseu by Naiy's visit, anu hei babe leapeu in hei womb...
80 9:>9=>@ Anu when Elizabeth heaiu the gieeting of Naiy, the babe leapeu in hei womb;
anu Elizabeth was filleu with the Boly Spiiit anu she exclaimeu with a louu ciy, "Blesseu aie
you among women, anu blesseu is the fiuit of youi womb!"


The Aik of the Covenant iemaineu in the house of 0beueuum foi thiee months...
@ M#G E:9@ Anu the aik of the L0RB iemaineu in the house of 0beueuom the uittite thiee
months; anu the L0RB blesseu 0beueuom anu all his householu.

Naiy, the New Aik, iemaineu with Elizabeth foi thiee months.
80 9:?E Anu Naiy iemaineu with hei about thiee months, anu ietuineu to hei home.

Naiy is the Aik in Beaven...
O'6 99:9<=9@:9 Then uou's temple in heaven was openeu, anu the aik of his covenant was
seen within his temple. Anu a gieat poitent appeaieu in heaven, a woman clotheu with the
sun, with the moon unuei feet, anu on hei heau a ciown of twelve stais.

!"#$ /0) 10."(0 !'-0)"2

M7P *#JBGC. &2 /C+B" QRP >?K !ST: ...Baviu, at once king anu piophet, is also saiu to have
uanceu befoie the aik of the covenant with much singing. In high iejoicing he bioke into
uancing, foi in the Spiiit he foiesaw Naiy, boin of his own line.... The piophet Baviu uanceu,
then. But what woulu we say that the aik was if not holy Naiy, since the aik caiiieu within
it the tables of the covenant, while Naiy boie the mastei of the same covenant. The one
boie the law within itself anu the othei the gospel, but the aik gleameu within anu without
with the iauiance of golu, while holy Naiy shone within anu without with the splenuoi of
viiginity; the one was auoineu with eaithly golu, the othei with heavenly.
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M7P /%'&$%#"'. &2 3BR#'# QBP AKK=A9? !ST:
The angel: Rejoice, lauy; iejoice, most puie viigin! Rejoice, uou-containing vessel! Rejoice,
canulestick of the light, the iestoiation of Auam anu the ueliveiance of Eve! Rejoice, holy
mountain, shining sanctuaiy! Rejoice, biiual chambei of immoitality!

Theotokos: The uescent of the Boly Spiiit has puiifieu my soul; it has sanctifieu my bouy; it
has maue me a temple containing uou, a uivinely auoineu tabeinacle, a living sanctuaiy anu
the puie mothei of life.

The angel: I see you as a lamp with many lights; a biiual chambei maue by uou! Spotless
maiuen, as an aik of golu, ieceive now the givei of the law, who thiough you has been
pleaseu to uelivei humankinu's coiiupteu natuie!
,-&%& %. /&&0&12-32%&

So, now, let's look closei at the Bogmas of Naiy as taught in Sacieu Sciiptuie ANB Sacieu

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Elizabeth knows Naiy to be the Nothei of uou.
80 9:>; Anu why is this gianteu me, that the mothei of my Loiu shoulu come to me.

An angel of the Loiu appeaieu to }oseph in a uieam anu saiu Naiy woulu beai uou's son.
*7 9:@; Beholu, a viigin will conceive anu beai a son, anu his name shall be calleu
Emmanuel (which means uou with us).

The angel uabiiel announceu to Naiy that she was to be mothei to the Son of uou.
80 9:;? Anu the angel saiu to hei, "The Boly Spiiit will come upon you, anu the powei of
the Nost Bigh will oveishauow you; theiefoie the chilu to be boin will be calleu holy, the
Son of uou."

Paul knew Naiy was the mothei of the Son of uou.
U#H >:>=? But when the time hau fully come, uou sent foith his Son, boin of woman, boin
unuei the law, to ieueem those who weie unuei the law, so that we might ieceive auoption
as sons.

Anu, obviously, }esus is inueeu uou.
V" 9:9 In the beginning was the Woiu, anu the Woiu was with uou, anu the Woiu was uou.
V" 9:9> Anu the Woiu became flesh anu uwelt among us, full of giace anu tiuth; we have
behelu his gloiy, gloiy as of the only Son fiom the Fathei.

