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Rough Intro: Hi, Im jubjub369 of the North American servers, I have made this guide because Jax is my favourite

and best champion and I wanted to show people out there how I build Jax, Hoping that they would be helped by my guide. I have put a lot of effort into this guide and I hope you guys enjoy it. Dont down vote this guide until you have read it the whole thing and if you still want to down vote it make sure you leave a comment of why and how I can improve this guide! I would like to say a special thanks to certain people who have helped in the developing of this guide: Abyssal Taco, Pathogen

Riven: 6/10 Riven can beat Jax in lane because Riven is able to lock down Jax with her strong CC, she is also able to interrupt Jaxs sustained damage. Even with Rivens CC if Jax is able to time his stun and leap correctly he can out-manoeuvre Riven. Riven will beat you in harassing as she has no mana to worry about but the time to strike Riven is when she has just used her abilities to either farm minions or try and attack you, therefore there is no CC to lock Jax down and Jax can just beat her down. GangPlank: 3/10 Gangplank doesnt put up much of a fight against Jax, although early levels Gangplank will poke you a lot. His poke will do a lot to you early, so for most of the first bit you want to concentrate on farming until about level 4-5 then you can start engaging on to Gangplank to do some damage. Keep in mind that because Parley is an on-hit effect it can be dodged by your E so use your E to take out his main damage source. Also you have to remember about Remove Scurvy, that removes all CC, that includes removing your stun. Yorick: 7/10 Jax against Yorick is quite a tough match up. Yorick out sustains Jax a lot and pokes him as well, so putting a lot of damage on to Yorick throughout the laning phase is essential. Once Jax can pass through Yoricks ghouls and get into Yoricks face he can put out a lot of damage. Also, you have to try and make Yorick use up all of his mana, if he uses his ghouls they will auto target you and not the minions, so run away till they die then go back to farming, then when he is out, he can no longer poke and you can engage. Olaf: 9/10

I felt that Olaf is a very hard counter to jax Abyssal Taco (1:18): Yes, what made it difficult for you? jubjub369 (1:19): That you can poke me very easily with your Q and E even when i was using my AOE stun

Abyssal Taco (1:19): Yes and the stun had no effect when I ulted jubjub369 (1:19): Even when I get to level 6 and I become alot stronger you will still beat me in a 1v1 counter Abyssal Taco (1:20): Yah so on a scale of 1-10 how hard of a lane was that? jubjub369 (1:20): Your Ult completely negates my stun therefore alowwing you to just beat on me! Irelia: 3/10 I counter her alot Mainly because she isnt able to put damage through her W while I have my stun on her! Abyssal Taco (2:21): Yeah haha you do more damage than I her low cc doesn't help much either. She can either try and fight you which would be a bad idea or she can farm. A smart Irelia would just farm. So your job would to try and engage on to irelia and try and zone her from minions, therefore denying her CS and you getting ahead of her in lane! Cho Gath: 6/10

Abyssal Taco (8:10): Hmm a good cho would give you a good fight the silience and knockup hurt jax alot but it's only good if you land them Jax's mobility makes that hard jubjub369 (8:11): Cho' Gath is also able to zone jax quite easily Also, I didnt start attacking you till you ran out of mana Abyssal Taco (8:11): Yes which would eb a good tip for the guide Cause once Cho is oom he is vunerable jubjub369 (8:12): One last thing is that I can you my Q to quickly jump on to a different minion and dodge you

Jayce: 8/10 Alright the poke was inmense and I was able to burst you down fast early game The e is a good ability to avoid stuns too You couldn't hop stun so much and had to get creative Soo he was a difficult lane

Pretty much came down to the summoner's skill Xin Zhao: 3/10 Abyssal Taco (9:44): Hmmm Xin sucks against Jax jubjub369 (9:44): Done! Abyssal Taco (9:45): j ax's cc is 20x better The dodge ruins me jubjub369 (9:45): Jax is Xins nightmare Abyssal Taco (9:45): and my damage is all auto attacks which jax is good against, Jax negates all of xins damage from his Q and Auto attacks, but the knock up will still go off, but with Xin barely able to do any damage Jax wins overall. Garen: 7/10 Hmm Garen was a hard lane for Jax His movement was crazy, the silende was overbearing and he did tons of damage His sustain is high too I'd say at least a 7/10 jubjub369 (12:00): His Q went straight through my dodge Abyssal Taco (12:00): Yeah and this silence would keep you from dodging too Like activating it that is jubjub369 (12:01): and yes, I had to stop his passive or he would regain too much health so I had to expend alot of health Abyssal Taco (12:01): Yes which is hard to do because of his nuke ult So it was a very difficult lane for Jax PLus let's face it He is tanky as balls jubjub369 (12:02): An item to counter garen's ult is Hexdrinker Because it activates as he ults there for completely negating it

