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CHANGE MANAGEMENT Concept The term change refers to any alteration which occurs in the overall work environment

of an organization. It implies alterations of structural relationships and role of people in an organization. It has the following characteristics: 1. Change results from the pressure of forces which are oth outside and inside the organization. It distur s the e!isting e"uili rium in the organization. #. The whole organization tends to change in any part of it. e affected y a

$. Change takes place in all parts of the organization% ut at varying rates of speed and degrees of significance. &. Change may affect people% structure and technology and other elements of the organization. '. Change may e reactive or proactive. (hen change is rought a out due to the pressure of e!ternal forces% it is called reactive change. )owever% proactive change is initiated y the management on its own to increase organizational effectiveness. FORCES OF CHANGE

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