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Make Small Changes to Get Huge Results
The Path to True Love
(And Other Clichs Youre Tired of Hearing)
Bo you evei get the feeling you'ie walking thiough life expeiiencing the same things ovei anu
ovei again.
Baving the same conveisations, ieauing the same aiticles, heaiing 'expeits' give the same
auvice eveiy }anuaiy 1st:
"New Yeai, New You!"
"This Yeai, }ust Be 0pen, Wait Patiently, anu When The Time is Right, Be'll
"Love is a Nysteiy - If It's Wiitten in the Stais Foi You This 2u14, It's Bestineu
to Bappen"
Eesh, was that too many clichs to hanule in one go.
Actually, I agiee with that last one. The pait about love being a mysteiy, that is, not the othei
stuff about stais (What uoes "wiitten in the stais" mean anyway.)
It's best we make fiienus with the above clichs now, since they'ie likely to be ieguigitateu in
eveiy magazine, blog anu lifestyle aiticle fiom heie until the enu of the }anuaiy New Yeai's
Resolution season.
I iepeat these stock phiases to give us a flavoui of what usually passes off as uating auvice in
the mainstieam cultuie of bite size tips anu folk wisuom.
Not that I have a pioblem with !"#$!% bite size tips oi folk wisuom. I inuulge in both all the
time, as followeis of my woik will know.
Bowevei, I also have a peisonal iule to always avoiu any vacuous slogan that eithei:
(a) Fails to offei any actual wisuom oi conciete auvice,
2 - Natthew Bussey - 6 Shoitcuts to Tiue Love
(b) uives auvice that, if followeu, woulu actually leave us stuck in the same ioutines we
!"#$!%& iepeat yeai aftei yeai aftei yeai!
Let face it: is anyone's love life ieally suffeiing fiom the fact that they uon't "just be open anu
wait patiently" enough. Isn't that just anothei way of saying "Be exactly how you weie last
yeai anu maybe this time something uiffeient will happen."
Woulu we accept that kinu of piofessional auvice foi oui finances, oui health, oui fiienuships
oi oui family ielationships. What if a so-calleu 'expeit' maicheu in anu insisteu you "just be
open anu wait" about that bouy fat you hate seeing eveiy moining in the miiioi.
You'u iightly tell them they weie ciazy anu that they shoulu leave youi bathioom
immeuiately, anu you'u be uamn iight to uo it.
Let's be iiu of this stuff foi goou - let's be suspicious of anyone who says "just wait anu it will
happen" evei again about anything othei than olu age oi the inevitable iobot ievolution.
Because the tiuth is, foi most of us, waiting is just about the only thing we $&'! become
expeits at!
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Befoie we go any fuithei, let's be honest foi a seconu.
Bo you actually (!!) moie love life auvice.
Ny guess is you've ieau moie auvice than you even know what to uo with ovei the yeais.
You've heaiu Tv peisonalities, uating expeits, love guius, anu whatevei the hell I am (I've
been calleu all those things so take youi pick) go on anu on about a million uiffeient stiategies
foi changing youi love life.
Anu it gets confusing!
I feel paitly iesponsible foi this confusion. Anu it's all uown to a ciazy iesolution I maue
eailiei in 2u1S.
See, this yeai I maue it one of my essential missions to uelivei tons of value by iecoiuing anu
uploauing a YouTube viueo at least once a week. As you can imagine, this commitment foiceu
me to biing out moie anu moie fiesh content, auuiess moie nuanceu issues in uating anu
confiuence, anu geneially to put out a huge amount of mateiial into that alieauy vast ciowueu
ocean of the Inteinet.
The upsiue is: This keeps me cieative with my mateiial anu gives extia value to fans who can't
attenu one of my live events.
The uownsiue is: People stait to fall piey to oveiwhelm.
The human biain is not goou at uealing with too much infoimation. It's commonly assumeu
S - Natthew Bussey - 6 Shoitcuts to Tiue Love
that moie anu moie knowleuge is a goou thing. But if we tiy anu uo too many things at once,
oi take on too many new behaviouis in one go, oui emotions anu mental faculties 'check out,'
we get stuck, anu have no iuea what to uo next.
So I'm pait of the pioblem. Now I want to make things iight.
This New Yeai I want us to go back to basics.
Now, uon't confuse this by thinking that "back to basics" means we aie just going to sciatch
the suiface oi make supeificial changes.