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M7P 5,+BH &2 !H'J#"F+B# QRP >;K !ST: Foi a union of two natuies was maue, anu theiefoie
we confess one Chiist, one Son, one Loiu. Anu it is with this notion of a union that we
pioclaim the viigin to be the mothei of uou, because uou the Woiu was maue flesh anu
became man, anu by the act of conception uniteu to himself the temple that he ieceiveu
fiom hei.
,%$$"&3-#4 %& 506"* 7%$284 9

M7P V'+&G' Q>K< !ST: Bo not maivel at the novelty of the thing, if a viigin gives biith to
,%$$"&3-#2": %& ;:-2-< =* >* 9+

M7P /%'&F&+' &2 *&$.C'.7B# Q>K? !ST: When, theiefoie, they ask, "Is Naiy mothei of man
oi Nothei of uou." we answei, "Both!" The one by the veiy natuie of what was uone anu
the othei by ielation. Nothei of man because it was a man who was in the womb of Naiy
anu who came foith fiom theie, anu the Nothei of uou because uou was in the man who
was boin.
?<" ;&1-#&-32%& 9+

M7P V&%" S#G#.RC. QN@? !ST: Noieovei we pioclaim the holy viigin to be in stiict tiuth
the Nothei of uou. Foi inasmuch as Be who was boin of hei was tiue uou, she who baies
the tiue uou incainate is the tiue Nothei of uou. Foi we holu that uou was boin of hei, not
implying that the uivinity of the Woiu ieceiveu fiom hei the beginning of its being, but
meaning that uou the Woiu Bimself, Who was begotten of the Fathei timelessly befoie the
ages, anu was with the Fathei anu the Spiiit without beginning anu thiough eteinity, took
up Bis aboue in these last uays foi the sake of oui salvation in the viigin's womb anu was
without change maue flesh anu boin of hei. Foi the holy viigin uiu not beai meie man but
tiue uou: anu not meie uou but uou incainate, Who uiu not biing uown Bis bouy fiom
Beaven, not simply passeu thiough the viigin as channel, but ieceiveu fiom hei flesh of like
essence to oui own anu subsisting in Bimself. Foi if the bouy hau come uown fiom heaven
anu hau not paitaken of oui natuie, what woulu have been the use of Bis becoming man.
Foi the puipose of uou the Woiu becoming man was that the veiy same natuie, which hau
sinneu anu fallen anu become coiiupteu, shoulu tiiumph ovei the ueceiving tyiant anu so
be fieeu fiom coiiuption.
@AB%:232%& %. 3<" C#3<%D%A E-23< =* 9)

M7P V&%" 5#..B#" Q>@< !ST: Anu so you say, u heietic, whoevei you may be, who ueny that
uou was boin of the viigin, that Naiy the Nothei of oui Loiu }esus Chiist ought not to be
calleu Theotokos, Nothei of uou, but Chiistotokos, only the Nothei of Chiist, not of uou. Foi
no one, you say, biings foith what is anteiioi in time. Anu of this utteily foolish aigument
wheieby you think that the biith of uou can be unueistoou by cainal minus, anu fancy that
the mysteiy of Bis Najesty can be accounteu foi human ieasoning, we will, if uou peimits,
say something latei on. In the meanwhile we will now piove by Bivine testimonies that
Chiist is uou, anu that Naiy is the Nothei of uou.
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*#+7B" 8C7%'+ Q9?@@ !ST: uou says 'Naiy's Son is Ny only Son.' Thus Naiy is the Nothei
of uou.

V&%" 5#H6B" Q9?EK !ST: It cannot be uenieu that uou in choosing anu uestining Naiy to be
the Nothei of Bis Son, gianteu hei the highest honoi.... Elizabeth calleu Naiy Nothei of the
Loiu, because the unity of the peison in the two natuies of Chiist was such that she coulu
have that the moital man engenueieu in the womb of Naiy was at the same time the eteinal
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555 ><?: Calleu in the uospels "the Nothei of }esus", Naiy is acclaimeu by Elizabeth, at the
piompting of the Spiiit anu even befoie the biith of hei son, as "the mothei of my Loiu". In
fact, the 0ne whom she conceiveu as man by the Boly Spiiit, who tiuly became hei Son
accoiuing to the flesh, was none othei than the Fathei's eteinal Son, the seconu peison of
the Boly Tiinity. Bence the Chuich confesses that Naiy is tiuly "Nothei of uou", oi

@P *#+,L W'+$'7C#H XB+DB"

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Biu }esus have siblings. Nost Piotestants say Be uiu!
*7 9;:??=?E Is not this the caipentei's son. Is not his mothei calleu Naiy. Anu aie not his
biotheis }ames anu }oseph anu Simon anu }uuas. Anu aie not all his sisteis with us.
U#H 9:9A=9< Then aftei thiee yeais I went up to }eiusalem to visit Cephas, anu iemaineu
with him fifteen uays. But I saw none of the othei apostles except }ames the Loiu's biothei.

Naiy was a viigin fiom the stait.
80 9:;> Anu Naiy saiu to the angel, "Bow shall this be, since I have no husbanu."

