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This couise is uesigneu as a bioau intiouuction to the people, histoiy,
ieligion, politics, cultuie, ait, music, anu cinema of Inuia - in shoit, to the !"#"$"%&'"()
of Inuia. Inuia is the laigest uemociacy in the woilu, an emeiging global economic
powei, anu home to the seconu laigest population in the woilu (at moie than one
billion, Inuians account foi almost 17% of the woilu's population) within its
boiueis. 0utsiue its boiueis lives a huge anu influential Inuian uiaspoiic population
(spieau acioss the 0.K., Noith Ameiica, the Caiibbean, anu Eastein anu Southein
Afiica) anu the cultuial influence of Inuian ait, music, cinema (Bollywoou), anu
spiiitual piactice continues to giow evei stiongei. Inuia has one of the longest
iecoiueu histoiies in the woilu, anu is also one of the most uiveise countiies in the
woilu, being home to substantial populations of Binuus, Nuslims, Chiistians, Sikhs,
anu }ains (among otheis) anu moie than 1,6uu languages anu uialects!
This couise theiefoie cannot hope to pioviue a compiehensive stuuy of all
things Inuian, but iathei is oiganizeu aiounu seveial of the most significant
thematic topics that aiguably foim the "coie" of Inuian civilization: Binuuism, Islam,
Paitition (also the Inuepenuence of both Inuia anu Pakistan fiom English
colonization), caste, genuei, anu class. In oiganizing these topics thematically, this
is a class that will not necessaiily move chionologically. Rathei, we will consiuei
these basic elements of Inuian civilization in moie compiehensive focus -
consiueiing each in a iange of tempoial anu histoiical contexts. We will iely on
liteiatuie anu film as oui piimaiy moues of entiy into this stuuy of civilization, but
also contextualize these ieauings with selections fiom histoiical, anthiopological,
anu sociological stuuies of vaiious aspects of Inuian society anu cultuie.

RK Naiayan, *+, .&/&0&)&
}ohn Stiatton Bawley anu Naik }uigensmeyei, 1()23 (4 '+, 1&")'3 (4 5)6"&
Suuhii Kakai anu Kathaiina Kakai, *+, 5)6"&)37 8(9'9&"' (4 & 8,(:$,
Bapsi Siuhwa, ;9&!<")2 5)6"&
Aiunuhati Roy, *+, =(6 (4 1/&$$ *+")23
Bama, >&9?/@1!&9?/ 1&&9 &)6 A'+,9 1'(9",3
Aiavinu Auiga, *+, B+"', *"2,9

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Week 0ne
}an. 1S welcome!
}an. 1S Intiouucing Inuia
- Niia Kamuai, Planet Inuia: ch. 1 "Life on Planet Inuia" (p. 1-2S) anu
"As uoes Inuia, So uoes the Woilu" (p. 281-286)
- Suuhii Kakai anu Kathaiina Kakai, The Inuians: "Intiouuction" anu
"The Bieiaichical Nan" (p. 1-24)

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Week Two
}an. 2u ;70 A@!B
- The .&/&0&)&C Chapteis 1-4
}an. 22 - Finish *+, .&/&0&)&

Week Thiee
}an. 27 - A.K. Ramanujan, "Thiee Bunuieu Ramayanas: Five Examples anu
Thiee Thoughts on Tianslation" (p.22-49) in Nany Ramayanas, eu. by
Paula Richman (0niveisity of Califoinia Piess, 1991)

}an. 29 Watch in class: .&/&0&)& Tv seiial episoue (1989)
- Philip Lutgenuoif (199u). "Ramayan: The viueo." *+, D9&/& .,#",E
S4, p. 127-176

Week Foui
Feb. S - Kakai anu Kakai: "Religious anu Spiiitual Life" (p. 1S4-1S1)
- Bawley anu }ueigensmeyei, 1()23 (4 '+, 1&")'3 (4 5)6"&7
Intiouuction - ch. S (p. S-9u)
Feb. S - Finish 1()23 (4 '+, 1&")'3 (4 5)6"&

