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Dhokla Bahar

White and green dhoklas tastes great with coconut sauce. If you don't know how to make dhoklas, buy the instant mix packets in the market and follow the directions.

Ingredients 3 teacups white dhoklas 3 teacups green dhoklas 2 teaspoons mustard seeds 2 teaspoons sesame seeds 2 pinches asafoetida 2 chopped green chillies 4 tablespoons oil For the coconut sauce coconut le!el teaspoon cornflour "2 teaspoon cumin seeds 2 curry lea!es 2 green chillies, slit teaspoon lemon #uice "2 teaspoon sugar tablespoon ghee salt to taste For the coconut sauce $rate the coconut. %dd 2 teacups of water to the grated coconut and blend in a mixer. &train and take out coconut milk. %dd the cornflour and mix well. 'eat the ghee and fry the cumin seeds until they begin to crackle. %dd the curry lea!es and green chillies and fry again for a few seconds. %dd the coconut milk and boil for 4 to ( minutes. %dd the lemon #uice, sugar and salt. How to proceed 'eat the oil on a ta!a and fry the mustard and sesame seeds for "2 minute. %dd the asafoetida and green chillies and fry again for a few seconds. %dd the dhoklas and cook for a few minutes. )eep the dhoklas on the side. *ill the centre of the ta!a with coconut sauce. &er!e hot.

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