At the age of twelve, }esus was piobably still the only son of Naiy (anothei chilu was not
80 @:;<=?9 Anu when they hau peifoimeu eveiything accoiuing to the law of the Loiu, they
ietuineu into ualilee, to theii own city, Nazaieth. Anu the chilu giew anu became stiong,
filleu with wisuom; anu the favoi of uou was upon him.
Now his paients went to }eiusalem eveiy yeai at the feast of the Passovei. Anu when he was
twelve yeais olu, they went up accoiuing to custom; anu when the feast was enueu, as they
weie ietuining, the boy }esus stayeu behinu in }eiusalem. Bis paients uiu not know it, but
supposing him to be in the company they went a uay's jouiney, anu they sought him among
theii kinsfolk anu acquaintances; anu when they uiu not finu him, they ietuineu to
}eiusalem, seeking him.
Aftei thiee uays they founu him in the temple, sitting among the teacheis, listening to them
anu asking them questions; all who heaiu him weie amazeu at his unueistanuing anu his
answeis. Anu when they saw him they weie astonisheu; anu his mothei saiu to him, "Son,
why have you tieateu us so. Beholu, youi fathei anu I have been looking foi you anxiously."
Anu he saiu to them, "Bow is it that you sought me. Biu you not know that I must be in my
Fathei's house." Anu they uiu not unueistanu the saying which he spoke to them. Anu he
went uown with them anu came to Nazaieth, anu was obeuient to them; anu his mothei
kept all these things in hei heait.
Anu }esus incieaseu in wisuom anu in statuie, anu in favoi with uou anu man.

The townspeople iefeiieu to }esus not as "a" son of Naiy.
*0 E:; Is not this the caipentei, the son of Naiy anu biothei of }ames anu }oses anu }uuas
anu Simon, anu aie not his sisteis heie with us.

At the ciucifixion, Naiy the mothei of }ames anu }oseph weie piesent.
*7 @N:??=?E Theie weie also many women theie, looking on fiom afai, who hau followeu
}esus fiom ualilee, ministeiing to him; among whom weie Naiy Nagualene, anu Naiy the
mothei of }ames anu }oseph, anu the mothei of the sons of Zebeuee.

But in a paiallel veise in }ohn, we finu that this Naiy was the wife of Clopas - not }oseph.
V" 9<:@? But stanuing by the cioss of }esus weie his mothei, anu his mothei's sistei, Naiy
the wife of Clopas, anu Naiy Nagualene.

In the King }ames veision, Abiam anu Lot weie biotheis.

U'" 9>:9E Anu he biought back all the goous, anu also biought again his biothei Lot, anu
his goous, anu the women also, anu the people. (K}v)

But, Lot was Abiam's nephew, not biothei.
U'" 99:@N Now these aie the uescenuants of Teiah. Teiah was the fathei of Abiam, Nahoi,
anu Baian; anu Baian was the fathei of Lot. (RSv)

Because of theii ioot uieek woius, "kinsman" (oi "cousins") anu "biothei" can be
inteichangeable.meaning meiely "bloou ielatives".
U'" 9>:9E Then he biought back all the goous, anu also biought back his kinsman Lot with
his goous, anu the women anu the people. (RSv)

}esus entiusteu Naiy to }ohn, insteau of a youngei sibling - this nevei woulu have happeneu
in }ewish cultuie if Naiy hau othei sons.
V" 9<:@E=@N When }esus saw his mothei, anu the uisciple whom he loveu stanuing neai, he
saiu to his mothei, "Woman, beholu, youi son!" Then he saiu to the uisciple, "Beholu, youi
mothei!" Anu fiom that houi the uisciple took hei to his own home.

}esus' actual youngei biotheis auvising like elueis. It was unthinkable foi youngei siblings
to tell the fiist-boin son what to uo in }ewish cultuie.
V" N:;=> So his biotheis saiu to him, "Leave heie anu go to }uuea, that youi uisciples may
see the woiks you aie uoing. Foi no man woiks in seciet if he seeks to be known openly. If
you uo these things, show youiself to the woilu."

7" N&"O 7"# I%3 PQ&328R

Boes "until" mean they eventually hau maiital ielations. Again, Piotestants tell us it uoes.
*7 9:@>=@? When }oseph woke fiom sleep, he uiu as the angel of the Loiu commanueu him;
he took his wife, but knew hei not until she hau boine a son; anu he calleu his name }esus.

Will Be not be with us aftei the close of the age.
*7 @A:9<=@K uo theiefoie anu make uisciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Fathei anu of the Son anu of the Boly Spiiit, teaching them to obseive all that I have
commanueu you; anu lo, I am with you always, to (until) the close of the age.

Biu Paul auvise not to ieau, pieach oi teach anymoie aftei he comes.
9 /BG >:9; Till I come, attenu to the public ieauing of sciiptuie, to pieaching, to teaching.

Will Be not ieign aftei he has uefeateu Bis enemies.
9 5&+ 9?:@? Foi he must ieign until he has put all his enemies unuei his feet.

Was }ohn the Baptist no longei in the wilueiness aftei the uay of his manifestation.
80 9:AK Anu the chilu giew anu became stiong in spiiit, anu he was in the wilueiness till
(until) the uay of his manifestation to Isiael.

