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Classific ation Cardiac Glycosid e

Digoxin (Lanoxi n)

Dosag Indicati e and on Date Given 0.75 Atrial TIV Fibrilatio n 9/04/1 1 Heart Failure


Side Effects Weakn ess, Blurry visual disturb ances

Contraindicati on Allergy to digitalis preparations, Ventricular tachycardia, Ventricular fibrillation , Heart block, Sick sinus syndrome, Acute MI, renal insufficiency, electrolyte abnormalities

Nursing Manageme nt >Hold if Heart rate <60 bpm >Monitor therapeutic drug levels 0.5-2ng/ml >Avoid giving with meals, will delay absorption

Increase intracellular Calcium and allows more Calcium to enter myocardial cell during depolarization via Sodium-Potassium Pump mechanism. Increase force of contraction (+) inotropic effect, Decrease Heart Rate (-) Chronotrophic effect, Decrease AV node conduction (-) Dromotrophic effect, Increase renal perfusion

Dosa Indication ge and Date Given Clopido Antiplatel 75g/t Patient risk grel et ab for OD thromboemb olism 9/1/1 1


Classifica tion


Side Effects

Contraindicat Nursing ion Managem ent Allergy to clopidogrel, active pathological bleeding such as peptic ulcer or intracranial hemorrhage, recent surgery, hepatic impairment >Check for bleeding >Provide frequent small meals if GI upset occurs >Provide comfort measures and arrange for analgesic (paraceta mol) if headache occur

Inhibit platelet aggregatio n by blocking Adenosine Diphosphat e receptors on platelets, preventing clamping of platelets

Dizziness , weakne ss, edema

Drug Furosemi de

Classificat Dosag ion e Loop diuretic 20g 9/01/1 1


Nursing Manage ment Hypertention Inhibits Dizziness, Allergy >Hold if reabsorptio vertigo, furosemide, Systolic CHF n of sodium weaknes sulfonamide blood and s, , tartrazine, pressure chloride drowsine anuria, <120 from the ss, severe renal >Monitor distal and fatigue, failure, electrolyt proximal blurred hepatic e tubules vision, coma imbalanc and orthostat es ascending ic >Administ limb of the hypotent er with loop of ion food to Henle prevent GI upset >Give in the morning >Monitor I and O


Side Effects

Contraindic ation

Drug Captopril

Classificat Dosag ion e ACE Inhibitor 25g tab BID 9/01/1 1



Side Effects There is no sign of drugs side effect on the patient

Contraindic ation Allergy to captopril, history of angioedem a

Hypertension Blocks Angiotensin converting enzyme from converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a powerful vasoconstri ctor, leading to decrease blood pressure

Nursing Manage ment >Monitor Blood pressure >Administ er 1hour before meal


Contraindicati Nursing on Managem ent Isosorbide Vasodilato 30 to Relaxes Dizziness, Allergy to >Monitor Mononitr r mg/ta reduce vascular vertigo, nitrates, Blood ate b OD cardiac smooth weakness, severe pressure workload muscle orthostati anemia, head >Give on 9/01/1 and and a c trauma, empty 1 decreas resultant hypotensi cerebral stomach, 1 e decrease on, atrial hemorrhage, hr before myocard in venous fibrillation hypertrophic or 2 hours ial return and cardiomyopa after oxygen decrease thy, narrow meals, take demand in arterial angle with meals blood glaucoma if severe, pressure, uncontrolle which d reduces headache left occurs ventricular >Taper the workload dosage and gradually decrease (4 to 6 myocardi weeks) al oxygen consumpti on

Classificati Dosag Indicatio on e n


Side Effects

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