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Name: Robert Drury King Rank: Assistant Professor

Department: Humanities Date: April 29, 2012

If a course is stacked, for example, DRAW 121, 221, 331, & 441, please average all levels together as one course.
Faculty (Q 8-17) Course 1: Course 2: Course 3: Course 4: Course 5: Course 6: Course 7: Course 8: Course 9: Course 10: Course 11: (midterm)__ Comments: There are some clichs here, but they convey my meaning well. First, I love teaching, and I love teaching here at SNC. In the last year I have grown extremely passionate about this profession and about being in class, actively engaging students. I have continued to adjust the courses to my own skill-set and experiencemaking them sometimes philosophically demanding; but really, I teach critical and systems thinking, both of which have a strong philosophical emphasis, in any case. I genuinely care about my students, and my goal as an instructor is to outfit my students with concepts and methods for thinking that will help them to adapt to a world that will be filled, we can safely predict, with increasing, if not devastating, challenges in the years ahead. Below I offer 1) a sample of some of the strongest support I received in my end of term evaluations from last fall and 2) comments that suggest I may have continued, CORE 301-1 CORE 301-2 CORE 301-3 HIST 360 HUMN 210 CORE 301 CORE 301 ENGL 295 ENGL 380 ENGL 381 __HIST 340_______ Mean: Mean: Mean: Mean: Mean: Mean: Mean: Mean: Mean: Mean: 4.52 4.35 4.23 4.47 4.28 No data No data No data 4.28 (midterm) No data Course (Q18-30) 4.48 3.98 3.87 4.35 4.20 No data No data No data 4.31 (midterm) No data Overall (Q1-30) 4.48 4.16 4.00 4.41 4.20 No data No data No data 4.3 (midterm) No data

Mean: _4.38 (midterm)___ _4.46 (midterm)___ _4.42

strong support in the courses I am currently teaching (courses 6-11 above), come end of term.
CORE 301: Dr. King is a great professor! One of the few teachers I can deem brilliant. I really enjoyed taking this class. I appreciated how he recognized that this was a core class, and he was not trying to make anyone fail. The concepts were, at times, very philosophical and difficult to contemplate, but he was always open to discussing anything outside of class. This was honestly the only core class that I will probably remember after I graduate. It made quite the impact on me. Phenomenal class, Changed the way a lot of students think about their own lives and what is going on around them. I like the framework for this class. I would like to have seen a way to solidify what we discuss in class. There were handouts that did this, but maybe have them on a more regular basis. I felt the last half of the class was less structured than the first and enjoyed the first more. Very fun class though. You have not only taught us about civilization, but y have given us a new way of thinking and approaching problems. Dr.King's approach to civilizations is probably the most creative and helpful manner in learning how the transformations from one civilization to the next occurred. It's refreshing to get into class every time we meet, because I look forward to having interesting discussions regarding material that isn't the typical, mundane "this happened, then that happened, at these dates". Dr.King's approach to understanding civilizations past, present, and future cannot be emphasized enough for it's richness with deeper and more applicable analysis. Truly a formative class if the student keeps an open mind, finds some level of interest, and participates for propagating the perspectives garnered from these impacting lecture/discussion classes. I really enjoy taking classes from Dr. King. He encourages deep thought which I find missing in most classes. I will take any other class he will offer! I feel as if I am getting my monies worth in tuition fees! Dr.King's Civilization class brought an interest to history in such a fun and enlightening manner. Excellent class and has become pivitol to my collegiate experience. Boss.

HUMN 210: Dr. King is a very good teacher, he sees us all as students and of all the teachers he is the most true to the job. I believe that he truly likes teaching and enjoys when students find interest in the material. He is obviously a very intelligent man. I would say the same thing I would say to Kings face. The only things taking away from this class are immature/unruly students. At times the material may be a little much for some of the class (mostly because there are a lot of lazy students) but it is never out of the realm of understanding. One of the few people at SNC who really challenges you to think and isn't afraid to take a step back if things get going too fast. As a senior who has attended a number of well known colleges, some numbering 30,000+ students, Dr. King is someone who I will remember for a long time. He has had an impact in my life both in and outside of school. HIST 360: King is a very great teacher, he reaches into your brain and makes you think differently than how you would be thinking if you just read it strait and forward. This was a class that I am essentially required to take in order to fulfill my requirements. With average expectations prior to starting this course, it has become one of the most interesting and apply-able courses I have yet to take. Dr. King is passionate about the material, funny, yet some of the connections he is able to make are quite amazing. It's very complex material at times but he is able to make the key concept easy to understand. His ability to take note of important sentences and leave the fluff of the reading aside if very good as well. A sentence I may have never noticed, can contain the key point to what the whole class is about. It can really only be done with someone of Kings background, the philosophy side is very nice to complement the historical aspects of the material . HIST 340: This class is taught in a far more exciting and stimulating manner than might otherwise be the case with a different professor. Dr. King is performing extremely well as an instructor. He is approachable, works to get students thinking critically, and values their commentaries. Clearly he is very intelligent and has a passion for making his students excel. I hope he enjoys working at SNC because he is a great asset to the students and the school.

ENGL 380: The Language, Thought and Culture course is without a doubt one of the best classes I've taken so far at Sierra Nevada College. Dr. King's translation of the information is easily retained and incorporated into everyday thought. It makes students reconsider human communication and see the real potential within us. Dr. King is a very cool teacher who knows his stuff and makes learning enjoyable by engaging us with questions and discussion not only with him but with one another. Would easily take more of his courses.

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