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Ive had my play in politics, and have enjoyed myself. I have no plans for the future.Bernstorff, German Minister of the USA., on being shown the door,

He has enjoyed himself. The play is done. Home to the land where sausage fades he hies To hear the distant echo of a gun gun full charged with hope that con!uers lies. He has enjoyed himself while brave men bled nd "uropes shambles with true blood grew red. It was his faith that lives and shame must win. #o scheme too blac$, no tric$ery too vile To aid the large world%treason and the sin The Teuton planned behind his fat, full smile. How should plain, na$ed faith and truth prevail gainst armed falsehood strong in shield and mail& He has enjoyed himself. 'ut that is past. The rapid pictures change upon the screen. (Twist true and false the die of doom is cast nd through the war%smo$e victory is seen )aurelled amid the wrec$, with ree$ing sword *utstretched above the cringing Teuton horde. The play is done+ but this is not the end. ,efeated, shamed before the watching lands, people set for hiss, no mans friend, thing of scorn with foul blood on its hands, The Teuton nation learns its lesson well thing condemned to $now its self%made Hell. He has enjoyed himself. If joy were here In tric$ and treason, let the memory stay In the long night when loathing adds to fear The sting that none may medicine away. He has enjoyed himself as -urders aid .mall joy at last is in the play he played.
-ary -c/. 0seudonym of ,avid -c1ee 2right #...2. The Bulletin 33nd 4ebruary 5657

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