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Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


Teaching English nowadays gets more and more challenging. In our school syllabus we also have to teach English Literature Component which consists of poems, short stories, plays and novel. The teaching of literature is important because students have a chance to study the language as well as learn new cultures. It also provides the students with many examples of good sentence structures, correct usage of grammar and vocabulary. The teaching of literature would definitely help students to improve their language skills. Therefore, a good introduction to literature can compensate for the deficiencies of the linguistic approach in the area of grammar, vocabulary and syntax and it can augment the students' competence in English. Moreover, literature exposes students to complex themes and exemplary uses of language. Great novels such as The Curse and Around the World in 80 Days can take students to foreign countries, exciting events and wonderful journeys. These stories evoke certain dilemmas and powerful emotional responses which students can reflect. I strongly believe that using literature to teach students can help them to become more sensitive to some of the overall features of the English Language and enhance their linguistics ability. The aim of this module is to simplify the teaching and learning of the literature components for both the teachers and students. I do hope the module will play a pivotal part in our English Language classrooms. Finally, I would like to thank all English teachers who are involved in the publication of the module. Your excellent contribution is greatly appreciated.

By English Language Unit Academic Management Sector Terengganu State Education Department (Free circulation for educational purposes only)

A Fighters Lines By Marzuki Ali


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

A Fighters Lines is a beautiful poem written by Marzuki Ali who was born in Terengganu, Malaysia. He has been involved with writing poems since 1960s up till today. He is keen on writing poems pertaining to the wonders of his hometown and the development of its surroundings. Most of them are focused on patriotism. He is actively involved in Malaysian and Indonesian theatre. What is more interesting about him is that many of his poems have been published by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur.

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

A FIGHTERS LINES (by Marzuki Ali)

I am old and worn and have lost all my strength sufferings and the history fight for independence have forced sacrifices that know no name or life

from the wheelchair of the rest of my days I, body and energy crushed see and cannot do much these times are too big a challenge for the remnants of my crippled years the net of deceit spread everywhere disturbs me

In the name of justice Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestor Be brave And erect a wall of people Stand up heirs of our freedom

I have no more voice It is you now who should speak!

SUMMARY - by Stanza

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Stanza 1 The persona is old, tired and weak. He was a soldier who fought for independence and freedom. He has sacrificed and suffered a lot for his countrys independence.

Stanza 2 The persona is in a wheel chair. Maybe, he was badly wounded and crippled when he fought for independence or he was very sick or ill. Now he is worried about challenges and deceit in his country. That is deceit like cheating and corruption everywhere. However, he can only sit and watch what is going on around him. He cannot fight anymore because he is powerless. Nobody listens to him.

Stanza 3 The persona wants the younger generation to be brave and stand up for their freedom. He wants them to unite and fight for justice. He tells them to protect this country from threats and problems like corruption.

Stanza 4 The persona says nobody will listen to him because he is old and powerless now. He demands that young people speak up for justice and freedom.

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

A FIGHTERS LINES (By Marzuki Ali) Elements of the Poem

Setting Place Time : Independent country : Post Independent period Message Age may crush your ability but not your spirit. Society must be free of corruption. People should be united and fight for justice.

Persona An old soldier who has fought for the independence for his country (Possibly the poet himself.) Moral Values Patriotism Honesty

Themes Patriotism An appeal for freedom and justice Tone & Mood Serious & thoughtful

Language & Style Free verse Direct, straightforward language Literary devices: imagery, alliteration, metaphor, irony

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

ACTIVITY 1 READ THE FOLLOWING PASSAGE. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH SUITABLE WORDS. The former soldier sits in his................(1) and recalls the war he fought in. It was a fight for ..............(2) for his country. During the war, he became ..........(3) and crippled. Though crushed in body and..........(4), he feels strongly against the.............(5) he sees around him. This has to put to an.................(6). It can only be done if people join together as a...........(7) force and speak out. They have to work together to bring about ..............(8) in their nation.

ACTIVITY 2 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS 1. Who wrote the poem A Fighters lines? ..................................................................................................................... 2. Which words in the poem tell us the persona is weary and has been around a long time? .......................................................................................................................... 3. Who is the persona in this poem? ............................................................................................................................ 4. Who is the persona addressing in this poem? ............................................................................................................................. 5. What has the younger generation inherited from their forefathers? .............................................................................................................................