Fiora: 2/10

From levels 1-4 Fiora will win in trades as the combinations of her attack speed from her E ability and the passive attack damage. When Jax hits level 5 his Empower should be level 3 and the trades should be in Jaxs favour. Keep in mind when both of you are in an engagement, try not to use your stun until she starts to use her ultimate, because Fioras ultimate is an on-hit effect so you completely dodge her ultimate. If timed very carefully you can stun her as soon as she finishes her ultimate. This means that Fiora gains nothing when she hits level 6 as it can be completely negated. Dr. Mundo: 4/10 jubjub369 (1:29): Jax = Better Abyssal Taco (1:29): Yes, Mundo's cleavers are his only good part You beat me ina bruiser battle But I have a ranged ability jubjub369 (1:29): In a 1v1 I put out alot more damage Abyssal Taco (1:29): But once it's up close Yeah you win jubjub369 (1:30): My engagements are alot betetr Abyssal Taco (1:30): ^ Mundo is reliant on a jungle He doesn't have much dps jubjub369 (1:30): Your ultimate is what kept you in lane so much Abyssal Taco (1:30): Anything else? jubjub369 (1:30): Rating? Kennen 6/10 Elmentl (3:05): Uhm, First off , ninja tabi's arnt good vs ap champions lol. Second , Jax is more of a bruiser kennen has good dis-engage + she is ranged so jax isnt a good match up against her. But as you see, you can burst me down pretty fast. jubjub369 (3:06): Uhmm.... lol I didnt even realise I had gottten ninja tabi Kennen is a guy by the way

Elise: 6/10

Elise has a lot of poke potential early game, due to her Q ability.


Relentless Assault: Jaxs passive is one of the best passives in my opinion. Every basic attack, you increase your attack speed by a certain amount for 2.5 seconds which can stack up to 6 times. This works very well with Jax ultimates passive as you are able to trigger it more frequently therefore putting out a lot more damage. You can absolutely tear through enemies with this passive and when stacked with Guinsinos Rage Blade you can devastate the battlefield. This passive is effective throughout the whole game but scales very well into late game. Leap Strike: Leap Strike is Jaxs Q ability. When used Jax leaps to a target unit (friendly or enemy) dealing damage if its an enemy. This is Jaxs gap closer ability and is used to really get in peoples faces and put out some good damage. It scales pretty well with ability power and attack damage. I tend to max this second as I like the mobility with a low cool down. Dont forget to use this ability to jump on to ally champions or minions when running away, it has saved my life several times! Empower: Jaxs W ability is called Empower. It is Jaxs most damaging ability and is highly recommended that you max it first. With maxing it first it becomes very powerful with a low cool down. The ability can be stacked with leap strike so when you use you leap strike, you do both the damage from empower and leap strike. Empower also resets your auto attack timer and has a good AP scaling of 0.6. When stacked with Sheen or even better trinity force its puts out a lot of damage. Counter Strike: Counter Strike is Jaxs E ability. When activated Jax automatically dodges basic attacks from enemy units for 2 seconds. After the 2 seconds everyone around him is stunned and takes a certain amount of damage depending how many basic attacks dodged and this ability can be activated again between 1 second and 2 seconds to cut it short. I max this ability third because even though cool down is great on the stun but I feel the mobility from Leap Strike is more important for not only engaging but for getting away. Counter Strike is good for engaging into fights therefore stunning people and for 1v1 engagements with other melee champions like Xin Zhao or Fiora. R: Jax has two parts to his ultimate, his passive and his active. Now for his passive first, every third attack his next auto attack does an additional amount of magic damage, this magic damage is quite significant and can do a lot of damage and this passive can also be stacked with his empower. This counter is reset if no basic are done after 2.5 seconds. Jaxs active for his ultimate is

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