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Screen play draft

The Good, the bad and the unlucky Written by Nathan Morgan

October 30, 2013

N.K.A productions 57-59 Beak St, Soho London, W1F 9SJ Email: Phone no: 020 7520 1100

Copyright 2013, All rights reserved

The characters
Key charactersSam Fowler (also the narrator) Johnny little John Groves Sydney Smith Minor charactersThe Boss Guy 1 Guy 2

Act 1-Intro- alley way-Day

Sam is alone in an alley way on the ground, he is badly beaten up. His face is towards the wall with a cheek on the floor; he has bruises and injuries which look fatal. He hears the sounds of cars driving past and people talking, getting on with their lives like he isnt there. The camera is panning over him, as it slowly shows Sam on the floor the narrator starts talking. Sam Fowler (Narrator): This is me lying on the floor with barely any Breath left in me, for so long my life was like a Circle miserable boring and repeating every day. Pause: I will never figure out how it all went bad for me, Do you believe in luck and the fear it brings to you. The camera then zooms into Sams eye and goes into the flashbacks, where it fades into the next scene... Act 1-Scene 1-office (work place)-Day Sam has rushed his journey but he is late, his boss doesnt tolerate any lateness. He is running through to the gate where security allows him entry, he runs down the corridor. When he reaches his office door, he slowly opens it in a nervous way, walks through the door and sees his boss. Sam: Sorry I am late boss The boss: Sorry! Why are you late, ah I havent got time for this Get me the paper for the printer and a cup of tea. And dont take your time doing it; youre not getting paid to relax. Sam: Yes sir, right away sir.

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After Sam spoke to his boss he closes the door, walks down the corridor to collect the paper, the bosss tea, and then sees his Exgirlfriend Sydney down the corridor. He approaches her and Sydney turns her head around to face Sam. Sam: Sydney what a chance seeing you here, Havent seen you since well you know. Sydney: Yeah it has been a long time, I have a meeting about progressing to university; So do you work here? Sam: Yeah I do, I have been for the last six months. Sydney: Oh so what do you do. Sam: Well Sydney I am quite an important man in this place, the company Wouldnt be working straight without me. Sam leans on a door in a calm way and showing off when he falls through and ends up on the floor. Sydney helps him up from the floor; Sam is holding his head in pain and embarrassment. Sydney: Are you alright Sam, you should get your head Checked out that was quite a fall. Sam: Yeah yeah I have had worse falls, So where were we? Sydney: You were telling me how important you were. Sam: Oh yeah, well I just wouldnt know what the company would do without me. The boss opens the door, leans out the door and notices Sam; talking to a girl, he steps out the door and looks at Sam. The Boss: Sam what are you doing first your late, Now you havent even done what I have asked. Do you want to keep this job? youre sure doing a good thing to keep it. Sam: Ok sir I am going to do it right away.

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The boss: You have 2 minutes to get it, and actually get it this time. The boss goes back into the office very annoyed and with anger; Sydney looks into Sams eyes and Smiles. Sydney: Ha ha, I can tell you are very important like I said get that head checked. I am going to go now nice to see you. Sam: Yeah nice to see you too Sydney, maybe we could meet up for old times sake. Sydney: Yeah maybe, I really have to go bye. Sydney walks away; Sam looks at her as she walks past the doors then he turns round and starts walking towards where he needs to be. Sam (narrator): It wasnt always like this we used to be happy, I used to be happy. I dont know what changed; I suppose it was bad luck But this was only the beginning... Act 1-Scene 2-Little John hideout- Mid day From scene one this goes into another separate flashback, which Sam meets and asks little John for a favour. Sam (narrator): See there was this loan shark I owed a lot of money to. He wasnt a good person, he is fearful and gets what he wants through violence. He has no mercy looking out for number one. Pause: I tried avoiding him every day. I couldnt pay him back this is where it all started Sam is sitting down at a table discussing business with little John. He is alone as he looks at little John, then two of his guys are standing right behind him. The flashback shows the main part of this conversation with both little John and Sam. Little John: So how much do you need exactly. Sam: 15,000 I will need it in stacks of Fifty and twenty pound notes Little John: Thats a lot of money to just give to someone, remember you came to me, not the other way round. Sam: Yeah I know Im asking now, are Page 3

