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Property and Personal Rights Challenges in the Plan

Page iv (page 14 of PDF) Between 2010 and 20 !" no #ore than ! per$ent of new ho%sing will lo$ate in the r%ral areas" and &! per$ent will 'e within $ities" towns" %nin$orporated growth areas" and tri'al reservations( R%ral areas are defined as o%tside of the $ities" towns" %nin$orporated %r'an growth areas and tri'al reservations( )y $o##ents* +'o%t 0, of the $o%nty-s residents live in the %nin$orporated r%ral areas and will 'e heavily affe$ted 'y any i#ple#entation of this plan( .hat happens in the event of a large nat%ral disaster/ .ill ho#es that e0isted previo%sly 'e allowed to re'%ild or will their owners 'e t%rned into 1willing sellers2 to satisfy the plan-s desire to #ove #ost people into %r'an areas and preserve r%ral land/ Property that was developed prior to this plan sho%ld 'e allowed to 'e #aintained" re'%ilt and i#proved witho%t $apri$io%s interferen$e fro# the $o%nty '%ilding depart#ent 'ased on the 1vision2 of this plan( Page vi (page 13 of the PDF)*
Provide opport%nities for everyone in the 4h%rston Region to learn a'o%t and pra$ti$e s%staina'ility( 5ntegrate ed%$ation on s%staina'ility and s%staina'le pra$ti$es into 6712 $%rri$%la" as well as planner-s short $o%rses" wor8shops" professional training" and other ed%$ational opport%nities(

)y $o##ents* 5ndo$trinate o%r yo%ng people in the plan-s novel definition of s%staina'ility( Do the parents have any say over what is ta%ght to their $hildren/ Page !* 5ntegrate ed%$ation on s%staina'ility and s%staina'le pra$ti$es into 6712 $%rri$%la" as well as planner-s short $o%rses" wor8shops" professional training" and other ed%$ational opport%nities( Page 24* 5ntegrate ed%$ation on s%staina'ility and s%staina'le pra$ti$es into 6712 $%rri$%la9 planner-s short $o%rse" wor8shops" professional training and other ed%$ational opport%nities( 5ntegrating ed%$ation on s%staina'ility and s%staina'le pra$ti$es into s$hool $%rri$%la" plans" and poli$ies will ens%re that de$isions and invest#ents s%pport #a8ing s%staina'le pra$ti$es the nor#(

)y $o##ents* :i8e all a%thoritarian syste#s of the past" the $hildren will 'e indo$trinated into the paradig# that serves the r%ling $lass( 4he planners that wrote this plant were indo$trinated 'y the $ollege $o%rses they too8 (to get a ;o' paid for 'y the govern#ent" i(e( ta0payers) and weren<t trained to %se $riti$al thin8ing to see thro%gh the o'vio%s flaws in the a$$epted paradig# of thin8ing( =ow the $o%nty is going to re>%ire that $hildren thin8 the sa#e as the planners that $reated this plan( ?everal states are re>%iring that $reationis# (religio%s) 'e ta%ght along with (s$ientifi$) evol%tion theory to f%rther the religio%s indo$trination of o%r yo%ng( @ther states are $hoosing to tea$h a'stinen$e witho%t tea$hing real se0 ed%$ation that entails 8nowledge of diseases and 'irth $ontrol( Corporations are getting their training #aterials into s$hools to #a8e $hildren #ore willing wage slaves( Poli$e have 'een %sed as dis$iplinarians in #any s$hools and have arrested yo%ng $hildren for ;%st 'eing $hildren" #a8ing the# learn to 'e s%'servient to a%thority" not to #ention starting the# on the in$ar$eration $onveyor( )eanwhile $ivi$s and $onstit%tional training are relatively non e0istent in s$hools so $hildren are not e0posed to the fo%ndations of o%r govern#ent( Page 1!* Between 2010 and 20 !" no #ore than ! per$ent of new ho%sing will lo$ate in the r%ral areas" and &! per$ent will 'e within $ities" towns" %nin$orporated growth areas" and tri'al reservations( )y $o##ents* 4his is nothing less than so$ial engineering and $entral planning whi$h has always $reated high density pop%lation loads in s#all areas that $ontri'%te to air" noise and light poll%tion as well as loss of priva$y and elevate psy$hologi$al distress for so#e people( 4he in$rease in density in$reases the rate of so$ial $onta$ts whi$h in$reases the potential of the e#ergen$e of $onfli$ts and %npleasant sit%ations s%$h as disp%tes with neigh'ors( 5t will also in$rease the potential to 'e e0posed to illnesses that are passed fro# person to person( Crowding and its effe$ts $an in$rease the feeling of loss of $ontrol over the i##ediate environ#ent( ?o#e $%rrent tho%ght #aintains that the design of the '%ilt environ#ent $an a#eliorate the sense of $rowding( Perhaps this view is 'eing spread in s%pport of higher density %r'an develop#ent and not a reality( Aigh density %r'an environ#ents are li8ely to see large disparities in so$ioe$ono#i$ stat%s and higher rates of $ri#e and violen$e" the presen$e of #arginaliBed people and a higher prevalen$e of psy$hologi$al stressors that a$$o#pany in$reased density and diversity in $ities( +s %s%al there are $onfli$ting st%dies and res%lts a'o%t high density living $reated 'y those for and against it( 5 8now for #yself that it is not the way 5 wo%ld want to live( Page 21 First +$tion ?teps* Find reso%r$es to $reate a water syste#s plan that e0plores ways to #anage water reso%r$es in the 4h%rston Region #ore holisti$ally( @ther a$tions in$l%de* in$rease water $onservation #eas%res9 en$o%rage a #ore $o#pa$t for# of develop#ent9 de$rease the n%#'er of %n#etered wells in 4h%rston Co%nty9