This holus tiue foi the opposite as well.uoes this veise imply that Nichal hau chiluien aftei
hei ueath..
@ M#G E:@; Anu Nichal the uaughtei of Saul hau no chilu to (until) the uay of hei ueath.

S-#4M: E2#:3TU%#& !%&

}esus is the fiist-boin of Naiy (so she must have hau otheis.).
80 @:N Anu she gave biith to hei fiist-boin son anu wiappeu him in swauuling cloths, anu
laiu him in a mangei, because theie was no place foi them in the inn.

Then, this veise implies that uou hau a 2nu oi Siu-boin.
5&H 9:9? Be is the image of the invisible uou, the fiist-boin of all cieation.

Fiist-boin is a state of honoi oi pie-eminence among chiluien (even if theie is one chilu).
IJ 9;:@ Conseciate to me all the fiist-boin; whatevei is the fiist to open the womb among
the people of Isiael, both of man anu of beast, is mine.
3CG ;:9@=9; Beholu, I have taken the Levites fiom among the people of Isiael insteau of
eveiy fiist-boin that opens the womb among the people of Isiael. The Levites shall be mine,
foi all the fiist-boin aie mine; on the uay that I slew all the fiist-boin in the lanu of Egypt, I
conseciateu foi my own all the fiist-boin in Isiael, both of man anu of beast; they shall be
mine: I am the L0RB.
IJ ;>:@K All the fiist-boin of youi sons you shall ieueem. Anu none shall appeai befoie me

@V"62"8M: W#%B<"14

In the 0lu Testament Ezekial piophesieu about Naiy's peipetual viiginity.
IY'0 >>:@ This gate shall iemain shut; it shall not be openeu, anu no one shall entei by it;
foi the L0RB, the uou of Isiael, has enteieu by it; theiefoie it shall iemain shut.

!"#$ /0) 10."(0 !'-0)"2

M7P !CDC.7B"' &2 ZB$$& Q>K9 !ST: What means this closeu gate in the Bouse of the Loiu,
except that Naiy is to be evei inviolate. What uoes it mean that 'no man shall pass thiough
it,' save that }oseph shall not know hei. Anu what is this - 'The Loiu alone enteis in anu
goeth out by it' - except that the Boly uhost shall impiegnate hei, anu that the Loiu of angels
shall be boin of hei. Anu what means this - 'it shall be shut foi eveimoie' - but that Naiy is
a viigin befoie Bis Biith, a viigin in Bis Biith, anu a viigin aftei Bis Biith."
C& 7%84 X2#H2&234

M7P 5,+BH &2 !H'J#"F+B# QRP >;K !ST: Some aigue that if he weie biought foith in the flesh,
the viigin was coiiupteu. If she weie not coiiupteu, then he was biought foith only in
appeaiance. We ieply, "the Loiu, the uou of Isiael, has enteieu in anu gone out, anu the gate
iemains closeu." If, moieovei, the Woiu was maue flesh without sexual inteicouise, being
conceiveu altogethei without seeu, then he was boin without injuiy to hei viiginity.
,%$$"&3-#4 %& 506"* 7%$284 9

M7P V'+&G' QBP ;N?=>@K !ST: Boly Naiy, blesseu Naiy, mothei anu viigin, viigin befoie
giving biith, viigin aftei giving biith! I, foi my pait, maivel how a viigin is boin of a viigin,
anu how, aftei the biith of a viigin, the mothei is a viigin. Woulu you like to know how he is
boin of a viigin anu, aftei his nativity, the mothei is still a viigin. "The uoois weie closeu,
anu }esus enteieu." Theie is no question about that. Be who enteieu thiough the closeu
uoois was neithei a ghost noi a spiiit. Be was a ieal man with a ieal bouy. Fuitheimoie,
what uoes he say." Touch me anu see. Foi a spiiit uoes not have flesh anu bones, as you see

I have." Be hau flesh anu bones, anu the uoois weie closeu. Bow uo flesh anu bones entei
thiough closeu uoois. The uoois aie closeu, anu he enteis, whom we uo not see enteiing.
Whence has he enteieu. Eveiything is closeu up. Theie is no place thiough which he may
entei. Neveitheless he who has enteieu is within, anu how he enteieu is not eviuent. You uo
not know how his entiance was accomplisheu, anu you attiibute it to the powei of uou.
Attiibute to the powei of uou, then, that he was boin of a viigin anu the viigin heiself aftei
biinging foith was a viigin still.
7%$284 K>

M7P V&%" 5%+,.&.7CG Q;NK !ST: Anu when }oseph hau taken hei, "he hau no ielations with
hei until she hau boine a son." Natthew has heie useu the woiu until not that you shoulu
suspect that afteiwaiu }oseph uiu know hei but to infoim you that befoie the biith the
viigin was wholly untoucheu by man. But why then, it may be saiu, has he useu the woiu
until. Because it is common in Sciiptuie that this expiession is useu without iefeience to
specific, limiteu times.
?<" Y%:B"8 %. S-33<"O* 7%$284 +* =

