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Fixed Dome Biogas Plant

Aishwarya Markad BVIEER, M.Sc. 1

Fixed dome plant Nicarao design : 1. Mixing tank with inlet pipe and sand trap. 2. Digester. 3. Compensation and removal tank. 4. Gasholder. 5. Gaspipe. 6. Entry hatch, with gastight seal. 7. Accumulation of thick sludge. 8. Outlet pipe. 9. Reference level. 10. Supernatant scum, broken up by varying level

Plant size and average daily feedstock

Selection of good quality construction material

Materials used: 1. Cement 2. Sand 3. Gravel 4. Water 5. Bricks 6. Cobble stones

Fig. Masonry structure

Gas holders
Made up of concrete, masonry and cement rendering they are not gas-tight Hence, it is painted with gas-tight layer E.g. Water-proofer, Latex or synthetic paints Also weak ring is constructed to avoid cracks

Compost pits

Main Advantage

Biogas engines
Capacity range: 3 KW to 500 KW Application: Green Electricity Generation

Low construction cost Simplicity of design No rusting long life Underground construction saves space and also protection from cold winters Creates employment Low maintenance Non movable

Needs biogas technicians Development of cracks High gas pressure Gas cannot be stored for long time use

References ase_6.html bio-gas-plants-and-organic-fertilizer-by-urja-biosystems-pune-13750876 Digesters_and_Plants#Fixed-dome_Plants

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