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


COLUMN A 1. The persona became crippled

COLUMN B (a) free from colonial rule

2. To be worn out is to

(b) in body and spirit

3. Our nation fought for Independence to 4. The persona feels crushed 5. The persona feels helpless for he 6. To face a challenge is to be able to 7. The net of deceit refers to

(c) corruption among the be nations leaders. (d) united and courageous (e) overcome it and be successful (f) feel tired and weak (g) after fighting in the war for Independence

8. To stand up for justice, people have to be

(h) is old and crippled


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


COLUMN A 1. Crushed 2. Suffering 3. Force 4. Sacrifice 5. Energy 6. Disturb 7. Remnants 8. Deceit 9. Erect 10. Ancestors

COLUMN B (a)broken down in spirit (b)compel (c)remains (d)distress (e) cause anxiety (f)forefathers (g)corruption (h)act of forgoing our own needs or interests (i)power (j)build


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


1. The poem, The Fighters lines, is written by..............................................

2. The persona had fought for the .............................................of the country and had seen a lot of................................... . He and his friends had made ......................................and lost count of the lives lost in the course of time. 3. The persona feels handicapped as he is now ....................................... and worn and is crushed in ........................... and energy.

4. However, he can see the problems which are affecting the country and they are too big of a .................................... for him simply because he is ....................................... and ............................ and cannot do much.

5. The social problem that is currently affecting society is the................................... that is everywhere.

6. The persona wants the youths who are ....................................... of the freedom he and others had fought for to come forward in the name of.........................................

7. The persona says that the youths should be........................................... , willing to ................................ up and be united as a .................................

8. The persona says that the old have no more......................................... or say and it is the ............................ people who should speak out.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


1. The persona is an old man. 2. The persona wants the youth to sacrifice their lives. 3. The youth of today do not care for their country. 4. The persona is disturbed by the spread of poverty in the country. 5. The poem shows us that the old man pass his responsibilities to the young. 6. The persona has endured much suffering. 7. The word you in the last line of the poem refers to soldiers. 8. The main theme of the poem is patriotism. 9. The persona is angry with the young people. 10. The persona feels that the youths have done enough for their country.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


Match the sentence parts. Then rearrange the sentence in the correct order.

speak up and make the necessary changes maintain our freedom dishonest practices spreading throughout the nation tired and lacking in strength countrys struggle for independence spend the rest of his days in a wheelchair and his energy depleted he cannot do anything about it cannot be named or remembered to rally bravely in support

In the name of fairness, the persona calls upon us ________________________________________ He feels helpless because, although he can see what is happening around him, _________________ He suffered much during his __________________________________________________________ The persona is so weak that he has to ___________________________________________________ The persona is a fighter who is old and __________________________________________________


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

The persona has done his part and he wants us to stand up and act to _________________________ His sacrifices are beyond description and ________________________________________________ It is now the younger generation who should _____________________________________________ His body is damaged _______________________________________________________________ For the rest of his crippled life, the persona can only worry about the _________________________


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

ACTIVITY 8 Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.

energy fight

challenges bravely

wheelchair responsibility


disturbed disorder


A Fighters Lines is a call of patriotism for young people to speak up. The persona is a fighter who has struggled for the (1)_______________ of the country and is now old and disabled. He is wheelchair bound and he feels tired physically and crushed spiritually. He has suffered much in the (2) _______________ for independence. Now, he looks sadly at his country that has won independence and is (3) ___________________ by what he sees. There is much (4) ____________________ that he sees in the country and he feels pained. He feels that he cannot do anything about it because he does not have the (5) ___________. Life for him is only from his (6) _____________________, and therefore he appeales to the young people to wake up and do something. The present times are hard times. The (7) _____________________ are big and the persona can do nothing, trapped as he is in the wheel chair. The (8) ____________________ people are enjoying freedom only because people like the persona sacrificed their lives for the country. Therefore it is the duty of the young heirs of freedom to fight (9) __________________ and to form a united wall of people. It is their (10) _____________________ to speak for the people. The baton has to be passed on to the next generation.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

ACTIVITY 9 Match the words in Column A with their synonyms in column B and identify the location of the words in the poem. The first one has been done for you. Column A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Challenge Deceit Remnants Crippled Justice Independence Sacrifices ancestors A B C D E F G H Column B Fairness Self-government Difficulty (line 11) Forefathers What is given up Dishonesty Disabled What is left behind

ACTIVITY 10 Read the poem and answer the questions. 1. Why has the persona lost his strength? 2. Why do his sacrifices have no name? 3. Where is he going to spend the rest of his days? 4. What disturb the persona a great deal? 5. What are the two things he asks the young people to do? 6. What are the two phrases he uses to address the young people? 7. What is the main theme of this poem? 8. How can the people form a wall? 9. What special quality must these people have? 10. How do you feel after reading this poem?

