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I 1.

FHij nkghL fj KiwfS Child Development and Pedagogy cl ts ntfkhf eilbgW gUt vJ? A FWeilgUt B RgUt C FkugUt D In which stage is the Physical growth is rapid A Early childhood B Infancy C Adolescence 2. ggUt D School age

ts Ahnkh msF mfkhf l Ru RuFnghJ ________ VgLwJ A Fsjik B or C mrhjhuz cl ts D K fGJ fHiy Excessive secretion of Growth Hormone by the Pituitary Gland leads to ________ A Dwarfism B Cretinism C Gigantism D Goitre


FHij Rju czF kgF nghJ jhnd bjhlF w ________ ta VgLwJ Kj ML C 6 ML Kj A 2-3 MLf B D 4-6 MLf The Stage in which the Self Initiative Skill of a child develops when it is let free A 2-3 years B First year C 6th year onwards D 4-6 years


ahn# xUtUila mrh vw brh fl xiw Ff gagLjgLwJ A cUtf iy B kh C bral D Raeythj The term used by Piaget to refer ones cognitive structure A Iconic B Schema C Action Schema D Egocentric


vr TWgo kj r_f nfhghL vjid iyfis bfhLsJ? A 6 iy B 4 iy C 10 iy D 8 iy How many stages are there in psycho-social growth of man according to Erickson? A 6 Stages B 4 Stages C 10 Stages D 8 Stages


ftdR ma cj fU A lhlhnfh B blynfh D ikjl nrhjid

C fw milf

An apparatus to find the span of visual attention is A Tachitoscope B Telescope C Learning Cards D Ink Blot Test 7. xUt MSik nfhshWfSF mogilahf miktJ A kdbtG mf B kd czf C kdkf D kdey Ones personality disorder is based on A Emotional shocks B C Emotional enjoyment D 8. Simple feelings Mental health D ahn#

xGf tsia g Ta csa mP A k^f B jhil C ghy

The psychologist who defined moral development A McDougall B Thorndike C Pavlov D Piaget 9. Ez U fhufsh MdJ vd Ta csa mP 1) abk 2) bty 3) ahn# 4) nd The two factor theory of intelligence was proposed by A Spearman B Wechsler C Piaget D Binet 10. Ez < vgJ A B C D
E.<. = E.<. = E.<. = E.<. = kdtaJ (MA) fhy taJ (CA) fhy taJ (CA) kd taJ (MA) fhy taJ (CA) kd taJ (MA) ts taJ (DA) kd taJ (MA)

x 100

x 100 x 100

Intelligent Quotient is A B C D 11.

IQ IQ IQ IQ = = = = Mental age (MA) Chronological age (CA) Chronological age (CA) Mental age (MA) Chronological age (CA) Mental age (MA) Developmental age (DA) Chronological age (CA) x100

x100 x100

wUF cj br kdghikia ____________ vdyh A jid B jk jid C ya D Fjid

The attitude of helping others is called ____________ A Divergent Thinking B Generosity C Ideals D Convergent Thinking 12. fw tiff bghUjhj xW A thbkh fw C izJ fw B D bjhl fw it VJ iy

The term that does not coincide with the styles of learning A Oral learning B Continuous learning C Comparitive learning D None of these 13. FHijia FHijahf fUj ntL vW Tat A %nrh B bty C nd D fhnd Child should be treated as child - was said by A Roussoue B Wechsler C Binet D Gagne

14. jirahf vG Jyfiy rhj MfiyWj fw nrhjid d gagLa yF A FuF B v C eh D wh The animal used for the experiment on operant conditioning by skinner is A Monkey B Rat C Dog D Pigeon 15. tW bghUjkhd n#hoia TW cfh _y fw A nfhy fw B d jirahf vG Jyfiy rhj MfiyWj C ghy jhilMf iyWj D A B C D Which one of Kohler Skinner Pavlov Thorndike the following pair is correct Insight learning Law of learning Operant or Emitted responses Operant conditioning D tl

16. t fyhd bghJik fUJ A rJu B Knfhz C a y w rJu fil

Which one of the following is an example for complex concept A Square B Rectangle C Small Blue Coloured cube D Circle 17. itf vJ fwYF cjthj fhu cs rhj fhu A jgl fhu B it VJ iy C r_f fhu D

