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In a place where they sell pizza. Intr-o pizzerie. Waiter: Good afternoon, madam! Buna ziua, doamna!

Madam: Good afternoon! Buna ziua! Waiter: What do you want to order? Ce doriti sa comandati? Madam: I want to order a pizza, but I can't decide what kind of pizza. Doresc o pizza, dar nu ma pot decide ce fel de pizza doresc. Waiter: If you wish, I can make some su estions. Daca doriti, va pot da cateva sugestii. Madam: !h, yes, please.. i'm listenin . Oh, da, chiar va rog.. va ascult. Waiter: We ha"e #apriciosa that contains all the in redients$ mushrooms, tomatoes, salami, ketchup, cheese, onion, ham, e s% and another recommendation would be &izza 'awaii that has all the abo"e mentioned in redients plus pineapple, an e(otic in redient that tastes delicious. Va recomand Capriciosa care contine toate ingredientele: ciuperci, rosii, salam, ketchup, ranza, ceapa, sunca, oua! o alta recomandare ar fi "izza #a$aii care contine tot ce am enumerat mai inainte plus ananas, un ingredient e%otic ce are un gust delicios. Madam: Well) I would like a #apriciosa. "ai& as vrea o Capriciosa. Waiter: !k, madam. Ok, doamna. Madam: *hank you. 'ultumesc. +fter a few minutes. ,upa cate"a minute. Waiter: -adam, did you en.oy your pizza? