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He wanted every worker to pay National Insurance out of their wage.

This, in turn, would help pay benefits (pensions, sick pay) for everyone whether they were working or not He believed that everyone deserved the same level of medical care, no matter how rich or poor they were He used his powerful personality to win over his opponents

Under his scheme, doctors, nurses and other medical staff would become employees of the government rather than earn money from charging the sick

Im Nye Bevan...
He allowed doctors to carry on seeing private patients alongside working for the NHS. This made sure doctors did not have to worry about a loss of earnings

He identified 5 evil giants that he said needed to be tackledidleness, squalor, ignorance, disease and want

The government turned to him for advice on how to rebuild Britain after the Second World War

It was his job to turn Beveridges NHS plan into a reality

He became the Minister of Health in 1948

Between 1906 and 1914 he advised the British Prime Minister on old age pensions and health insurance


In 1951 he resigned from government in protest at the introduction of prescription charges for dental care and spectacles

He believed people should be cared for by the government from the cradle to the grave

He wanted to set up a national health service, free for everyone and paid for by taxes He encouraged the public to register with their local NHS services to put pressure on doctors who opposed the system His report helped form the foundations of the welfare state

Im William Beveridge...

His work showed that the government needed to take a more active role in improving the nations public health

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