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Module 7 Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language (Part IV)

UTEC Faculty of Social Sciences Englishs Department

Student: Blanca Ienifer Gonzalez Valdez Professor: Martn Ulises Aparicio Morataya

Project 3: Teaching Perspective Inventory Objective: To identify with this test the teaching ability and teaching perspectives to achieve a better understanding.

RESUTLS FOR TPI TEST 1. Date: 28-Feb-14 Group of Learners reporting on: General Public Learning about: education Learning setting: Online/Correspondence, Video-mediated online courses 2. Transmission Total: (Tr) 37 B = 11; I = 14; A = 12 3. Apprenticeship Total: (Ap) 37 B = 13; I = 12; A = 12 4. Developmental Total: (Dv) 32 B = 11; I = 10; A = 11 5. Nurturing Total: (Nu) 35 B = 13; I = 12; A = 10 6. Social Reform Total: (SR) 27 B = 9; I = 10; A = 8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Beliefs total: (B) 57 Intentions total: (I) 58 Action total: (A) 53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overall Total: (T) 168

The purpose of my report is to know and identify my strength and weaknesses on each results that TPI shows different perspectives inventory results and give a basic understanding of what areas of teaching describe my teaching style. In this resport shows each detail about the results in other way I can evaluate other factors that effect in methodology or techniques. It is important to know that is excellent to make this test because with this we can find amazing results that probably we do not consider are strength for us. My results: Transmission Total: 37, Apprenticeship Total: 37, Developmental Total: 32, Nurturing Total: 35, Social Reform Total: 27 and the General totals: Beliefs total: 57, Intentions total: 58, Action total: 53, and the Overall Total: (T) 168

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