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Students will pair up, with one student facing towards the board and the other facing away from the board. The teacher will put a pyramid that is divided into a few sections on the board, with a different word or phrase related t the topic in each section of the pyramid. The student facing the board will then attempt to get their partner to guess each word or phrase without saying the word. Once time is up, or every word has been guessed, students will trade places and a second pyramid will be put on the board.

Content Application
Math: Students will be presented with pyramids divided into 6 sections. Each section will contain either a geometric shape or a formula that is used to calculate the area of a geometric shape. They must then describe the shape to their partner by their properties (ex. 4 congruent sides, 4 congruent angles) or by describing the shape the formula is used on. After each shape or formula has been guessed, students will trade places and a new pyramid will be placed on the board.

Intelligence Style
Verbal-Linguistic: Students will have to use their knowledge of language to get their partner to guess the given word or phrase without saying it. Visual-Spatial: Students must recognize the given shapes and describe them in order for their partners to guess what they are. Logical-Mathematical: Students must use geometric knowledge to describe the given shapes to their partner. The sections of the pyramid will contain either the shape and its name, or the shape and its formula. This will help keep the students from confusing similar shapes, or describing the wrong shape for the area formula.

Students will be given very specific shapes - such as equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, right trapezoid to describe, rather than just basic shapes. They may only use geometric characteristics to describe the shapes.



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