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French indefinite adjectives, sometimes called affirmative indefinite adjectives, are used to modify nouns in an unspecific sense.

Tous les livres sont bons. All of the books are good. Chaque tudiant doit parler. Each student must speak. Il y a certaines lois. There are certain laws. Plusieurs hommes sont ici. Several men are here.

Please see the table of French indefinite adjectives at the bottom of the page. The numbers in the final column refer to these notes: 1) These adjectives have to agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify: Il y a deux autres problmes. There are two other problems. Certaines personnes ne vont pas le faire. Certain people won't do it.

2) Chaque always takes a singular noun and the third personal singular verb form. Chaque pays a ses propres traditions. Each country has its own traditions. Je vais regarder chaque voiture. I'm going to look at each car.

3) Divers agrees in gender with the noun it modifies. J'avais peur divers moments. I was scared at various times. Il y a des dpenses diverses. There are miscellaneous expenses.

4) These adjectives always take a plural noun and the third person plural form of the verb. Plusieurs projets sont possibles. Several projects are possible.

Diverses couleurs peuvent tre utilises. Various colors could be used.

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