You going to give it to me or not. Little John: Ok here it is, all there want to count it One of little Johns guys brings a bag with the money inside, Sam stands up takes a look inside to see if it is all there. Sam: No, looks like it is all there this is fine. Little John: Let me just make one thing clear. Once you step out that door with the money, there is no turning back you will pay it back plus interest. You have 2 months to pay it back, until then enjoy. Nice doing business with you. Sam silently takes the money and walks towards the door and opens it, and just before he walks out the door, little John looks direct at Sam. Little John: Sam wait, just one last thing, dont screw me over. There is no hiding if you run, I will find you so just remember that. Sam walks out the door and then it will go into the next scene. Act 2-Scene 3-High street-evening Sam has done his unlucky day of work and decides to take a stroll down the high street; he looks at people and sees how happy they are, while he is not. Sam (narrator): By this time Im looking at my life and I dont like what I see, I let my boss use me like a slave, my girlfriend left me, I owe little John over 20,000, to top it all I have the worst luck in history of man. As Sam is walking down the high street he sees Sydney, he reacts quick by dashing into a shop. While he is in the shop he looks out the window and observes Sydney as she walks past, Sam doesnt want Sydney to see him after the embarrassment of earlier. As Sam turns his head around he panics as he sees little John and two of his guys, they were buying something at the counter. Sam hides by putting his hood up and facing the newspaper section of the shop, he over hears little John and two of his men talking. Guy 1: So boss hows business are We making good profit Little John: No we are not, this guy Sam Fowler owes me 25,000, from tomorrow. I havent seen Page 4

him since 2 months ago when I gave him the money. Guy 2: Ok then well at the moment theres two people who owe us a bit of money, only a couple of hundred, lets go collect. All three men walk out the door, however little John squints his eyes at Sam not knowing its him, then walks out the door. Sams heart beats fast as that was a close one, he looks out the window and sees that they are gone; Sam picks up a can of coke cola. But before he walks to the counter he cant help but notice the Euro millions lottery ticket advertisement, he thinks to himself that if he wins it would solve all of his problems. Sam (narrator): At the time I was desperate I thought I had nothing To lose so I bought a lottery tickets just for the sake of it. He buys 2 tickets then leaves the shop. Sam cuts across an alley way so he can get on a bus. As he is walking he hears a sound. Little John: Stop turn aroundguys stay here Ill handle this. Little John walks up to Sam alone and confronts him, Sam with fear in his eyes justifies why he hasnt got the money. Sam: Listen John I will pay you back the money. Little John: I have been looking for you for weeks, you tried to screw me over, well that works both ways. Little John grabs Sam by the collar. Sam: No no I didnt, I just need more time to get it to you. Little John: Im not falling for that, you have had two months, youre lucky I havent put you six feet under by now. Sam: John I just need a couple more weeks and I swear you will get the money. Little John lets go of Sam. Little John: you have until tomorrow and thats just because I am reasonable. Sam and little John walk off in separate directions. Sam has fear in his eyes as to how he is going to get himself out of this problem he started. Act 2- scene 4-Sams home- night

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Sam goes into his home which is temporary until his income gets better; he putts the two lottery tickets on the table and turns on the TV to the lottery channel. Sam (narrator): By this point I didnt know what to do, it was like being in a nightmare that you cant awake from. While he is waiting he goes to the toilet in a slow pace not really caring about the TV, when he comes back the winning numbers have just been done. Sam (narrator): I didnt really want to continue this anymore, I wasnt even concerned about the lottery. He looks at one of his tickets and knows he hasnt won anything so he puts it back on the table then it comes to the next one. Sam (narrator): After the disappointment of the first ticket, I looked at the next. I couldnt believe my eyes it was the winning ticket. Sam is in shock and disbelief, he knows he has to go to the central office to collect his winnings, he gets excited but it would have to wait until the next day. The next day Sam wakes up and does his daily routine, this time on a much more positive note. Act 3-scene 5-Back to Sams workplace-morning He gets the bus to work, running late but this time he doesnt care, he is relaxing while on the way to work because all he is thinking about is his prize money. He causally walks to his office, with the boss angry and annoyed. The boss: Late again! Oh let me guess the bus was late, I dont care just get me a cup of tea. Sam: No I wont be getting you any tea, equipment or paper anymore, I am handing in my notice I quit. The boss says nothing while Sam puts his notice on the bosss table, and then casually walks out with a smile on his face. Act 3-scene 6-outside the building-Morning Sam walks out of his work place and then he sees Sydney, he approaches her. Sam: Hey Sydney how have you been since the other day. Sydney: I have been great, listen Sam we broke up why are you still insisting we talk. Page 6

