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BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING LAKES AT BOCA RATON COMMUNITY CENTER MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18th, 2013 7:00 PM Proof of Notice of Homeowners Meeting was posted February 15th 2013 on the Community Center Bulletin Board CALL TO ORDER Having been properly noticed, the Lakes at Boca Raton Homeowners Association, Inc. Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Vinnie Aquilina at 7:05 PM. The Board Members present to achieve a quorum were Mike Lungarini, Rick McCarley, Alan Kellock, Ann Bradley, Scott Courant, and Ginger Marinchak. V. Aquilina, Board President, introduced the two newly elected members of the Board -- Ann Bradley from Port Cayman and Woodstream, and Scott Courant from Pelican Cay. APPROVAL OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES The minutes of the January 21st, 2013 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by M. Lungarini to accept, seconded by R. McCarley and passed unanimously by the Board. The January 28th 2013 AMM meeting minutes were also reviewed by the Board and put on hold until the following AMM Meeting to be held in January, 2014. The minutes of the Organizational Meeting on January 30th, 2013 were also reviewed; a motion to accept was made by R. McCarley, seconded by A. Kellock, and passed by the Board unanimously. MANAGEMENT REPORT Property Manager Loren Kellock reported: The installation of the hurricane shutters for the office building are nearly complete. The fountain and lighting located in Pelican Cay have been repaired. The additional park benches to be placed in the Community are on hold until placement sites are designated. Two new pet stations will be purchased and placed in heavy traffic areas. R. McCarley made the motion, seconded by M. Lungarini, and passed by the Board unanimously. New picnic benches -- four 8-foot and two 6-foot will be ordered to replace those now located in the picnic pavilion. One handicapped table and benches will also be ordered for placement near the wading pool. The motion was made by M. Lungarini, seconded by G. Marinchak, and the motion passed four to three. The review of our insurance coverage has been completed and is now in place for the coming year thru Bateman, Gordon and Sands. Whitefly infestation is on the rise again. Our pest control company will be out to inspect and treat as necessary. New play area swing set seats have been ordered.
COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCIAL REPORT Discussion was held on homeowner collections. Four accounts are being readied to transfer to BCL Attorneys. Finances for the HOA are in good shape. A review was completed with CNL Bank for redistribution of funds due to FDIC changes as of January, 2013. A meeting will be held with the FOC to clarify all changes. Discussion was held as to removing monies from the general fund to be allocated for community improvements. Further discussion will be held at the March BOD meeting. Larry Greenberg has been appointed Legal Liaison for Litigation to oversee two long-standing cases. The motion was made by A. Kellock, seconded by M. Lungarini, and the Board vote was unanimous.

SOCIAL COMMITTEE Kristi Novak, Chairperson, announced that plans for the March Luau event are almost completed. A lot of residents have already signed up. Flyers and email blasts continue to be circulated throughout the community. COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE No issues were noted. A review will be completed of all present violations and the fining system for any changes, corrections, additions or deletions by members of the Compliance Committee. A short discussion was held regarding roof cleaning in Woodstream. The Woodstream BOD has been asked to seek the advice of their Attorney for clarification. LANDSCAPING AND EROSION M. Lungarini, Chairperson, states he and his committee are working on plans for the coming year, which include the first of two tree trimmings of larger trees and shrubbery, revamping the two dog parks, clearing and trimming the area located at Yamato and Cain across from the monument, trimming of hedges in the Common Area adjacent to Woodstream, hedge removal/replacement bordering the Lacrosse subdivision, and clearing and possibly redesigning the area behind Amber Bay. Landscaping plan to be presented at the March Board meeting. Scott Courant left the meeting t 9:45 PM due to a pressing matter. ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE No issues to report. OLD BUSINESS Continuation of discussion regarding the Fitness Center was held. It appears to be going well. Work will begin in April. NEW BUSINESS All committee rosters were reviewed by the Board with changes completed. R. McCarley made the motion to accept all listed members. The motion was seconded by M. Lungarini and passed unanimously by the Board. With no further business before the Board, M. Lungarini motioned to adjourn the meeting at 10:10 pm. R .McCarley seconded the motion and it was passed by the Board unanimously. Respectfully submitted,

_____________________ Ginger Marinchak, Secretary

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