red%$e water lea8age fro# p%'li$ water syste#s9 in$rease %se of re$lai#ed water( )y $o##ents* 4he Co%nty wants to p%t #eters on r%ral wells( .ho will provide the #oney for the installation and $ost of the #eters/ 4hese #eters wo%ld 'e in all li8elihood s#art #eters and need to 'e $onne$ted to power and will e#it reg%lar RF trans#issions( Page !* Prin$iples and poli$ies related to :eadership C Parti$ipation in$l%de* 4ranslate vision to poli$y9 +$t on adopted lo$al plans and poli$ies9 Consider the effe$ts of de$isions on a$hieving the vision9 4hin8 regionally D a$t lo$ally and glo'ally9 Balan$e individ%al property rights with 'roader $o##%nity needs and goals9 Ese #eaningf%l" easy7to7%nderstand #ethods to #eas%re progress on 8ey o';e$tives9 and" )onitor progress and shift $o%rse when ne$essary( )y $o##ents* 4his #eans that the property rights of the individ%al #%st 'e s%'ordinated to the needs and goals of the $o##%nity( .ho deter#ines the needs and goals of the $o##%nity" the $o%nty planners/ 5f the $o##%nity<s needs and goals were voted on 'y the $o##%nity" it wo%ld 'e a fair de#o$rati$ sol%tion" '%t that is not part of the plan( 4his is the tyranny of the s%pposed #a;ority (5 say this 'e$a%se the $o##%nity-s needs will 'e deter#ined 'y the Co%nty planners and $o##issioners and not the $o##%nity residents)( .hat prote$ts the needs and goals of the #inority/ 4he needs and goals of the $o##%nity witho%t a vote is #erely the opinion of the planners who have only in$l%ded the #anaged tho%ghts of 2( , or less of the pop%lation in their planning(( Page 44* Develop a regional sewerage plan( 4his sho%ld in$l%de a strategy to ens%re all septi$ syste#s are #onitored and #aintained" that failing septi$ syste#s identified and repaired" and a strategy and poli$y in pla$e to eval%ate e0isting develop#ents with septi$ syste#s to deter#ine if $onversion to sewer is needed d%e to i#pa$ts on water reso%r$es andFor h%#an health( )y $o##ents* Aow will the #onitoring 'e enfor$ed/ .ho pays the $ost of #onitoring/ Aow will the $o%nty assist residents with the repair of failing syste#s/ Page G&* )ost r%ral ho#es are on e0e#pt wells( 4hese wells do not re>%ire a water right and are therefore easy to drill" '%t over ti#e" #any s#all wells $an have a large i#pa$t on the gro%ndwater( +llowing #ore e0e#pt wells in a r%ral area #ay lower the water ta'le" leaving e0isting residents with dry wells( Conservation is diffi$%lt to en$o%rage with e0e#pt wells" as they are %n7#etered" so the owners have no $ost in$entive to $onserve(

)y $o##ents* )etering of wells will res%lt in $harging people for the water they will %se in the na#e of for$ed $onservation9 however it wo%ld also 'e a great free reven%e strea# for the $o%nty( .hy sho%ld the $o%nty get this in$reased reven%e/ Page G&*
)ost r%ral ho#es %se onsite septi$ syste#s" whi$h in$reasingly have 'een fo%nd to lea8( )y $o##ents* 4here is no fa$t%al data on these in$reasingly lea8ing septi$ syste#s( +ltho%gh it is a distin$t possi'ility in older syste#s" '%t possi'ilities are not fa$ts(