Sam: I am a different person now, I just quit my job. Sydney: Why did you do that, whatever you do you arent changing Sam: I am only asking for a chance, one chance I will prove to you. Sydney: I dont know, I will have to think about it. Sam: Well I have to go and do something very Important can you meet me at the high street, then we can get a drink and talk. Sydney: Hmmm ok, see you then. Sam: Yeah see you then I promise you wont be disappointed. Act 3-scene 7-High Street-Afternoon Sam goes up the high street with a happy atmosphere surrounding him, where before he was miserable now its like he is a different person. Hes looking in and out of shops to see all the stuff he could by with the money he is going to collect. Sam (narrator): This is where it all happened; I had come so far from unlucky to finally looking up but this didnt last long As he is observing a suit shop, little john and two of his guys are collecting money from another client. The person refuses little John. little John: Give me my goddam money before I cut your arm off The person hands over the money that is owed, then little John and his guys walk away and move on. Little John and his guys go into a caf where they are relaxing while waiting for the location of their next client. One of the guys is reading a newspaper, the other gone to the toilet while little john is getting a drink. Little John thinks to himself about how bad the business is going ever since lending Sam the big score. Sydney is running late meeting Sam at the high street, she has just missed the bus and having to wait 15minutes for the next. Sam is looking in the suit shop, looking at this 3 piece casual suit he would like to buy. While this is going on little John is speaking to the guys little John: Intimidation is the key to extortion,

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you can only push a person so far until they break mentally, or get to the point where they will fight back, this is how the business goes. Guy 1: Yeah well its the only way to get things done suppose. Guy 2: I dont mind doing that way, to me its just another pay cheque little John: Exactly As the three guys leave the caf, Sam is just walking out the suit shop. Both little John and Sam see each, their eyes lock then the atmosphere has a drastic change. Guy 1: Isnt that the guy who does owe you 20,000? Pause: little John: Ill be dammed Act 3-scene 8-the chase-afternoon Sam starts running while little John and his guys are chasing after him. This turns into a high tense chase which leads them to running in car parks, stairwells, and the high street. Sam hides behind a car while one of the guys has caught him. Guy 2: John! John! Ive got him. Sam gets out of the headlock kicks the guy in the back of the knee then punches him in the face. After he continues running fearfully with every breath in his body until he accidentally corners himself down an alley way. Act 3-scene 9-alley way- day Little john goes down the alley way and now he is face to face with Sam. little John: well well look where this brought us, it was fate for me to catch you and teach you a lesson you wont forget. Sam: Well there is only one way this can turn out, only one of us will walk out of this alley way. little John: When did you become so tough? dont worry I will change that. The other two guys come to the alley way.

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little John: Stand back he is mine. Sam looks at him with no regret, this will be a 2 minute fight scene in which has Sam is limping while little john is still standing. little John: Well you lasted a lot longer than I thought. Pause: Finish him off boys. Sam is on the ground, while little John checks his pockets, then finds and takes Sams lottery ticket. little John: I will hold on to this just in case its worth something, its nothing personal just business. little John and his men walk off. Sydney is walking by the high street when she sees three men come out of an alley way. knowing its little John who Sam owes money to, she walks down the alley and sees the person on the floor; she gets right up to him and turns him over to notice its Sam. Sydney helps Sam up while getting emotional about whats just happened. Sydney: Sam is you alright! What has happened? Sam: Yeah never better, those idiots thought they got the better of me. He smiles while in pain when he pulls out another lottery ticket. Sam: They have the wrong one He pulls it out but when he looks at it hes smile suddenly drops as he realises they did take the winning ticket. Sam moves his head from down to eye level with shock. Rolls onto credits. THE END.

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