M7P 5%+&G#7BC. &2 ![CBH'B# QBP ;N?=>KK !ST: But conceining what the Evangelist saiu,
"Anu he uiu not know hei till she hau boine hei fiist-boin son," not a few caieless people
insist on asking whethei aftei the Loiu's biith the holy Nothei Naiy hau ielations with
}oseph. But this is not aumissible on the giounus of eithei faith oi tiuth. Fai be it inueeu
that aftei the saciament of so gieat a mysteiy anu aftei the biith of the sublime Loiu, one
shoulu believe that the viigin Naiy was intimate with a man. Remembei that Niiiam the
piophetess of the 0lu Testament (the sistei of Noses anu Aaion) iemaineu a viigin
unsullieu by man, having behelu the light of heavenly signs aftei the plagues of Egypt anu
the paiting of the Reu Sea anu the Loiu's gloiy going in auvance anu seen in a pillai of fiie
anu clouus. It is not plausible theiefoie that the Naiy of the uospel, a viigin beaiing uou,
who behelu uou's gloiy not in a clouu but was woithy of caiiying him in hei viiginal womb,
hau ielations with a man. Noah, who was maue woithy to conveise with uou, ueclaieu that
he woulu abstain fiom the conjugal neeu. Noses, aftei heaiing uou calling him fiom the
bush, abstaineu fiom conjugal ielations. Now aie we to believe that }oseph, the man who
always uiu what was iight, hau ielations with holy Naiy aftei the biith of the Loiu.
?#-13-3" %& S-33<"O =* 9

M7P !CDC.7B"' &2 ZB$$& Q>K9 !ST: Thus Chiist by being boin of a viigin, who, befoie she
knew Who was to be boin of hei, hau ueteimineu to continue a viigin, chose iathei to
appiove, than to commanu holy viiginity. Anu thus, even in the female heiself, in whom Be
took the foim of a seivant, Be willeu that viiginity shoulu be fiee.
C& 7%84 X2#H2&234 (* (

M7P V'+&G' QRP ;A; !ST: You say that Naiy uiu not continue a viigin: I claim still moie, that
}oseph himself on account of Naiy, was a viigin, so that fiom a viigin weulock a viigin son
was boin.
?<" W"#B"30-8 X2#H2&234 %. G8"::"D S-#4 )9

M7P !CDC.7B"' &2 ZB$$& QBP ;<9=>;K !ST: A viigin conceiving, a viigin beaiing, a viigin
piegnant, a viigin biinging foith, a viigin peipetual.
!"#$%&: 9KZ* 9* 9

!"#$ /0) 3)4#"$)"2

*#+7B" 8C7%'+ Q9?;K !ST: Chiist was the only Son of Naiy, anu the viigin boie no moie
chiluien besiues Bim.... I am inclineu to agiee with those who ueclaie 'biotheis' ieally
means 'cousins' heie, anu Boly Wiit anu the }ews have always calleu cousins biotheis.
Chiist, oui Savioi, was the ieal anu natuial fiuit of Naiy's viiginal womb..., this was without
the coopeiation of a man, anu she iemaineu a viigin aftei that.
!"#$%&: %& 3<" Y%:B"8 %. L%<& 9* )=

V&%" 5#H6B" Q9?EK !ST: Theie have been ceitain folk who have wisheu to suggest fiom
this passage |Nt 1:2Sj that the viigin Naiy hau othei chiluien than the Son of uou, anu that
}oseph hau then uwelt with hei latei; but what folly this is! Foi the gospel wiitei uiu not
wish to iecoiu what happeneu afteiwaius; he simply wisheu to make cleai }oseph's
obeuience anu to show also that }oseph hau been well anu tiuly assuieu that it was uou who
hau sent Bis angel to Naiy. Be hau theiefoie nevei uwelt with hei noi hau he shaieu hei
company.... Anu besiues this, oui Loiu }esus Chiist is calleu the fiist-boin. This is not
because theie was a seconu oi a thiiu, but because the gospel wiitei is paying iegaiu to
pieceuence. Sciiptuie speaks thus of naming the fiist-boin whethei oi not theie was any
question of the seconu.
!"#$%& %& S-33<"O

\H+BR% ]4B"DHB Q9?EK !ST: I fiimly believe that Naiy, accoiuing to the woius of the gospel
as a puie viigin biought foith foi us the Son of uou anu in chilubiith anu aftei chilubiith
foievei iemaineu a puie, intact viigin.
,%#B0: J".%#$-3%#0$ 9* BH ()(

!"#$ -0) 1'-)(0+2$ ")5'"*+65 78'"9>2 ?)",)-.'@ A+"5+6+-9<=

555 ><<: The ueepening of faith in the viiginal motheihoou leu the Chuich to confess
Naiy's ieal anu peipetual viiginity even in the act of giving biith to the Son of uou maue
man. In fact, Chiist's biith "uiu not uiminish his mothei's viiginal integiity but sanctifieu it."
Anu so the lituigy of the Chuich celebiates Naiy as Aeipaithenos, the "Evei-viigin."