Which one of the following is not related to learning factor A Personal factor B Phychological factor C Social factor D None of these 18. bkhyh nrhjid ____________ tif nrhjidia rhU Ez A Mf jid B MSik w C jjik D Non verbal test is related to _______________ A Creativity B Intelligence C Individuality D Personality 19. mrh fw mQFKiw myhjJ A uid j C bral Kiw B D brJ fw kdghl brj

Which of the following approach is not related to cognitive learning A Problem solving B Learning by doing C Project Method D Rote Memory 20. FHijfSfhd fF cikia rig vbghGJ ufldgLaJ 1979 org 20 A 1969 etg 10 B 1949 org 10 C 1959 etg 20 D When did the UNO proclaimed The right to learn for children A 1969 November 10 B 1979 December 20 C 1959 November 20 D 1949 December 10 21. jhil g vj KaJtij tW TWwJ A Lnfh B kWgo brj C gR D jlid Thondikes Law of learning insists on A Stimulus B Repetition C Prize 22. fw Ka fhu xW A jfitj B ehl D Punishment

C ftj

D ft D Attraction

One of the Important Learning Factor is A Retention B Attitude C Attention

23. btFehf ekJ id Ugit A goJ fw B nfL fw C gy tfw D ghJ fw Long term memory is through A Learning by Reading C Learning by multi sensory organs B D Learning by Listening Learning by visualizing

24. fw mil _______________ A w B m C kdghik The Achievement of Learning is A Skill B Knowledge C 25. elij nfhgho mogil A m B bj C Attitude

D it midJ D All of these D cfh D Insight


The principle of behaviourism is A Knowledge B Clarity C Stimulus-response 26. ruhr Ez < A 90-109 B 70-79 C 110-119 110-119 D D

140-169 140-169

Average Intelligence Quotient is A 90-109 B 70-79 C

27. ahn# nfhghL FHijf _______________ kdbtG gaJ A csa ahd ts B cl ts gaJ C m ts gaJ D Piagets principle is related to childs _____________ A Psychological Development B Emotional feelings C Cognitive Development D Physical Development 28. xU FHij Kj Ma A K Mug g Ma C bgnwh The first teacher of a child is A Pre Primary School teacher C Parents 29. jfahd jid vgJ A F jid C Mftkhd jid Logical thinking is A Convergent thinking C Creative thinking B D B D B D B D Mug g Ma r_f Primary School Teacher Society jid Muhj Divergent thinking Exploring

30. idthw vw Kj uia btlt #h ^ A vf B a n# C k uhL D The first edition of the book on Memory was published by A Enbinghaus B John Dewey C Sigmond Freud D William James 6


Language I - j - Tamil

31. ahJ Cnu ahtU nf - ghl t lbgWs A gghl B weh}W C eiz D IFWW 32. UFw cs mfhuf vif A 130 B 163 C 133 D


33. xU brhnyh, bjhlnuh UbghUgLkhW ghLj A akf B nyil C mjh D uLwbkhj 34. kUj izFa y A kiy B fl C D D



35. nfh + vgJ vthW zU A nfh B nfh C



36. CU ngU vD Ma A uh.. nrJis B U..f. C D

t.nt.R. Ia t.Rg. khf D

37. iw vw brh czJ bghU A iu B Xa C kiwj 38. g bfhoaJ J vtif ku A bghJ ku B bga ku C x ku 39. j njha Kj eht A fkyhgh ru C v ru B D D

id ku

gkht ru ujhg Kjah ru

40. `FHij fP vwiHfgLgt A ghuah B mH. tagh C ehkfyh D thjhr

Gs gia goJ dh 11 Kj 13 tiu ilaf U..f., K.t. UtU j ciueil ts bgUksF j gid brYsd. ghuia g `fP kly xW njh 20M whL j fijF anjh Mfij vGia VgLaijngh, g vGjntL vD cJj j ciueilF anjh Mwiy tHaJ. U..f., fhoa ir eilnghL j ciueilF bgh nrjtU Kjikahdt K.t. Mth.

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