Page H * Create p%'li$7private or p%'li$7p%'li$ land swap strategies to red%$e the $ost and ris8 of invest#ents in $enters and $orridors( 4his in$l%des $onsidering swapping p%'li$ lands that are %nder%sed and that $o%ld 'e developed #ore strategi$ally 'y another govern#ent agen$y or private interest( 4his also in$l%des a#assing par$els in strategi$ lo$ations and reselling the# to a private develop#ent partner" or parti$ipating in a p%'li$7private develop#ent opport%nity within the 'o%nds of e0isting law( )y $o##ents* :and swap strategies are %sed to ta8e private or p%'li$ land and t%rn it over to developers( Esing e#inent do#ain and selling to developers for Ip%'li$ goodI was fo%nd legal 'y the ?C@4E? in 6elo vs =ew :ondon( + lose interpretation of I'light< is also %sed 'y #%ni$ipalities to ta8e property if there is a possi'ility of in$reasing property ta0 reven%e( 5t is 'asi$ally %p to state law( 4he owners of property in the designated redevelop#ent areas sho%ld ta8e noti$e( =o one-s property is sovereign when the state gets involved in this way for what is $onsidered the 1$o##on good2( Page &0* Ree0a#ine r%ral 1 per ! a$re Boning designation to ens%re that s%'%r'an develop#ent does not o$$%r in the r%ral areas and to provide a greater range of r%ral density( )y $o##ents* .hat is this greater range of r%ral density/ Page 13 * J0plore disin$entives D s%$h as ta0es on ;%n8 food D for n%tritionally defi$ient foods( )y $o##ents* .hy sho%ld the state or $o%nty reap finan$ial 'enefits on ;%n8 food disin$entives/ ?ho%ldn-t that #oney 'e given 'a$8 to the people in so#e dire$t way/

Page 1H4* 4his sho%ld in$l%de a strategy to ens%re all septi$ syste#s are #onitored and #aintained" that failing septi$ syste#s are identified and repaired" and a strategy and poli$y in pla$e to eval%ate e0isting develop#ents with septi$ syste#s to deter#ine if $onversion to sewer is needed d%e to i#pa$ts on water reso%r$es andFor h%#an health( K+lso +$tion :72( L )y $o##ents* 4here will 'e for$ed physi$al inspe$tions of all septi$ syste#s and they will 'e re>%ired to 'e 'ro%ght %p to so#e so far %ndis$losed standard( 4his will 'e e0tre#ely e0pensive (M10"000 to M20"000) sin$e ea$h septi$ syste# is %ni>%e and #%st 'e designed to the latest re>%ire#ents( 4his #ay in$l%de $hanging state law on e0e#pt wells and fo$%sing growth in %r'an areas where %r'an infrastr%$t%re is availa'le( )y $o##ents* Changing the laws on e0e#pt wells #ay #a8e it i#possi'le to drill a new well on r%ral property in the $ase of an e0isting well fail%re( 4his wo%ld #a8e the property %ninha'ita'le( J0isting r%ral properties #%st 'e prote$ted against ar'itrary laws that wo%ld $reate 1willing sellers2 to s%pport the Plan-s pre#ise to red%$e r%ral developed land" in$rease far#land and #ove people into the %r'an areas( Page 1H!* J0pand the region-s operation and #aintenan$e progra#s to ed%$ate septi$ owners and ens%re that onsite syste#s are #aintained and 8ept in proper wor8ing order( )y $o##ents* .hat are the region-s operation and #aintenan$e progra#s/ Aow will the $o%nty ens%re that the syste#s are #aintained and 8ept in wor8ing order (whi$h" heretofore" is not defined)/ Page 1H3* and $reating i#pervio%s s%rfa$e li#its )y $o##ents* 5f ena$ted these li#its wo%ld affe$t all properties and if ena$ted along with #ini#%# $over $odes wo%ld i#pa$t all property rights( ?ee the 3!710 r%le in 6ing Co%nty whi$h wo%ld have allowed $learing of %p to !, of the lot and $overing %p to 10, of the lot in i#pervio%s s%rfa$es( Part of it was str%$8 down 'y .+ ?%pre#e Co%rt( www(8ing$o%nty(govF$o%n$ilFnewsF200&F)ar$hF$ao(asp0 Page 1H&* Jn$o%rage a $hange in state poli$ies to in$rease the %tility share of f%nding for %ndergro%nding of overhead wires to red%$e power o%tages( )y $o##ents* P?J was not happy with this re>%ire#ent sin$e it wo%ld in$rease their