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uoing back to basics means making things simple again.
uoing back to basic means uoing what woiks.
It means looking at all those changes that no one else thinks to make because they aie too
busy uealing with the supeificial suiface-level ciap, like what coloui nails aie best foi getting
him in the moou, oi what kinu of shoes aie likely to make him see you as moie than a fiienu.
So I've uistilleu this guiue to my top 6 Shoitcuts.
These aie the steps that I woulu offei eveiy single woman weie I tolu that aftei giving these 6
pieces of auvice I coulu nevei talk about uating again.
This isn't about spoon-feeuing you one magic line oi quick tips. This is about giving you the
tools to make the ueepei changes in both minuset anu behavioui that will allow you to make
colossal leaps in youi love life in as fast as the fiist Su uays of 2u14!
Shortcut #1:
Make Small Changes to
Get Huge Results
In eveiy aiea of life we want to woik on, theie aie piessuie points.
Kinky as this might sounu, all it means is that theie aie specific actions that, if taken, will
exploue oui iesults in that aiea.
But what is oui iesult in oui love lives.
We all have uiffeient iesults to aim foi in love. I'm not aiiogant enough to assume that all you
want to uo this yeai is finu the peifect man. You may be just looking to go on moie uates,
become moie attiactive to those men you cuiiently uate, oi you may just be looking to meet
moie goou men.
4 - Natthew Bussey - 6 Shoitcuts to Tiue Love
Tiuthfully, the ultimate iesult in this aiea is $&'"(6 .$2".!.
It's the feeling that you aie in contiol, having the powei to make whatevei iesult you aie
seeking happen, fiom wheievei you happen to be iight now.
0f couise, in oui love lives, we aie uealing with human beings, which biings up the tiicky
pioblem that ;.5$ !#$!; 9*"" <$ .=> .- .=# ?.4>#.".
The tiuth is, uespite what the hoioscopes might piomise, neithei you noi I noi anyone can
guaiantee that you'll finu the peifect peison this yeai.
So my aim is not to piomise you that. I piomise that if you follow my steps anu make some
small changes in the way you appioach youi love life, you will have:
! The option to choose who you want to meet, insteau of waiting foi Ni. Right to aiiive.
! You'll have an enjoyable, fulfilling uating life which will make you happy iegaiuless of
whethei oi not you immeuiately finu "the 0ne."
! You'll feel like you aie making piogiess, iaising youi stanuaius anu attiacting moie
exciting people into youi woilu as you become moie magnetic anu chaiismatic to those
aiounu you.
Bow will you know if you'ie making any piogiess in these aieas. )$?!=;$ &.=@"" :!8$ <$>>$#
A=!"*>& B#.<"$5;.
I'll say that again: C:$ 5$!;=#$ .- B#.+#$;; *4 &.=# ".8$ "*-$ *;4@> >:$ !<;$4?$ .-
B#.<"$5;D *>@; >:$ B#$;$4?$ .- <$>>$# A=!"*>& B#.<"$5;E
Let's use some examples to explain this.
Beie's one pioblem: * )2(+# 3!!# &(1 3!(.
Beie a bettei pioblem: * 3!!# 02#, 27 3!( 8/# )2(+# 9"() &(1 27 #$!3 &##%&.#"'!:&##%&.#!) #2 3!5
Beie's an even bettei pioblem: * 62 2( )&#!, ;"#$ 622) 6/1, 8/# #$!1 27#!( ;2(+# .&00 8&.<5
Anu heie's a gieat pioblem: =22 3&(1 6/1, <!!4 #%1"(6 #2 .&00 3! &() * )2(+# <(2; $2; #2 0!#
#$!3 )2;( 6!(#015
Anu finally: * $&'! %!0&#"2(,$"4, ;"#$ 622) 6/1, 8/# * ;&(# &( !>#%&2%)"(&%1 %!0&#"2(,$"45
Bon't woiiy about which of these is a pioblem foi you iight now. If you'ie at the bottom step
of that lauuei iight now i.e. * )2(+# 3!!# &(1 3!(, then some of those highei pioblems might
seem iiuiculous to complain. But heie's the thing: ?'!%12(! ,#%/660!, ;"#$ )"77!%!(# 4&%#, 27
#$", 4%2.!,,.