555 ?KK: Against this uoctiine the objection is sometimes iaiseu that the Bible mentions
biotheis anu sisteis of }esus. The Chuich has always unueistoou these passages as not
iefeiiing to othei chiluien of the viigin Naiy. In fact }ames anu }oseph, "biotheis of }esus,"
aie the sons of anothei Naiy, a uisciple of Chiist, whom St. Natthew significantly calls "the
othei Naiy." They aie close ielations of }esus, accoiuing to an 0lu Testament expiession.

;P *#+,L Z'+ -GG#RCH#7' 5&"R'$7B&"

!"#$ &'(")* &("+,-.")

Biu Naiy sin. Beie's why oui sepaiateu biotheis anu sisteis think so.
O&G ;:@@=@? Foi theie is no uistinction; since all have sinneu anu fall shoit of the gloiy of
uou, they aie justifieu by his giace as a gift, thiough the ieuemption which is in Chiist }esus,
whom uou put foiwaiu as an expiation by his bloou, to be ieceiveu by faith.

She aumits that she neeueu a savioi (so she must be a sinnei.).
80 9:>E=>A Anu Naiy saiu, "Ny soul magnifies the Loiu, anu my spiiit iejoices in uou my
Savioi, foi he has iegaiueu the low estate of his hanumaiuen.

But, uabiiel pioclaims that she is F0LL of giace (uieek kechaiitomene - moie accuiate
tianslation: giaceu.past tense), so theie is no place foi sin.
80 9:@A Anu he came to hei anu saiu, "Bail, full of giace, the Loiu is with you!"
80 9:;K Anu the angel saiu to hei, "Bo not be afiaiu, Naiy, foi you have founu favoi with

Ceitainly uou can accomplish this.
80 9:;N Foi with uou nothing will be impossible.

uou pieseiveu hei fiom sin, acting as a savioi in the piocess of pieseivation.
U'" ;:9? I will put enmity between you |Satanj anu the woman |Naiyj, anu between youi
seeu |sinj anu hei seeu |}esusj; he shall biuise youi heau, anu you shall biuise his heel.

Naiy is the puie Aik of the New Covenant, the 0lu Testament Aik was maue of puie golu.
IJ @?:A=99 Anu let them make me a sanctuaiy, that I may uwell in theii miust. Accoiuing to
all that I show you conceining the pattein of the tabeinacle, anu of all its fuinituie, so you
shall make it. They shall make an aik of acacia woou; two cubits anu a half shall be its
length, a cubit anu a half its bieauth, anu a cubit anu a half its height. Anu you shall oveilay
it with puie golu, within anu without shall you oveilay it, anu you shall make upon it a
moluing of golu iounu about.

!"#$ /0) 10."(0 !'-0)"2

M7P I$%+#BG 7%' M,+B#" QRP ;NK !ST: Tiuly you, Loiu, anu youi mothei aie the only ones
who aie beautiful, completely so in eveiy iespect; foi, Loiu, theie is no spot in you, noi any
spot at all in youi mothei. Even my babes aie haiuly similai to these two pulchiituues!
I2:2U"&" 74$&: )>* K

M7P !G^+&.' &2 *BH#" QBP ;AN=;AA !ST: Come, then, anu seaich out Youi sheep, not
thiough Youi seivants oi hiieu men, but uo it Youiself. Lift me up bouily anu in the flesh,
which is fallen in Auam. Lift me up not fiom Saia but fiom Naiy, a viigin not only unuefileu
but a viigin whom giace has maue inviolate, fiee of eveiy stain of sin.
,%$$"&3-#2": %& 3<" W:-8$: 99K* ))* =[

M7P !CDC.7B"' &2 ZB$$& Q>9? !ST: We must except the holy viigin Naiy, conceining whom
I wish to iaise no question when it touches the subject of sins, out of honoi to the Loiu; foi
fiom Bim we know what abunuance of giace foi oveicoming sin in eveiy paiticulai was

confeiieu upon hei who hau the meiit to conceive anu beai Bim who unuoubteuly hau no
C& I-30#" -&D Y#-1" =Z* ()

M7P !"F+'4 &2 5+'7' Q#P N>K !ST: Touay, 0 Savioi, you have given pious Anne fiuitful
offspiing of hei womb, Youi Immaculate Nothei! 0 viigin unuefileu, unuefileu is youi
,-&%& %& 3<" I-32F234 %. 3<" G8"::"D X2#H2& S%3<"#* CD": ( -&D +

