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S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship 1

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Ratios of Nen - Women in Chuiches
Nen : Women
41 : 76
S : 16
1S : 12

What uoes it mean to be a man. <-1 ;(=-6 #;#6 $(;#"#- -6 9(6#6#-6 '('(:#>

?(;# -6 #;( "Bis woik, his hobbies, his enteitainment, his follies, his auuictions,
eveiything he uoes, is uesigneu to piove to the woilu he is a man."

This belief uemanus that "he avoiu anything that might call his manhoou into

Why Aie Nen Not In Chuich. @(:#. :(4-.# '(-6 (-6 ,6( '('(:# $( $#,;("(->

Nany intentionally ieject the Chiistian faith
Some men aie piouu & want to be theii own gou
Nen hate to aumit weakness oi neeuiness
Nillions aie captive to sin, unbelief & othei ieligions that iule out
commitment to Chiist
Nen get uistiacteu by the conceins of the woilu & lose inteiest in spiiitual
Nen suffei abuse at the hanus of chuich people & fall away.
Note that the same things aie tiue foi women but they aie still attenuing chuich!
Boes this mean that chuich is somehow bettei equippeu to hanule the neeus of
women iathei than men.

S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship 2
742/89(:. (+ ,2.; 72)-2+ -. <(9; ='4-*>-/.; /.9 ='?4&' #>>2.9/.&2

,2. @ A2)-5-(. #4(?.9 >'2 B(4)9

Buuuhism, }uuaism, Binuuism have almost equal numbeis.
Islam may have moie men
0nly Chiistianity has fewei men than women.

The majoi iesouice foi this pait of the class
is Baviu Nuiiow, A"7 B*- C(.* D1#-6 .1
3"4/&" (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc.,
2uuS). Nost

S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship S

S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship 4

#**-5.62.>C B'-&' *2> D2*> 92*&4-D2* E2*?* @ F-* G())(:24*H
I2+> !2>
Pioving 0neself
Self Sufficiency
A-5'> !2>
Loving Coopeiation
Peisonal Expiession

34/-*2 @ B(4*'-1 !(.5 IJ4-&* >'/> 9(.K> /112/) >( 62.

"Bolu me close, Let youi love suiiounu me. Biing me neai, uiaw me to youi siue."
"I'm uespeiate foi you, I'm lost without you."
"Let me woius be few, }esus I am so in love with you."
"You'ie altogethei lovely . altogethei wonueiful to me."
"0h Loiu, You'ie beautiful. Youi face is all I seek."
"You aie beautiful, my sweet, sweet song."
S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship S
LM N?2*>-(.* #)) ,2. #*8

1. What is tiue manliness.
2. What is success. The ieal bottom line of life.
S. Bow uo I ueal with guilt feelings.
4. What is male sexuality. Is puiity possible foi the mouein man.
S. Bow can we nuituie family life.
6. What is Chiistian leaueiship. Bow is it uevelopeu.
7. What aie the basic uisciplines of the Chiistian man.
8. What ministiy skills neeu to be uevelopeu. Bow.
9. What is biblical business conuuct.
1u. What is integiity. Bow is it uevelopeu.

B-&829 34(D)26*

}effiey Conklin uefines wickeu pioblems in this way:

1. The pioblem isn't unueistoou until a solution is uevelopeu.
2. Theie aie seveial people with something at stake in how the pioblem is
S. The constiaints change ovei time.
4. The pioblem-solving piocess enus when the iesouices iun out.

Theie is no uefinitive statement of a wickeu pioblem. Each is an evolving set of
inteilocking issues anu constiaints. In most cases these issues anu constiaints aie
people-centiic. This makes wickeu pioblem solving a funuamentally social piocess."

!O,PLQMPML "1'2*-/.* R @ >'2 SPG()9 ,-.-*>4J (+ >'2 ='?4&'

!"#$ &'($$ )#'' *+(,#-* ."* EFG1'0 B#-#$./7 12 ."* 3"4/&" 2/1, H9"*$#(-$ IJ K 0*5*'19 (
."*1'167 12 ,('* 0#$&#9'*$"#9 #- ."* &"4/&"8

Ephesians 4:1-16
Be humble & gentle in eveiy way. Be patient with each othei & lovingly accept each
othei. Thiough the peace that ties you togethei, uo youi best to maintain the unity
that the Spiiit gives. Theie is one bouy & one Spiiit. In the same way you weie calleu
to shaie one hope. Theie is one Loiu, one faith, one baptism, one uou & Fathei of all,
who is ovei eveiything, thiough eveiything, & in eveiything.

uou's favoi has been given to each of us. It was measuieu out to us by Chiist who
gave it. . Be also gave |somej apostles, |somej piophets, |somej missionaiies, as
well as |somej pastois & teacheis as gifts to his chuich. Theii puipose is to piepaie
uou's people, to seive, & to builu up the bouy of Chiist. This is to continue until all of
us aie uniteu in oui faith & in oui knowleuge about uou's Son, until we become
matuie, until we measuie up to Chiist, who is the stanuaiu.

