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English for Writing 2

1st Class : September, 1st 2013

Ardie Septian

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

Tutor Introduction
Graduate student at Kyungpook National University (KNU) Major: Environmental Engineering

Personal contact Facebook : Ardie Septian Skype : Ardie Septian

Course Introduction
Text Book Tutorial Module Tutorial Method
Writing 2 (by Rahmat Budiman), Universitas Terbuka, 2011. Consist of 9 modules, but will be covered in 8 classes.

Direct tutorial (in class) On-line brodcast (USTREAM, Skype)


Course Objectives
1. Menulis dalam bentuk deskripsi 2. Menulis dalam bentuk narasi 3. Menulis surat pribadi 4. Menjelaskan proses 5. Menyampaikan pendapat 6. Menulis naskah pidato dan interview

7. Menulis dalam bentuk prediksi

8. Menulis business letter Mahasiswa mampu menulis wacana dalam berbagai paragraf

Module 1
Kegiatan Belajar 1: Mendeskripsikan Benda Kegiatan Belajar 2: Menulis Notes: Offer and invitations Kegiatan Belajar 3: Menulis Pendapat tentang Seseorang Writing Proses

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Keterangan kata kerja (adverb), frasa keterangan kata kerja (adverb phrase), atau frasa kata depan (preposition phrase)
Diletakkan setelah kata kerja (verb) atau setelah objek apabila ada.

Adverbial of manner, place dan time digunakan untuk menyatakan bagaimana (how), tempat (where) atau waktu (when) suatu peristiwa terjadi.
Urutan: adverbial of manner, place, dan time

Kegiatan Belajar 1

1. Adverbial dapat berupa satu kata atau sekelompok kata.

Contoh: Adverbial satu kata: She is smiling sweetly My father walks quietly Adverbial sekelompok kata KD Lang sang at JHCC last night They are playing in the park The killer was arrested last week

Kegiatan Belajar 1

2. Adverbial of manner. Contoh: Julius drives carelessly Butt walked with great effort to reach the white board Adverbial of place I found a piece of paper near the body The young boy was crying on his dead mom

Adverbial of time My father died in 2001 The new building will be opened soon.

Kegiatan Belajar 1
3. Adverbial of manner, place, dan time diletakkan setelah kata kerja. Contoh:

Vina came immediately Vina is singing on the stage Vina is singing now
Apabila terdapat objek, maka adverbial diletakkan setelah objek Contoh: She reads the novel enthusiastically. I am listening to the songs in the bedroom. Temmy returned my book yesterday. Urutan: adverbial of manner, place, dan time. Contoh: I delivered my speech confidently in the party last night.

Kegiatan Belajar 1

4. Adverbial of frequency, probably dan duration diletakkan sebelum kata kerja. Contoh: The letter occasionally comes late I have already paid the school fee.

5. Another adverbial rule.

Contoh: Slowly, the Titanic sank Last night, I delivered my speech confidently. Lets practice ..

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Look at the problems in your Module

Kegiatan Belajar 2

1. Could Contoh: You could turn the TV on. They could have a party.

Couldnt you stop smoking? Couldnt she do it quietly?

2. Shall we

Shall we start now? Shall we change the topic?

Kegiatan Belajar 2
3. You might Contoh: You might want to have another soup 4. What about or how about Contoh: It might be a good idea to go shopping It might be happy to have a new car. 5. Why dont Contoh: Why dont you talk to her directly? 6. Lets Contoh: Lets see Mr. Kawasna Karidage in the hospital Lets practice ..

Kegiatan Belajar 1

Look at the problems in your Module

Kegiatan Belajar 3

Used to

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan dulu atau kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan pada waktu yang telah lampau dan sekarang tidak dilakukan lagi
Pola I: Subject + used to + verb I (infinitive) Contoh: I used to smoke. She used to drive a taxi They used to play card

Kegiatan Belajar 3

Used to

Bentuk negative: Subject + did not (didnt) + use to + verb I (infinitive)

Contoh: I did not use to wake up early in the morning. (Now I always wake up early) She did not use to moke (Now, she always smokes) Bentuk interogative nya adalah: Did + subject + use to + verb I (infinitive)?

Kegiatan Belajar 3
Used to Pola II: Subject + use to + be + adjective/adverb/noun Contoh: I used to be a bartender She used to be rich Bentuk negative-nya Subject + did not (didnt) + use to + be + adjective/adverb/noun Contoh: I did not use to be a leader She did not use to be lazy

Kegiatan Belajar 3

Used to Bentuk interrogative nya: Did + subject + use to + be + adjective/adverb/noun? Contoh: Did you use to be a pilot? Lets practice

Please prepare Module 2 for the next class

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