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Two peanuts were walking down a street, one was assaulted!

How does it work?

The joke is based on a homophone; words that sound the same but have different meanings. A salted = adjective Assaulted = verb

What is the difference between a bod builder and a hitchhiker!

"ne lifts weights and the other waits for lifts.

How does it work?

The nouns and verbs are switched. "ne lifts weights. #verb$ #noun$ The other waits for lifts. #verb$ #noun$

What is the difference between %inford &hristie and 'ailtrack!

"ne runs trains and the other trains runners.

How does it work?

The nouns and verbs are switched. "ne trains runners. #verb$ #noun$ The other runs trains. #verb$#noun$

What is the difference between time and a fruit fl !

Time flies like the wind, but fruit flies like bananas.

How does it work?

The words (flies) and (like) change function. Time flies like the wind. #verb$#preposition$ *ruit flies like bananas. #noun$#verb$

What is the difference between a tree and a train?

One sheds its leaves. The other leaves its shed.

How does it work?

The nouns and verbs are switched. "ne sheds its leaves. #verb$ #noun$ The other leaves its shed. #verb$ #noun$

What is the difference between:

+. , think reading is fantastic! and -. , think 'eading is fantastic!

How does it work?

The capital letter on 'eading tells ou that it means the place.
'eading = the town = proper noun. reading = the pastime = common noun.

., think reading and 'eading are fantastic!/

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