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Luis Miguel Hernndez Barbosa Jaime Prez Daz Erik Minero Nazario

Good morning colleagues In this work meeting we will talk about the problems of the machines in the Company What area the failures on the machinery? The machine overcharged the production, this problem provoked to stop working. I think that the supervisor requires more personal to work in the problems of the machines. Ok, but I need money for the payment of the workers. Ok, but this problem wont be solved by all the problems that are in the company Another problem is the zone of download, because the concrete is broken, I need to look for the building company to repair the problem. The problems happen every two months and they require personal capacity in the maintenance of the machine, to avoid the problems occur regularly. For the solution of the problems it is necessary to buy a new machine with better system of work. Good; we will check these problems tomorrow. Good, the meeting has ended.

English VI

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