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Answer Key
Activity 1 1. wheelchair 2. independence 3. disabled 4. soul/spirit 5. corruption 6. end 7. task 8. justice 7. brave/courageous, speak 8. voice, young Activity 6 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. F Activity 7 1. ... to rally bravely in support. 2. ... he cannot do anything about it. 3. ... countrys struggle for independence. 4. ... spends the rest of his days in a wheelchair. 5. ... tired and lacking in strength. 6. ... maintain our freedom. 7. ... cannot be named or remembered. 8. ... speak up and make the necessary changes. 9. ... and his energy depleted 10. ... dishonest practices spreading throughout the nation. The sequence of the poem 8, 6, 2, 4, 1, 9, 3, 10, 5, 7 Activity 8 1. independence 2. fight 3. disturbed 4. disorder 5. energy 6. wheelchair 7. challenges 8. young 9. bravely 10. responsibility

Activity 2 1. Marzuki Ali 2. Old and worn 3. He is probably a veteran soldier who has fought for Independence 4. He is addressing the younger generation 5. They have inherited their Independence from their forefathers Activity 3 1. b 2. f 3. a 4. g 5. h 6. e 7. c 8. d Activity 4 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. h 5. i 6. e 7. c 8. g 9. j 10. f Activity 5 1. Marzuki Ali 2. independence, sufferings, sacrifices 3. old, spirit/soul 4. challenge, old, crippled 5. corruption 6. force, justice 18

Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Activity 9 1. C line 11 2. F line 13 3. H line 12 4. G line 12 5. A line 15 6. B line 4 7. E line 5 8. D line 16

Activity 10 1. He is old and worn out. 2. They are many and cannot be named easily. 3. He will be stucked in his wheelchair. 4. He is bothered by the dishonesty he sees around him. 5. He wants them to wake up and form a wall of people. 6. sons of our ancestors and heirs of freedom. 7. People should be honest and good citizens. They should love their country and work for its success. 8. They must unite to form that wall. 9. They must be brave. 10. I think the poem is good and suits the present times well. I like the poem.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

by William Henry Davies

What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs And stare as long as sheep or cows. No time to see, when woods we pass, Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass. No time to see, in broad daylight, Streams full of stars, like stars at night. No time to turn at Beautys glance, And watch her feet how they can dance. No time to wait till her mouth can Enrich that smile her eyes began. A poor life this if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

William Henry Davies was born in Newport, Monmouthshire,Wales. After finishing school at the age of 15, he became an apprentice to a local picture-frame maker. After his apprenticeship, he travelled to America, to New York and then to Klondike. He returned to England after losing a foot whilst jumping a train in Canada. Upon his return in Britain he led a poor life, hard life living in London lodging houses. He married Emma in 1923. His first poems were published when he was 34. His poems highlight natures beauty based and his observations on the hardships in life. He wrote two novels and autobiographical works. His best known novel is Autobiography of a Super-Tramp. He died in 1940.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Couplet 1 2

Description What type of life do we have if we do not have the time to just relax and do not take time to appreciate the things going on around us. We should take the time to stand under a tree and do nothing just like sheep and cows which graze in the fields. They are just standing and staring at their surroundings. Take the time to look around when we pass woods full of trees. Look at the squirrels as they scurry around hiding their nuts in their nuts in the grass. The river or streams glimmer and shimmer in the sunlight like stars at night. We will notice this only if we take the time to watch the rivers or streams. We have no time to appreciate the beauty of nature and the people that is around us. If we look carefully, we can see how this natural beauty dances in the winds and under the sun or a beautiful dancer dancing gracefully. Take the time to enjoy the smile of another person or the beauty of nature. Watch how the smile starts from the eyes and spreads gradually to the mouth. We have a poor life if we really have no time to relax mentally or physically.

