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ICCT Colleges Foundation, Inc. Lite-02 Masterpieces of World Literature E47, TTHS, 8-9PM Mr. Manuel A.

Inahid (Prof) Prepared by: CAIMBON, Irish Elaine B.

Lend me your ears

(An allusion from Julius Caesar: Act 3 Scene 2) Words mean more that what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with the shades of deeper meaning.Maya Angelou, Mrs. Flowers. When I was starting to attend grade school, I was only five years old then. I spent my first two years of my elementary days in a public school and having forty-five children as your classmate is a bit different. Its not like my nursery and kindergarten years, so the first struggle that I faced was trying to fit in. I remember so well whenever my teacher called me to recite in front, I used to cry, maybe thats because I was just so afraid of speaking in frontmy hands shaking, my tongue, stammering. That part of me was really hart to eradicate that it took me until High school to finally get over that fear of speaking in front of the class. It was that faithful day of June 4, 2007the day I called My Independence Day, when finally someone told me that I am someone special, a unique one. He was just a normal man in his mid-twenties, a habitual joker, loud at times, thoughtful and above all, a loving teacher, a second parent, and a great friend. He is my #1 fan, the very first person (aside from my family) who told me that I have something to say, that I can speak, and I can make others listen. Maybe thats the secret ingredient, the secret formula; an ear willing to listen on what others will say. It takes a good listener to elicit ideas from a timid person, and it is another thing to make that person be comfortable about sharing his ideas to other people. Another is speaking words of encouragement. We can always talk but only few from us can speak noteworthy words. When someone encourages you and, with his utmost effort, believes in you, it ignites the fire withinboost your self-confidence, find your own guts to speak and made you feel that whatever you are going to say is worth listening to.

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