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B E T W E E N: [Calypso Pannins and Cafe], a e!, i "otati"e coffee sho# $a d$ [----] %the &Assi' or() RECITALS A. At the time of the i cor#oratio of the *or#oratio , the Assi' or !as the o! er of or he+d #ro#rietary ri'hts i re+atio to i te++ect,a+ #ro#erty ide tified herei a d re+ated to the *or#oratio -s .,si ess of /Calypso Pannins and Caf, a new coffe shop with the porpous of creating a new social environment where young adults can eat, get together and have a good time.0 %!hich I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty !as de"e+o#ed i co tem#+atio of .ei ' ,sed, either direct+y or i direct+y, .y the *or#oratio i co ectio !ith carryi ' o the .,si ess of the *or#oratio . Assi' or , dersta ds that the *or#oratio res#ects third #arty #ro#rietary ri'hts a d does ot desire to ac3,ire a y trade secrets or co fide tia+ i formatio of third #arties for !hich disc+os,re has ot .ee re3,ested .y *or#oratio a d a,thori4ed .y s,ch third #arty. 5o, der re#rese ts a d !arra ts to the *or#oratio that %a) he is ot , der a y #re$e6isti ' o.+i'atio i co siste t !ith the terms of this i str,me t7 %.) to the .est of his 8 o!+ed'e, the I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty is his ori'i a+ !or8, free a d c+ear of a y c+aims or e c,m.ra ces of a y 8i d, a d, to the .est of his 8 o!+ed'e, !i++ ot i fri 'e a y #ate t, co#yri'ht or other #ro#rietary ri'ht or "io+ate a trade secret of a y #erso or e tity7 %c) his de+i"ery of this i str,me t has ot a d !i++ ot "io+ate or co f+ict !ith or res,+t i a .reach of a y terms, co ditio s, d,ties or o.+i'atio s he has to a y third #arty7 a d %d) he has ot a,thori4ed a y third #arty to ,se, or 'ra ted a y o#tio to ac3,ire a y ri'hts to or +ice ses to ,se a y of the I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty, or has he co"e a ted or a'reed !ith a y third #arty ot to s,e or other!ise e force a y +e'a+ ri'hts !ith res#ect to a y of the I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty. The re#rese tatio s a d !arra ties of this #ara'ra#h 2 sha++ s,r"i"e the date of this i str,me t.


*. The Assi' or /has previously executed or is currently executing0 a em#+oyme t a'reeme t i c+,di ' #ro#rietary i formatio a d co fide tia+ity c+a,ses, dated /March the 29th of 20 !0 re+ati ' to his o 'oi ' em#+oyme t .y the *or#oratio a d the assi' me t to the *or#oratio of his ri'hts i res#ect of a y i te++ect,a+ #ro#erty created .y him d,ri ' his term of em#+oyme t !ith the *or#oratio . 9. E. The Assi' or, to'ether !ith /"atalia #$c%rraga, #ndrs &illarreal, #na Patricia 'on$%le$, Paulina (revi)o and *%r+ara #cu)a0 are the fo, ders of the *or#oratio . The 5o, ders a d the *or#oratio ha"e a'reed that the assi' me t of a++ I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty referred to i Recita+ A a.o"e %the &Assi' ed I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty() !hich !as he+d or o! ed, i a y form or ma er !hatsoe"er, .y each of the 5o, ders #rior to the i cor#oratio of the *or#oratio is materia+ to the .,si ess of the *or#oratio a d !as i te ded at a++ materia+ times .y the #arties to .e assi' ed .y the Assi' or a d the other 5o, ders to the *or#oratio as a co ditio #recede t to the em#+oyme t of the Assi' or .y the *or#oratio .

N:; THERE5:RE, i co sideratio of the s,m of fifty tho,sa d 9o++ars %<=0,000 M>N) a d other 'ood a d "a+,a.+e co sideratio , the recei#t a d ade3,acy of !hich is here.y ac8 o!+ed'ed, the *or#oratio a d the Assi' or here.y a'ree that? 1. The Assi' or ac8 o!+ed'es that i the Assi' or-s ca#acity as a s,.sta tia+ shareho+der of the *or#oratio , he !i++ .e efit from this assi' me t of the Assi' ed I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty. 2. The Assi' or here.y se++s, assi' s a d tra sfers , to the *or#oratio , a++ his ri'ht, tit+e a d i terest, i a d to the Assi' ed I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty created or o! ed i a y form or ma er !hatsoe"er .y him #rior to the date of the i cor#oratio of the *or#oratio . To the e6te t that a y s,ch Assi' ed I te++ect,a+ 1ro#erty is ot assi' a.+e or tra sfera.+e to the *or#oratio %&No $assi' a.+e I1(), the Assi' or here.y 'ra ts to the *or#oratio a o $ e6c+,si"e, roya+ty$free, irre"oca.+e, #er#et,a+, !or+d$!ide +ice se to ma8e, ha"e made, modify, ma ,fact,re, re#rod,ce, s,.$+ice se, ,se a d se++ s,ch No $assi' a.+e I1, a d a y resid,a+ ri'hts the Assi' or ho+ds i the No $assi' a.+e I1 !i++ .e he+d .y him i tr,st for the so+e .e efit of the *or#oratio . The Assi' or !i++ co "ey, tra sfer, dis#ose of a d other!ise dea+ !ith the No $assi' a.+e I1 %i c+,di ' the e6ec,tio a d de+i"ery of a++ doc,me ts a d other i str,me ts re+ati ' to the No $assi' a.+e I1) i s,ch a ma er as the *or#oratio sha++ from time to time direct. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the #arties ha"e e6ec,ted this A'reeme t as of the date first me tio ed a.o"e. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ;it ess @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ /Ana Paticia Gonzlez Flores) [Calypso Pannins and Caf ] 2y? Name? Tit+e? 2

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