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Amazon Wonders

By Addie

ssssssssssssssssss! What could that possibly be? Have you ever heard of the Amazon rainforest? Because if you havent, then today is your lucky day. You are going to learn a lot about the Amazon rainforest!
The Amazon rainforest is found in South America. It is really a giant forest made out of lots of trees. There are many different kinds of tress in the amazon rainforest and most of the trees have big wide leaves. Some people call the Amazon rainforest the Amazonia or the Amazon jungle. ! The rainforest is really large. It measures 2.124 million square miles (5.5 million km")
Because the Amazon rainforest has so many plants, it is always turning carbon dioxide into oxygen, which is what we need to breath. The Amazon rainforest has been called the lungs of our planet because it makes about 20% of the earths oxygen. The Amazon rainforest is named from the Amazon River. The Amazon River begins in the Peruvian Andes mountains, and flows all over the northern half of South America.

Fun fact The Amazon River takes up more than 1/5 of the Amazon Rainforest


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The Amazon rainforest has tons of wildlife.It has over 500 monkey squirrels. Here is a picture mammals, 175 lizards and over 300 other reptiles species. of a monkey squirrel. Also, one third of the world's birds live there. It is estimated that about 30 million insect types can be found here.

The Amazon rain forest has a lot of

Fun Fact Did you know that Amazon Rainforest suffer as a global demand of beef and soy?

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Fun fact There is pink river dolphin in the amazon river the Orinoco.

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The emergent layer is the tallest layer, where trees can be as tall as 200 feet, and is much higher than the canopy layer.

The canopy layer is the main layer of the rainforest. Most canopy trees have smooth, oval leaves that come to a point. The point is known as a drip tip.

The, next layer, the understory layer, doesnt get much sunlight, only about two to five percent of the available sunlight. The plants have to find unique ways to adapt to this shadowy environment.

The forest floor is the lowest layer and almost no plants grow here. Only about 2% of the sunlight gets through to this layer so it is hard for the plants to grow.

Around 80% of the food we eat originally came from rainforests. Some of the more popular examples include coffee, chocolate, rice, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, black pepper, pineapples and corn. At The Inside Track we basically live on coffee. Thats reason enough to save the rainforest!


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