$osts whi$h they wo%ld have to pass on to the $ons%#er9 however their o';e$tion was voted down 'y the 4RPC #a;ority( Page 1&0* Consider adopting poli$ies that re>%ire residential and $o##er$ial properties to %nderta8e an energy a%dit at ti#e of sale or d%ring s%'stantial re#odel" in$l%ding" if defi$ien$ies are fo%nd" en$o%raging energy retrofits to %pgrade properties to a spe$ified level( )y $o##ents* 4i#e of sale enfor$ed %pgrades 'ased on an energy a%dit( 4his will #ore %p front $osts to a seller generally raising the pri$e of real estate( Page 202* P)10 D $oarse parti$%late #atter 'etween 2(! and 10 #i$ro#eters in dia#eter (less than one7seventh the width of a h%#an hair) that is generated pri#arily 'y wood7'%rning stoves and vehi$les( 4h%rston Co%nty-s #etropolitan area violated P)10 standards a >%arter7$ent%ry ago '%t s%'se>%ently addressed that pro'le# and will 'e designated as a li#ited7#aintenan$e area soon d%e to its ongoing efforts to red%$e wood s#o8e and per $apita #iles of driving( 4he P)10 D $oarse parti$%late #atter 'etween 2(! and 10 #i$ro#eters in dia#eter (less than
one7seventh the width of a h%#an hair) that is generated pri#arily 'y wood7'%rning stoves and vehi$les( 4h%rston Co%nty-s #etropolitan area violated P)10 standards a >%arter7$ent%ry ago '%t s%'se>%ently addressed that pro'le# and will 'e designated as a li#ited7#aintenan$e area soon d%e to its ongoing efforts to red%$e wood s#o8e and per $apita #iles of driving(

)y $o##ents* 4he JP+ re$ently tightened the reg%lation on the level of fine parti$%late e#issions that wood '%rning stoves $an e#it" fro# 1! #i$rogra#s per $%'i$ #eter to 12 #i$rogra#s( 4his was one of those 1s%e and settle2 s%its that the JP+ and environ#entalists agree to %se to tighten reg%lations(
www(news#a0($o#FE?Fheat7energy7wood7stovesF2014F02F1HFidF!! G2F

=ew wood stoves will 'e re>%ired to #eet the new standards( 4here is no do%'t that in the f%t%re all wood '%rning stoves will 'e re>%ired to #eet a standard that will re>%ire re#oval and repla$e#ent( .ood heat is renewa'le (not li8e nat%ral gas" $oal" propane" diesel or any other fossil f%el) and s%staina'le( ?ee page 1G3 whi$h states* Red%$ed dependen$e on fossil f%els and #ore relian$e on renewa'le energy so%r$es will de$rease $ar'on e#issions and poll%tants in air and water(

Page 20G*

J0e#pt .ells* J0e#pt well owners have little or no in$entive to $onserve water" and additional gro%ndwater withdrawals #ay affe$t water levels for e0isting wells( )y $o##ents* 4he $o%nty wants to install #eters on private wells and $harge people for the water they %se( Clean fresh water is pro'a'ly one of the #ost pre$io%s reso%r$es we have on this planet( 5t has always 'een listed as 'elonging to the $o##ons( 4he $o%nty has no right to $lai# fresh water as its property( 4hey have a finan$ial goal (hidden 'y environ#ental $lai#s) to #a8e #oney on this reso%r$e and that sho%ldn-t 'e allowed( Page 213* Ender Jnviron#ental goals and a$tions* Reg%lations $o%ld in$l%de #andatory $l%stering for new s%'divisions with a #andatory tree tra$t" #ini#%# $anopy $over standards" or li#it for i#pervio%s areas( )y $o##ents* 4his #ay end %p 'eing si#ilar to 6ing $o%nty-s 3!710 ordinan$e whi$h re>%ires landowners to set aside 3!, of their land to 'e left in its nat%ral" vegetative state (any trees $%t down #%st 'e repla$ed) and they are allowed to '%ild (i#pervio%s $overage) on only 10 , of their land( Part of this ordinan$e was str%$8 down 'y the .+ ?%pre#e Co%rt( www(8ing$o%nty(govF$o%n$ilFnewsF200&F)ar$hF$ao(asp0

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