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Anneliese Kuhnly November 21, 2013 English Slajda

Do you think that ull body s!anners "ill hel# the se!urity o air#orts$ Some #eo#le think ull body s!anners are invading #eo#le%s #riva!y others think that it kee#s #eo#le sa e i anything bad "ere to ha##en& 'hese our arti!les e(amine this issue o #riva!y vs& se!urity& )n the arti!le, *Nude A"akening+ "ritten by ,e rey -osen it talks about ho" some #eo#le think that having ull body s!anners "ill bene it everyone be!ause it%s a sense o se!urity and "ith everything going on today "e need se!urity more then ever but some think that is it intrusive be!ause #eo#le they don%t kno" are seeing your naked body "ithout your !onsent& 'he author "ants #eo#le to kno" that our #riva!y is being invaded -osen said, *'he ma!hines also revel the naked human body ar more gra#hi!ally than a !onventional (.ray+ /#age 2201 this 2uote is saying that even (.rays don%t sho" that mu!h and the body s!anners sho" more then needed& -osen also says, *'SA "ebsite !laims that the ma!hines have 3ero storage ability&+ /4age 2251 but ho" do you kno" this$ 6o" !an you trust that$ ) believe that the body s!anners are good but they do need to think about the "ay #eo#le eel "hen someone is invaded their #riva!y& )n the arti!le, *Ne" Air#ort 4oli!y7 8rin and 9are it+ "ritten by :onnie S!hult3 says that she%s or having body s!anner& S!hult3 says that, *) your one o the millions o Ameri!ans "ho resolved to get in sha#e this year but la!k motivation, booking a light at

an air#ort near you might be just the ti!ket to #ush you to eel the burn&+ 'his means that i you eel unha##y or un!om table "ith your body do something about it, its not the governments ault your not sast ied "ith your body, S!hult3 also says that, *'here are numerous #re!autions to #rote!t your #riva!y& 'he 'SA s!reener "ho "aves you through is not the one "ho sees your !om#uter image, "hi!h is deleted as soon as you%re !leared& 'he images !an%t be stored, #rinted, or transmitted, and the #erson s!anning the #i!tures is not allo"ed to bring a !ell #hone or !amera in the room&+ ) think that this is good that the #eo#le taking your #i!tures are allo"ed to bring !ell #hones or !ameras into the room be!ause you "ant no one to see you nude but like the author said, i your not ha##y "ith your body do something about it some #eo#le have reasons "hy they aren%t it like medi!al issues they hold them ba!k rom living a healthy li estyle so "e !an%t blame them or not being ha##y "ith their body "hen they #hysi!ally !ant do anything about it& )n the arti!le, *'he Need or Sa ety is 4aramount+ "ritten by ;ohammed Khan states that #ro iling #eo#le don%t al"ays "ork& Khan asked an o i!ial "as he "as being held and he "as told, *<ith a name like ;ohammed =aroo2 Ali Khan, you are going to be held every"here&+ /4age 23>1 'his is saying that ra!ial #ro iling still e(ists& Khan says that *;any #eo#le are un!om ortable "ith these invasive #ra!ti!es, "hi!h is understandable& 'he issues range rom !hild #ornogra#hy to obvious #riva!y in ringements, all o them raising im#ortant 2uestions& 9ut the need or sa ety is #aramount&+ ) totally agree ) think that "e need to do "hatever "e !an to make #eo#le eel sa e, every day you are hearing about something bad ha##ening like a shooting, a murder, and bombing and even robbery #eo#le need to take !ertain #re!autions to make this "orld sa er&

'he arti!le, *'he 'i#s o ?our =ingers+ "ritten by ,ay 8ri ths says that, *6umans need !ommunity and #ubli! li e7 "e also need the s!heduled intima!y o #riva!y, and the latter is threatened by surveillan!e& 'hose in avor o surveillan!e argue that, i you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to ear&+/4age 2@31 ) !an see "here #eo#le are !oming rom but so many #eo#le don%t reali3e that this "orld needs se!urity #eriod and that "e need to make #eo#le sa er by doing !ertain things to make us sa e& ;y 2uestion is i you have nothing to hide then "hy !an%t you do something that takes ive minutes that "ill hel# "ith the sa ety o #eo#le& 8ri ith also says that, *) am de!laring here that ) am in a sovereign state& ) do not "ant alien states to use biometri!s to !ra"l into my eyes like lies& ) do not "ant my identity !a#tured by strangers& 9ut ), "ho am de#rived o the human right to reely roam in my o"n ree land, ind that the state !an roam reely roam in my o"n ree land, ind that the state !an roam reely through the territories o my sel , violating the integrity o my borders&+/4age 2@31 she is saying that she doesn%t have the right to be sear!hed and that she deserves the right to be ree and not being sear!hed "hen she doesn%t need to be sear!hed& ) do agree that it !ould get annoying i every time you go some"here you are being sear!h but it that%s "hat they need to do to make it sa e then so be it& )n !on!lusion ) think that body s!anners, #ro iling and anything else that they need to do or sa ety is ne!essary des#ite i #eo#le like it or not&

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