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TEES Thesis/Claims Explanation/Reasons Evidence, Significance Step 1-Thesis/Claim: Answers the essential question Your argument/ thesis The

sis The point that you want to prove The whole reason for your essay/paragraph. No thesis, no essay/paragraph. The Claim comes first!!! Compares and contrasts your answer from/with other possible answers - in an essay

Step 2-Explanation: You must explain, summarize and elaborate on your thesis here Define key terms, re-word your thesis. The statement keeps everyone on the same page It helps readers to understand clearly, and specifically what you wish to say Reasons

Step 3-Evidence: Here is where you insert your proof. Proof = quote, or reasons for your argument. Usually your proof will come from a primary source document. Proof can be examples Compares and contrasts your evidence from/with other possible evidence 9-12 in an essay

Step 4-Significance: Explain your evidence and why it is significant Here is where you explain why your evidence is important How it proves your claim How it connects to the big picture Warrant: connects evidence to thesis/claim

In Order to be successful all parts of each step must connect directly to each other.
Thesis: _______________________________________________________________________ Explanation: In other words, in addition, again, in brief .because ( solicits reasons) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Evidence: For instance, for example, according to, _____________________________________________________________________________________ Significance: This is where you connect your evidence to your overall point.

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