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Alexandra Robbins

123 E Main Springfield, Mo 65807 Phone: 417-123-4567 Fax: 417-765-4321 E-Mail:

To obtain long-term, meaningful employment in an educational setting putting to use my skills earned in my bachelors degree program

Parmele Law Firm-Administrative Assistant
Perfecting time management skills Understanding and developing new ways to complete tasks in a timely manner


Working closely to facilitate useful business relationships with government entities

South Haven Baptist Church-Large Group Childcare 06/22/2008-Present

Classroom management with groups ages 2-12 in a variety of settings Development of art projects suited for a range of ages Facilitating student learning in a variety of ways Understanding student needs according to age

Missouri State University-B.S. Elementary Education
Minor in Spanish studies 3.5 GPA

Fall 2012-Present

Ozarks Technical Community College-A.A. General Studies

3.7 GPA Member of Pi Theta Kappa, International Honors Society

Fall 2010-Summer 2012

Large Group Child Care Microsoft Office Suite Interpersonal communication Organization Answering Phones Setting Appointments to coincide with 22 separate calendars Large Event planning Errand Running Time management

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