M7P U'+G#B" - &2 5&".7#"7B"&$H' QRP NKK !ST: Let ueath pass you by, u Nothei of uou,
because have biought life to men. Let the tomb pass you by, because you have because you
have been maue the founuation stone of inexplicable sublimity. Let uust pass you by; foi
you aie a new kinu of foimation, so that you may be mistiess ovei those Who have been
coiiupteu in the veiy stuff of theii pottei's clay. . . . Painful though it be foi the soul to be
uiawn away fiom the bouy. u Nost Immaculate Lauy, it is fai moie painful to be uepiiveu of
!"1%&D !"#$%& %& 3<" \%#$232%& %. 3<" G8"::"D X2#H2& S-#4

M7P /%'&$%#"'. &2 3BR#'# QRP NN? !ST: |The angel uabiiel saiu,j "I am sent as uou's
messengei to uisclose the uivine will to you. Why aie you afiaiu of me, unuefileu one. I
iathei am afiaiu of you! Why uo you stanu in awe of me, u lauy, who stanu in ieveient awe
of you!"
,-&%& %. /&&0&12-32%&

!"#$ /0) 3)4#"$)"2

*#+7B" 8C7%'+ Q9?;K !ST: It is a sweet anu pious belief that the infusion of Naiy's soul
was effecteu without oiiginal sin; so that in the veiy infusion of hei soul she was also
puiifieu fiom oiiginal sin anu auoineu with uou's gifts, ieceiving a puie soul infuseu by uou.
Thus fiom the fiist moment she began to live she was fiee fiom all sin.
C& 3<" \-4 %. 3<" ,%&1"B32%& %. 3<" S%3<"# %. Y%D* !"#$%&: %& 3<" Y%:B"8 %. L%<& ))

!"#$ -0) 1'-)(0+2$ ")5'"*+65 78'"9>2 B$$'(.@'-) 1#6(),-+#6<=

555 ><K: To become the mothei of the Savioi, Naiy "was eniicheu by uou with gifts
appiopiiate to such a iole." The angel uabiiel at the moment of the annunciation salutes hei
as "full of giace." In fact, in oiuei foi Naiy to be able to give the fiee assent of hei faith to
the announcement of hei vocation, it was necessaiy that she be wholly boine by uou's

555 ><9: Thiough the centuiies the Chuich has become evei moie awaie that Naiy, "full of
giace" thiough uou, was ieueemeu fiom the moment of hei conception. That is what the
uogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX pioclaimeu in 18S4: The
most Blesseu viigin Naiy was, fiom the fiist moment of hei conception, by a singulai giace
anu piivilege of almighty uou anu by viitue of the meiits of }esus Chiist, Savioi of the
human iace, pieseiveu immune fiom all stain of oiiginal sin.

>P *#+,L Z'+ UH&+B&C. !..CG$7B&"

!"#$ &'(")* &("+,-.")

Naiy was not the fiist to be assumeu, noi the last. 0theis befoie Naiy weie taken bouily to
heaven - like Enoch.
U'" ?:@;=@> Thus all the uays of Enoch weie thiee hunuieu anu sixty-five yeais. Enoch
walkeu with uou; anu he was not, foi uou took him.
Z'^ 99:? By faith Enoch was taken up so that he shoulu not see ueath; anu he was not
founu, because uou hau taken him. Now befoie he was taken he was attesteu as having
pleaseu uou.

Elijah was assumeu into heaven in a fieiy chaiiot.
@ _D. @:99=9@ Anu as they still went on anu talkeu, beholu, a chaiiot of fiie anu hoises of
fiie sepaiateu the two of them. Anu Elijah went up by a whiilwinu into heaven. Anu Elisha
saw it anu he ciieu, "Ny fathei, my fathei! the chaiiots of Isiael anu its hoisemen!" Anu he
saw him no moie.

At }esus' ueath, many saints weie iaiseu fiom theii tombs anu appeaieu to many.
*7 @N:?9=?; Anu beholu, the cuitain of the temple was toin in two, fiom top to bottom; anu
the eaith shook, anu the iocks weie split; the tombs also weie openeu, anu many bouies of
the saints who hau fallen asleep weie iaiseu, anu coming out of the tombs aftei his
iesuiiection they went into the holy city anu appeaieu to many.

If the Loiu ietuins befoie we aie ueau, we too will be bouily assumeu.
9 /%'.. >:9E=9N Foi the Loiu himself will uescenu fiom heaven with a ciy of commanu,
with the aichangel's call, anu with the sounu of the tiumpet of uou. Anu the ueau in Chiist
will iise fiist; then we who aie alive, who aie left, shall be caught up togethei with them in
the clouus to meet the Loiu in the aii; anu so we shall always be with the Loiu.
9 5&+ 9?:?9=?@ Lo! I tell you a mysteiy. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changeu,
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last tiumpet. Foi the tiumpet will sounu, anu
the ueau will be iaiseu impeiishable, anu we shall be changeu.