This is a humbling fact: Some women who aie amazing at meeting men anu get askeu out
eveiyuay uon't know the fiist thing about making a guy feel happy anu fulfilleu in a
ielationship. Equally, some women who woulu be wonueiful, caiing, sexy, amazing giilfiienus
S - Natthew Bussey - 6 Shoitcuts to Tiue Love
aie hopeless at cieating those initial spaiks of attiaction anu getting noticeu by guys in the
fiist place.
This isn't a game about who is fuithest on the lauuei. F8$#&.4$ :!; >:$*# .94 ;>#=++"$E
Always iemembei that if you aie tempteu to compaie youiself to otheis.
Even if you think you'ie miles away iight now, most of the time it only takes tiny 1% shifts in
behavioui to move you towaius wheie you want to be.
The impoitant question is: Which behavioui neeus to shift by 1%.
This vaiies uepenuing on which pait you stiuggle with iight now.
So, heie is touay's simple fiist step. Iuentify youi weakness.
Knowing oui weaknesses helps us tuin them into stiength - I'm a big believei in knowing
what we aie bau at, because it's usually these one oi two small aieas that aie holuing us back
fiom having ciazy levels of success.
If you know these "Piessuie Points", that is, the aieas that if changeu woulu change youi
entiie uating life, you can stait to focus youi attention on that pait of the piocess.
The pioblem with most uating auvice is that it feels like theie aie a thousanu things we have
to leain. It's like tiying to leain how to be an expeit in Kaiate by being given a list of all the
moves at once.
We neeu to chunk it uown anu make it ieally simple.
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>:.=;!4% ?:!4+$; >. :!8$ ;=??$;;E
Put it this way: Let's say you wanteu to lose 1u pounus fiom youi weight in the next six
It's tiue theie aie a thousanu things you coulu leain: like how many times to exeicise pei
week anu at what times of uay, what iatio of caiuio to stiength tiaining you shoulu unueitake,
when to eat piotein anu how many giams pei meal, which fats you can eat anu which you
shoulu avoiu, how many stomach ciunches to uo pei week, how many lities of watei to uiink
eveiy uay, which supplements anu vitamins you can auu to youi uiet to aiu uigestion.the
infoimation is eveiywheie anu it can take 6 months to ieau all the competing anu
contiauictoiy mateiial to come to an infoimeu conclusion.
But uo you ieally neeu all of this to figuie out a stiategy foi losing 1u pounus.
Bell no!
This stuff might all help as you go along, but chances aie you alieauy know what youi majoi
weaknesses in this aiea might be:
6 - Natthew Bussey - 6 Shoitcuts to Tiue Love
It's eithei:
1. You eatuiink too much (oi too much of the wiong things)
2. You uon't exeicise enough
3. You uon't uo the iight kinus of exeicise
Nost of us tiy to change eveiything at once, which leaus us into complete oveiwhelm anu
makes it impossible to stick to a new ioutine.
Insteau, just pick one pait of youi love life (anu you can uo this with othei aieas of youi life
like youi health anu caieei if you want) that, if you woikeu on, woulu totally tiansfoim youi
uating in the next two months.
We'll get into specifics in the upcoming steps. Foi now, knowleuge is powei, because it's going
to aleit you to youi uestination foi the upcoming yeai.
Beie's a sample of things you might want to choose fiom:
I want to be confiuent when talking to people I'm attiacteu to
I want to look my best so that I feel attiactive anu confiuent
I want to unueistanu my own insecuiities bettei so that I can get to the ioot causes anu
eliminate them
I want to be moie seuuctive so that I uon't just keep enuing up as eveiyone's fiienu insteau
of theii lovei!
I want to builu a lifestyle wheie I have a gieat social ciicle that intiouuces me to new guys
all the time.
Bon't let this list limit you, just keep youi biain woiking anu you'll stait to feel a connection to
youi goals anu the aieas that iesonate with you.
Bave fun uoing this, use it to get you exciteu foi the coming weeks anu eveiything you coulu
achieve in 2u14.
Keep youi eyes open foi Tip #2 in tomoiiow's email...
But if you want to +$> ! I=5B ;>!#> .4 >:.;$ ;5!"" ?:!4+$; >:!> 9*"" +$> &.= :=+$ #$;=">;D
?:$?H .=> >:*; 8*%$.E
To youi fiist step,
Natt x
7 - Natthew Bussey - 6 Shoitcuts to Tiue Love

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