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Seebohm Rowntree
Investigated poverty in York 1901 published Poverty: a Study of Town Life gave evidence that people in York in poverty even though in work Improved his own workers wages as he saw the link to poor health 1941 published Progress and Poverty showed a 50% reduction in poverty and made a link between poverty and employment

Charles Booth
Worked with Octavia Hill. He worked to improve lives however believed people exaggerated when they said of people in London lived in poverty 1886 set out creating his Poverty Map discovered that 35% people in the East End lived in poverty Argued that government needed to take control included idea for pension

Lloyd George
A great political speaker with a desire to improve peoples conditions a friend of Rowntree Became PM during 1916 His reforms as chancellor were so unpopular they led to the Parliament Act of 1911

William Beveridge
A liberal politician published report in 1942 advocated an NHS, said everyone should pay NI.

Liberal Reforms 1906-14
New Liberal government following Modern Liberal agenda 1906 FSM, 1907 Births registered with local board and health visitor came, 1907 medical checks in schools, 1908 Old age pensions, 1909 back to back housing banned, 1911 National Insurance, 1912 School clinics NI Act gave sick pay for 1st time 10s a week for up to 26 weeks made up of 2d govt, 3d employer, 4d employee Only included those in work not their families Anyone with lasting illness or unemployed were excluded By 1930s the system could not cope with the depression. Many still used home cures as they did not have NI

National Insurance 1911

Science & Technology

Booth and Rowntree conducted complete scientific studies of London and York meaning that there was a sound body of evidence to show the scale of the problem

World War One
WWI led to the campaign for Homes Fit for Heroes. Said local councils had to provide good homes led to new homes and slum clearances

World War Two

WW2 changed peoples lives all in it together, death of many need for access to healthcare Evacuation caused issues people were shocked, Better future, Many got free healthcare during war

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