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Parklands Primary School Foundation Stage Toilet Changing Policy Review Date Coordinator September 2013 V.


Date October 2012

Nominated Governor Heat er Gi!"o#!e

Written permission must be sought from parents/carers of ALL Foundation Stage children (Nursery and Reception classes). arents/!arers "ill sign and date the appropriate form. ermission is for all staff to attend to the children#s toilet needs. Such needs include "iping the child$ changing undergarments$ clothes and nappies. C i!dren wi!! not be c an$ed b# sta"" %n!ess s%c written consent as been $ained. %nly staff "ho ha&e an enhanced !R' are to assist the children "ith their toileting needs. (ach class teacher must ensure that they )no" "ho this applies to. %ne member of staff at a time "ill attend to the child#s needs. *lo&es and aprons must be "orn for each change$ "hether changing "et clothes$ soiled garments or nappies. +hose children "ho ha&e "et themsel&es "ill be supported "ith the changing of their o"n clothes and undergarments in their classroom toilet area. Nappies "ill only be changed on the changing table situated in the school disabled toilet. +he changing table must be "iped do"n "ith antibacterial spray and a disposable cloth after each change. Nappies$ glo&es , aprons must be disposed of in a nappy/carrier bag and placed in the %-+S./( bin. After each change (including nappies) '%+0 the adult , child must "ash their hands thoroughly "ith soap. +he adult "ho has changed a child "ill record$ date and sign in a specific class changing boo). A ne" boo) is re1uired at the start of each academic year. +his "ill be )ept$ in the school office for 2 years. .f a child becomes particularly upset their parents "ill be called. .f a child is toilet training or has a specific need the parents/carers "ill pro&ide the nappies$ "ipes$ nappy bags , spare clothes.

ar)lands rimary school "or)s in line "ith the !heshire West and !hester !ouncil !ontinence olicy. A full copy of this policy is a&ailable from the Nursery and Reception classes.

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