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World War I Matching

Name: Teacher: Class: Date:

Directions: Match each person, event, or date with the correct description.

1. Lusitania 2. Wilhelm II 3. Woodrow Wilson 4. Archduke Ferdinand 5. Franz Josef I . Ferdinand Foch !. "eor#es $lemenceau %. "eor#e & '. (a)id Llo*d "eor#e 1+. one of the $entral ,owers 11. one of the Allies 12. a neutral countr* 1.:::: !.::::: 2.:::: %.::::: 3.:::: '.:::::

A. ,resident of the -nited .tates /. $rown ,rince0 assassinated in 1'14 $. ,rime 1inister of France (. ,rime 1inister of 2n#land 2. 3omania F. oceanliner sunk 4* "erman su4marines ". 5in# of 2n#land 6. 2m7eror of "erman* I. 8etherlands J. /ul#aria 5. 2m7eror of Austria96un#ar* L. #eneral and Allied commander 4.:::: 1+.::::: 5.:::: 11.::::: .::::: 12.:::::

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