SUMMARY OF THE POEM The poem Leisure is about the need to find time for leisure in order to live a fulfilling life. The persona highlights the busy lives of Man today which doesnt give them much time to relax and enjoy nature. The persona wants the reader to imagine what life would be if we dont even have time to enjoy the simple things in life, like watching wildlife, observing streams sparkling in the sunlight and admiring the stars twinkling at night. The persona emphasizes again that a life without leisure is a sad life.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


-The time setting is present, any time of the day. -The place is in a park, a garden, a field or in the Countryside.

-The persona is a young person. -The persona uses the first person we. -The persona is a person who seems too burdened with study or work. -The persona is also likely to be someone who has gone through life and can now reflect upon it.

-People today are too busy to appreciate nature. -Todays life is bogged down with work and worries. -Having a balance of work and play in life. -The need to balance our activities in life. -The need to take time to enjoy life. -The need to find time for rest or relax and put leisure time to good use.

Moral Values
o o o o o o We should lead a balanced life. We should spend time appreciating nature. We need to take advantage of our free time to live a better lifestyle We should use leisure time creatively to strengthen aour minds and hearts. We should take note of the beautiful things around us. Do not be- blind to simple pleasures in life and you will be rich mentally and spiritually. o Appreciate people, animals and things however small and simple. o Everything we see, touch and hear make our life beautiful.

Personification Beautys glance- personified as a woman who can dance and has a wide smile.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Task 1 Fill in the blanks with words from the box to understand the poem. Study Hide Leisure shining Time cattle Unhurriedly Unhappiness

The poem is about a persona who is overburdened with work or (1)________The persona has come to realize that he will have to take a break from all his responsibilities and find time for (2)___________ He realizes that (3)________________________ must be given for enjoying activities or interests that need to be done (4)______________.He gives examples of how he has been so pressed for time that he has had no time to just do nothing like the (5)_________________. He also has passed by woods quickly without stopping to see the squirrels (6)________________ their nuts. One other thing he has no time for is the night view of stars (7)_______ When seasons comehe has no time to neither enjoy them nor realize when they change. The persona resigns to the fact that life will be full of worries and (8)_________________ because he does not have any time to relax and enjoy life.

Task 2 Say if these statements about the persona are True (T) or False (F) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. He has a lot of work to do. He has not had time to relax. He wants to live in the woods. He is always in a hurry. He has not enjoyed watching stars. He realizes that he needs leisure time. ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) )

Task 3 Match the words in the box to their meanings as used in the poem. Leisure Glance Care enrich State Poor Beneath Daylight ______________ ______________ ______________

1. The time where you do not have to work; spare time 2. Something that makes you worried or unhappy. 3. To look at somebody or something for a long time.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

4. Under. 5. A quick look. 6. To improve the quality of something. 7. Of low quality or a bad position 8. During the day; when it is easy to see.

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Task 4 The poem is written in couplets with words that rhyme at the end of each line. List these words. Stanza 1:___________________________________,___________________________ Stanza 2:___________________________________,___________________________ Stanza 3:__________________________________,____________________________ Stanza 4:__________________________________, ____________________________ Stanza 5:__________________________________,____________________________ Stanza 6:__________________________________,____________________________ Stanza 7:__________________________________,____________________________

Task 5 Tick the values that are related to the good quality of life as suggested in the poem. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Preoccupied with work Keeping busy Managing time well Moderation Worrying about things Admiring nature Taking time to relax Unhappiness with life ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Task 6 Choose the best answer. 1.What do cows and sheep do in the field? A Graze the grass B Mow the grass C Pick up litter D Stand and sleep 2.Which of the following animals are considered dairy animals? A Cows B Sheep C Chicken D Squirrel 3.Streams are full of stars because of the A reflection of sunlight B ripples in the water C heavy rainfall D lightning 4.According to the poem, Beauty can do the following except A smile B dance C glance D scream 5.The last line in the poem means we A have no time to relax B Have not set aside for work C cannot stand on our own two feet D should look around carefully before we relax 6.The main theme in the poem Leisure is A work hard B Perseverance in work C Relaxation is a part of life D Take it easy for good health.