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Week Five
Feb. 1u - Annemaiie Schimmel, F/:"9, (4 '+, =9,&' G?2+&$37 ch. 1 "Bistoiical
Intiouuction" anu "At Couit" (p. 21-81)
Feb. 12 - Annemaiie Schimmel, F/:"9, (4 '+, =9,&' G?2+&$3: ch. 8 "Languages
anu Liteiatuie" (p. 2S9-262)
- Amii Khusio, uhalib, etc. (ieauings TBA)
C).D 3($22")"8E !"#$%&'(')*%+ FGH 73)1I JKLMN

Week Six
Feb. 17 4"$/ 6"3!?33"()

Feb. 19 Re-imagining Akbai (watch in class: scenes fiom H(6+&& I<J&9, 2uu8)

Week Seven
Feb. 24 - 0ivashi Butalia, exceipt fiom The 0thei Siue of Silence (Buke
0niveisity Piess, 2uuu)
- Sa'auat Basan Nanto, "Toba Tek Singh"
- Bapsi Siuhwa, ;9&!<")2 5)6"& (ch. 1-6)
Feb. 26 - ;9&!<")2 5)6"& (ch. 7-19)

Week Eight
Naich S - finish ;9&!<")2 5)6"&
C).D <($22")"8E ,%-.$ F922:+ ;2=#+I JKKRN
Naich S 4"$/ 6"3!?33"()

Week Nine
Naich 1u - Aiunuhati Roy, *+, =(6 (4 1/&$$ *+")23 (ch. 1-4)
Naich 12 - *+, =(6 (4 1/&$$ *+")23 (c. S-11)

Week Ten
Naich 17 - Finish *+, =(6 (4 1/&$$ *+")23
Naich 19 - Kakai anu Kakai: "The Innei Expeiience of Caste" (p. 2S-4u)
- Bama, >&9?/ 1!&9?/ 1&&9 (entiie)

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Week Eleven
Naich S1 - Kakai anu Kakai: "Inuian Women: Tiauitional anu Nouein"
(p. 41-7u)
- uita Baiihaian, "The Remains of the Feast"
C).D <($22")"8E !012001 3(4451#
Apiil 2 4"$/ 6"3!?33"()

Week Twelve
Apiil 7 - Kakai anu Kakai: "Sexuality" (p. 71-1u6)
- The K&/& 1?'9& of vatsyayana (tians. Wenuy Bonigei with Suuhii
Kakai): "Intiouuction The Text" (p. xi-xxxix) anu othei exceipts TBA
Apiil 9 - Caila Petievich, B+,) G,) 1:,&< &3 B(/,)7 L(!&$ G&3M?,9&6, ")
5)6(@G?3$"/ 8(,'90: "Intiouuction" (p. 1-S2) anu "Rekhti Poems" (p.

Week Thiiteen
Apiil 14 - "'uo Suck Youi Busbanu's Sugaicane!' Bijias anu the 0se of Sexual
Insult" by Kiia Ball in Livia anu Ball (eus.) N?,,9$0 8+9&3,67 O&)2?&2,C
=,)6,9C &)6 1,P?&$"'0 (New Yoik: 0xfoiu 0niveisity Piess, 1997) p.
C).D <($22")"8E 65-(
Apiil 16 film discussion
- Ratna Kapur, Too Hot to Handle: The Cultural Politics of Fire.
Feminist Review 64 (Spring 2000) p. 53-64.

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Week Fouiteen
Apiil 21 - Euwaiu Luce, "ulobal anu Neuieval: Inuia's Schizophienic Economy"
in 5) 1:"', (4 '+, =(63 (p. 2S-62)
- Aiavinu Auiga, *+, B+"', *"2,9
Apiil 2S - *+, B+"', *"2,9

Week Fifteen
Apiil 28 - Finish *+, B+"', *"2,9
C).D <($22")"8E 7&"+40# !5&&501%5-(
Apiil Su 4"$/ 6"3!?33"()C E9&:@?:
- Kakai anu Kakai: "The Inuian Ninu" (p. 18u-2uS)

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