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Shayla May Mrs.

Jones English IV- 2A April 3, 2014

Job Shadow Reflection Questions 1. Was the job shadow you completed the same career field you identified in your career PowerPoint? If you completed the experience in another field, explain why there was a need to change career fields. (i.e., I was not able to set up a job shadow experience in my intended career field OR After taking a closer look at the field, I found that I was more interested in). The job shadow I completed was the same career field you identified in my career power point. 2. As a result of your job shadow experience, are you still planning to pursue the same career or has the experience led you in a new direction? Explain. As a result of my job shadow experience, I do not plan on pursing the same career
because I could not bear the feeling and thoughts of the sick babies fighting for their lives.

3. During your job shadow, what skills did you observe that are needed to be proficient at this career? During the job shadow, I learned about jaundice in newborns and how it is treated, how a
hearing test is conducted, and how the Phenylketonuria (PKU) Test is taken and the reasons. I also watched a baby boy become circumcised.

4. What activities and or duties did you like/dislike about the experience? Some activities or duties I enjoyed were going check on the mothers and to see how they
are feeling and seeing the happiness surrounded in the room was heartwarming.

5. Do you see yourself doing this job for the duration of your working career? (i.e., 15 to 20 years in the same field) I do not see myself doing this job for the duration of my working career because I cannot stand the sights of suffering babies. 6. Aside from academic preparation in school, what are some other things that you can do in order to prepare for your intended career field? To prepare for my intended career, I can start working on my procrastination habits and patience skills.

7. Is there any important tips and or advice you were given by your mentor concerning your career field? Some advice I was giving from my mentor is to always work hard because in nursing school, everybody is striving for the same thing, however, I just have to do the task better than others. 8. Considering everything you have learned, what is most invaluable lesson you have learned from your job shadowing experience, and how will this help you to move forward in your intended career field? The most invaluable lesson I have learned from my job shadow experience is to always be open minded. This will help me in my intended future because the babys parents go through many obstacles and I cannot judge them about there preferred decisions.

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