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Task 7 Answer all questions

1. What is the main idea in the first stanza? _______________________________________________________________

2. What point is the persona making when he mentions about sheep and cows? _______________________________________________________________

3. What do the streams look like under the hot sun? _______________________________________________________________

4. What are the two themes of the poem? _______________________________________________________________

5. What are the messages of the poem? _______________________________________________________________

6. Give reasons why we should take time to appreciate the beauty of nature? _______________________________________________________________

7. What is the significance of the poem in our life? _______________________________________________________________

8. What is Nature personified as? _______________________________________________________________


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Exercise1 1. What emotion is the persona expressing in the poem? _____________________________________________________ 2. In the last line, the persona uses the words not time to stand and stare. What two actions of people is he referring to when he says this? (a)______________________________________________________________________ (b)______________________________________________________________________ Exercise 2 1. What does the persona means he says What is this life, full of care? ________________________________________________________________

2. What two things does the persona suggest we should do? (a)_______________________________________________________________ (b)_______________________________________________________________

Exercise 3 1. What is the poets message in the poem? _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Based on the poem, state what these lines mean? (a) streams full of stars _______________________________________________________________________ (b) And stare as long as sheep or cows. _______________________________________________________________________ Exercise 4 1. According to the persona, what kind of life do we lead today? _____________________________________________________________


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

2. How is Beauty personified? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 5 1.What does the phrase full of care mean? _____________________________________________________________________ b. How long does the persona think we should stare at trees? ______________________________________________________________________ 2.What does the persona emphasize in the poem? ________________________________ __________________________________

Exercise 6 1.a. What can we expect to see when we pass by the woods? ________________________________________________________________________ b.Why are the streams full of stars during the day? ________________________________________________________________________ 2.According to the persona, what would make life worthless? ________________________________________________________________________

Exercise 7 1 a. What does the line No Time to turn at Beautys glance mean?

b How does the persona describe a life without leisure?


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

2 How does the persona view nature?

Exercise 8 1 a. State one example of how nature is personified in the poem.

b What does stand and stare represent?

2 How does the persona view nature?

Exercise 9 1 a. What does no time to stand and stare tell you about todays pace of life?

b. What do verses 5 and 6 to tell us about Mans attitude towards natures beauty?

c. What does the persona suggest we do for leisure?


Literature Component Form 3 Poetry


Task 1: 6.hide 2.leisure 7.shining 3.time 8.unhappiness 4.unhurriedly 5.cattle

Task 2:







Task 3: 1.leisure

3.stare 4.beneath

5.glance 6.enrich



Task 4: Stanza 1: care, stare Stanza 4:daylight, night Stanza 7: care,stare Stanza 2:boughs, cows Stanza 5: glance,dance Stanza 3:pass,grass Stanza 6:can , began

Task5 managing time well, Task 6 1.A 2.A Task 7 1. We are so engrossed in our everyday worries that we do not have time for leisure. 2. These animals live in a simple world unlike ours. 3. They look a sky full of stars. 4. lack of recreational activities in life. a. -Beauty of nature 5. We should lead a balanced life and we should spend time appreciating nature. 6. We can see squirrels hiding their nuts in trees and glimmer in the streams and stare at the beauty of nature. 7. We are reminded that life is not about working all the time and we should have time to relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. 8. A beautiful woman. moderation, admiring nature, taking time to relax.






Literature Component Form 3 Poetry

Answers: Exercise 1 1. Regret/Disappointment 2. (a) People being too busy to relax (b) People not appreciating the nature. Exercise2 1. He means that our lives are full of worries and problems. 2. (a)Learn to relax more. (b)Learn to appreciate the beauty of nature. Exercise 3 1. That we should relax more. 2. (a)Sunlight being reflected in the streams. (b)Relax like common animals? Not worry too much. (REFERENCE:PELANGI TOP GEAR ENGLISH FORM 3-MATHILDA XAVIER) Exercise 4 1. We lead a life full of care and worry. 2. Beauty is personified as having feet that dance and mouth and eyes that smile. (REFERENCE:ILMU BAKTI-Modulpentaksiranpmr 2012)

Ex 5: 1a.lot of responsibilities long as sheep and cows 2.The need for a balance between work and play. Ex 6 1.a.squirrels hiding their nuts in the grass 1b. Due to the reflection of the sunlight 2.not having time to relax Ex 7 1a.No time to appreciate the beauty of nature 1b A poor life 2 The persona views nature as a source of relaxation Ex8 1a.Nature is likened as a woman dancing in grace 1b The simple things in life 2 concerned Ex9 1a.Hectic 1b They are ignorant towards the beauty of nature 2 Observe nature/ the simple things in life.


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