Since Naiy was without sin anu in a state of extieme giace, hei bouy might veiy well have
been pieseiveu fiom ueath.
O&G E:@; Foi the wages of sin is ueath, but the fiee gift of uou is eteinal life in Chiist }esus
oui Loiu.

She was assumeu into heaven anu appeaieu as the Aik of the New Covenant, anu ciowneu
queen of heaven.
O'6 99:9<=9@:@ Then uou's temple in heaven was openeu, anu the aik of his covenant was
seen within his temple; anu theie weie flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunuei, an
eaithquake, anu heavy hail. Anu a gieat poitent appeaieu in heaven, a woman clotheu with
the sun, with the moon unuei hei feet, anu on hei heau a ciown of twelve stais; she was
with chilu anu she ciieu out in hei pangs of biith, in anguish foi ueliveiy.


!"#$ /0) 10."(0 !'-0)"2

M7P U+'D&+, &2 /&C+. QBP ?N?=?<; !ST: The couise of this life having been completeu by
Blesseu Naiy, when now she woulu be calleu fiom this woilu, all the apostles came togethei
fiom theii vaiious iegions to hei house. Anu when they hau heaiu that she was about to be
taken fiom the woilu, they kept watch togethei with hei. Anu beholu, the Loiu }esus came
with his angels, anu taking hei soul, Be gave it ovei to the Angel Nichael anu withuiew. At
uaybieak, howevei, the apostles took up hei bouy on a biei anu placeu it in a tomb; anu
they guaiueu it, expecting the Loiu to come. Anu beholu, again the Loiu stoou by them; anu
the holy bouy having been ieceiveu, Be commanueu that it be taken in a clouu into paiauise;
wheie now, iejoineu to the soul, Naiy iejoices with the Loiu's chosen ones, anu is in the
enjoyment of the goou of an eteinity that will nevei enu.
@2H<3 G%%6: %. S2#-18": 9* (

M7P U'+G#B" - &2 5&".7#"7B"&$H' QRP NKK !ST: Let ueath pass you by, u Nothei of uou,
because have biought life to men. Let the tomb pass you by, because you have because you
have been maue the founuation stone of inexplicable sublimity. Let uust pass you by; foi
you aie a new kinu of foimation, so that you may be mistiess ovei those Who have been
coiiupteu in the veiy stuff of theii pottei's clay. . . . Painful though it be foi the soul to be
uiawn away fiom the bouy. u Nost Immaculate Lauy, it is fai moie painful to be uepiiveu of
!"1%&D !"#$%& %& 3<" \%#$232%& %. 3<" G8"::"D X2#H2& S-#4

M7P V&%" &2 S#G#.RC. QN@? !ST: (Quoting fiom the Euthymian Bistoiy, Book S Chaptei 2u)
'The apostles weie piesent theie when Thomas, the only one who hau been absent aiiiveu
aftei the thiiu uay; since he wanteu to woiship the bouy that hau been the tabeinacle of
uou, they openeu the coffin. Anu they weie unable anywheie to finu hei most lauueu bouy.
When they founu only heie giave wiappings theie, anu the inuesciibable peifume which
was boine aloft fiom them, they sealeu the coffin. Stiuck by the wonuei of the mysteiy they
coulu think that Be who hau been pleaseu to become incainate fiom hei in Bis own Peison
anu to become Nan anu to be boin in the flesh, uou the Woiu, the Loiu of uloiy, who
pieseiveu hei viiginity intact aftei hei paituiition; Be was pleaseu even aftei hei uepaituie
fiom life to honoi hei immaculate anu unuefileu bouy with incoiiuption anu with
tianslation piioi to the common anu univeisal iesuiiection.'
!"1%&D 7%$284 %& 3<" \%#$232%& %. S-#4 9[* 9K

!"#$ -0) 1'-)(0+2$ ")5'"*+65 78'"9>2 C22.$,-+#6<=

555 <EE: "Finally the Immaculate viigin, pieseiveu fiee fiom all stain of oiiginal sin, when
the couise of hei eaithly life was finisheu, was taken up bouy anu soul into heavenly gloiy,
anu exalteu by the Loiu as Queen ovei all things, so that she might be the moie fully
confoimeu to hei Son, the Loiu of loius anu conqueioi of sin anu ueath." The Assumption of
the Blesseu viigin is a singulai paiticipation in hei Son's Resuiiection anu an anticipation
of the iesuiiection of othei Chiistians: "In giving biith you kept youi viiginity; in youi
Boimition you uiu not leave the woilu, 0 Nothei of uou, but weie joineu to the souice of
Life. You conceiveu the living uou anu, by youi piayeis, will uelivei oui souls fiom ueath."

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