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Substances that occur naturally in nonliving things such as rocks and

metal ores

Have names reflecting the place where theyre found or characteristics

such as their color

ELEMENTS, substances composed of only one kind of atom

INORGANICS, do not contain the C, H and O atoms

By the end of the 19th century, scientists knew the names and chemical
16 MINERALS are ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS for human beings

properties of 82 elements Today, 109 elements have been identified.

How much human have in their body How much human need to take in to maintain a steady supply

-Major Minerals
-Trace Elements

: 100 mg/hr
: < 100 mg/hr


: Calcium
: Phosphorus

: Other Major Minerals : Magnesium, Sulfur, Sodium,

Potassium, Chloride Trace Element : Iron, Zinc, Iodide, Selenium, Copper, Manganese, Fluoride, Chromium, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Tin, Nickel , Vanadium and Silicon

Work together

If you get too much of Your body may not be able to absorb this mineral or use this one

Ca Cu Fe Mg Mo P S Zn

Mg, Fe, Zn Zn P, Zn Fe Zn, Cu Ca Mo Cu

An alkaline earth metal with valence 2

Packed into BONES AND TEETH Present in EXTRACELLULAR FLUID (the liquid

around body cells) and WITHIN THE CELLS OF


Regulating fluid balance by controlling the flow of water in and out of cells

Making it possible for cells to send massages

back and forth from one to another Keeping muscles moving smoothly and preventing cramping

Ca is needed for :

Intracellular and hormone-like signaling Neurotransmitter Muscle contraction For the regulation of cell growth and differentiation Blood clotting

Absorption depend on :

Vitamin D status Phosphate Sodium Animal protein intake Vitamin C

Slows bone growth and mineralization in

childhood and adolescence Bone mineral loss in adults increases the risk of fractures Elevated blood pressure

Essential for strong bones and teeth

Need PHOSPHORUS to transmit the genetic code (genes and chromosomes that carry
from one cell to another when cells divide and reproduce
information about human characteristic)

In addition :
Helps maintain the pH balance

Vital for metabolizing carbohydrates,

synthesizing proteins, and carrying fats and fatty acids among tissue and organs

Part of myelin, the fatty sheath that

surrounds and protects each nerve cell

Participates in energy metabolism and storage (as ATP, GTP, creatine phosphate, arginine phosphate, etc)

Phosphate inadequacy ~ low food consumption
or starvation OLD PEOPLE

Accelerated bone mineral loss osteoporosis

and increase fracture risk

Excessive Intake
Phosphate intake ~ exceed Ca intake induce :
parathyroid gland hyperplasia and parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion, impair vitamin D activation, accelerate bone mineral loss and fracture risk

Extremely high intake calcification of

extraosseous (non-bone) tissues, including arteries, kidneys, muscles and tendons

An alkaline earth metal with valence 2

An essential cofactor for a large number reactions ~ ATP, GTP

Part of > 300 different enzyme that trigger chemichal reactions throughout

human body Participates in muscle and nerve depolarization Stabilizes DNA and RNA A component of the mineral in bone

ADEQUATE SUPPLY HEART HEALTHY, because enables to convert food to energy using less oxygen

Confusion, disorientation, personality changes, loss of appetite, depression, muscle contractions and cramps, tingling, numbness, hypertension, abnormal heart rhythms, coronary spasm and seizure

Induced by :
diarrhea, malabsorption, vomiting, overuse of laxative or diuretics medications, alcohol abuse, diabetes or hyperparathyroidism

Excessive Intake
> 350 mg from supplements and other
nonfood sources diarrhea, nausea, appetite loss, muscle weakness, mental impairment, difficulty breathing, extremely low blood pressure and irregular heartbeat

Risk of toxicity is greater with impaired

kidney function

The main cationic osmolyte in blood and extracellular fluid Mediates active transport of numerous nutrients and
metabolites in intestines, kidney and many other tissues

Enzyme cofactor Co-transport Signaling


Intakes have to macth sodium losses

sweating and diuresis >>> sodium needs

Low intake dizziness and weakness due to


Excessive intake :
Increase blood pressure, especially in genetically susceptible individuals and when other hypertensive factors (obesity) are present

FUNCTION : - Electrolyte balance - Transport - Acid production

hydrochloric acid in stomach contributes to protein digestion and inactivation of ingested microorganism

- Enzyme activation
- Immune defense
Immune cells use directed release hypochlorous acid to combat pathogens in blood and tissues


Intakes have to macth sodium losses

sweating and diuresis >>> sodium needs

Low intake dizziness and weakness due to


Excessive intake :
Increase blood pressure, especially in genetically susceptible individuals and when other hypertensive factors (obesity) are present

A constituents of 3 amino acids : CYSTINE, CYSTEINE, THIONINE

Most prevalent in insulin and in the keratin of skin, hair and nails

The tertiary structure of proteins is due in part to covalent bonding between cysteine residues where the SH groups are oxidized to form disulfide bridges important in the activity of some enzyme

Occurs in carbohydrate ~ a component of heparin (an anticoagulant found in liver and some other tissues), and of chondroitin sulfate (found in bone and cartilage) An essential component of 3 vitamins : thiamin, biotin and pantothenic acid
Food Sources : meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dried beans, broccoli and cauliflower

- Kalium, an alkali metal with valence 1

- The main cationic osmolyte within cells - The element plays a major role in body electricity
maintenance of cellular polarity, neuronal signaling, heart impulse transmission and muscle contraction

- Nutrient and metabolite transport - Enzyme activation

Increased losses often due to use of certain diuretics and laxatives Inadequate intake (hypokalemia) increased risk of heart arrhytmia, muscle weakness, paralysis, alkalosis (increased blood pH) and eventually death Higher than minimal intake lowering the risk of hypertension

Excessive Intake
Rising plasma concentration (hyperkalemia)
muscle weakness, arrhytmia and eventually death due to cardiac arrest

The risk of hyperkalemia ~ high in patients

with renal failure

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