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! ! Beauty In The Hills !

Ecuadorian Mountains

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By Kitty


By Kitty


Beautiful mountains in Ecuador.

Cool Facts
By Kitty

Have you ever seen something so beautiful that all you could say was wow. The people that live in the mountains in Ecuador have one of the prettiest and tallest mountain ranges in the world is the Andes Mountain range in Ecuador. There are a lot of reasons the Andes are the most beautiful mountain range. Its home to a lot of animals and plants. One of the well known animals is

the chinchilla. Guess what the Andes have about 13,000 different species of plants. Can you imagine why its beautiful. Now lets talk about height. Did you know that the Andes mountain range is one of the tallest mountain ranges in the world The Andes is around 30,000 feet tall, and did you know that there is only one mountain range in the world that is taller than the Andes. Its the

Himalayan mountain range. Something that is really cool is that there are people that live in the Andes. The Andeans have adapted to living in this mountain region by means of religion. That is an essentially a system of ecological symbols. Ecuador is a lot different than here. When you see the mountains in Ecuador you will really see the beauty in the hills.

FASHIONMONTHLY January 16, 2014

Wouldnt it be cool to go see the beauty in the mountains in Ecuador? Maybe someday you can go to Ecuador to see the beauty for your self.

Water fall in the mountains.


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