S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship 6
Then we will no longei be little chiluien, tosseu & caiiieu about by all kinus of
teachings that change like the winu. We will no longei be influenceu by people who
use cunning & clevei stiategies to leau us astiay. Insteau, as we lovingly speak the
tiuth, we will giow up completely in oui ielationship to Chiist, who is the heau. Be
makes the whole bouy fit togethei & unites it thiough the suppoit of eveiy joint. As
each & eveiy pait uoes its job, he makes the bouy giow so that it builus itself up in


S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship 7

S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship 8

"It's not that movements abolish the cleigy. Rathei they abolish the laity. Eveiyone
is oiuaineu & mobilizeu foi ministiy."

Nale Woik Cycle
1. Plan
2. Woik
S. Celebiate
4. Rest

Spiiitual Bisciplines
1. Reau youi Bible.
2. Piay.
S. uive.
4. uo to chuich.

Biscipleship is piobably the most misunueistoou woiu in the chuich touay. Beie's
simple uefinition: uiscipleship is people leauing each othei to matuiity in Chiist. As
the Bible says, it's one peison shaipening anothei. It's a banu of biotheis spuiiing
each othei on towaiu love & goou ueeus. It is the mouel left to us by }esus.

Steve Auuison, A"*- ."* &"4/&" 61*$ .1 ."* 016$ (Shapevine Tiaining Systems,
2uu9)J p S.
S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship 9
We cannot expect men to come to matuiity in Chiist in a classioom enviionment.
Although ieauing, stuuy, seimon, & classes can help, these acauemic exeicises
cannot penetiate to the hiuuen places in a man's heait.

But uiscipleship can, because it's teaching by example.
Chiist uiun't hanu out a stuuy guiue. Be uemonstiateu a life pleasing to uou. Bis
example, even moie than Bis woius, piouuceu 11 men who shook the woilu.
That is why a man who has sat in chuich foi Su yeais without much life change will
be suuuenly tiansfoimeu by going on a mission tiip. Nen aie changeu by what they
expeiience, not necessaiily by what they aie tolu.

#**-5.62.>C Bevelop a Nale Biscipleship Plan by answeiing the question: "Bow
can we biing the Chuich to men."

GTG$U B#U! $O ,#V" UOWA =FWA=F ,OA" #33"#ITX< $O ,"XC

G/1-. 011/ *+9*/#*-&*L
1. Naintain youi builuings anu giounus
2. Put men in the paiking lot
S. 0ne layei of gieeteis (uon't be too fiienuly)
4. Lots of signs so men uon't have to ask uiiections

A1/$"#9 seivice:
S. Keep the focus on uou - not the family
6. Ninimize ueau time between elements
7. Bo something unexpecteu
8. Auu humoi oi something fun
9. uoou lighting anu sounu so people can easily see anu heai

1u. Remove the "olu lauy" stuff: quilts, felt banneis, neeulepoint, etc.
11. Remove lace anu floweis fiom communion table.
12. Remove bulletin boaius anu "kinueigaiten classioom" collages fiom inteiioi
1S. Beciue if ieligious symbols in the sanctuaiy help oi hinuei
14. Colois: choose eaith tones anu colois of the fielu
uive men space:
1S. Bo not ask the congiegation to holu hanus
16. Bo not ask eveiyone to hug eveiyone else
17. Biscouiage "piayei mushiooms"

18. Keep pastoial piayeis shoit
19. Avoiu showy "piayei-speak" when piaying in chuich
2u. Avoiu "vain iepetitions" in public piayeis
S0N-16u Nen & Biscipleship 1u
21. 0ffei piayei aftei the seivice insteau of piayei-anu-shaie

22. Quality is vital. Bon't attempt moie than youi musicians can uelivei.
2S. Choose songs that convey iespect to uou
24. Avoiu wimpy "love songs to }esus"
2S. Avoiu moie than S iepeats of any choius
26. Select a key the baiitones can sing
27. Belp the woiship leauei "man-up"

< 9($.1/ )"1 /*'(.*$ )*'' .1 ,*- )#''L
28. Talk like a iegulai guy (avoiu "pieachei-speak")
29. Bo man stuff anu talk about it uuiing the message
Su. Choose metaphois anu stoiies men can ielate to
S1. Be fiim but giacious on theology anu moial issues
S2. Be juuicious about emotive uisplays

SS. Shoitei is almost always bettei. Say it anu be uone.
S4. Shaie peisonal stoiies of youi stiuggles as a man
SS. Avoiu feminine metaphois (such as "fall in love with }esus")
S6. Avoiu "pieachei-speak"
S7. Builu seimon aiounu gieat illustiations
S8. 0se visual aius
S9. 0se viueo clips to illustiate
4u. 0se an object lesson to illustiate
41. Call men foiwaiu foi a S-minute "men's huuule" at the enu of the seivice

C1-1/ ,*-=$ .#,*L
42. Stait anu enu the seivice on time
4S. If something goes long, cut something else on the fly
44. Foi seivices moie than 9u minutes, offei an inteimission oi an oppoitunity
to "get-up-anu-go" so men uon't feel tiappeu

?4-0(7 $&"11'L
4S. Buiy the name "Sunuay school"
46. Abanuon the classioom methou in favoi of a moie kinetic one
47. Place boys with male teacheis
48. Bon't ask boys to ieau alouu
49. 0se a boy-fiienuly cuiiiculum with hanus-on leaining
Su. 0se piofessionally piouuceu viueos to help teach spiiitual tiuths

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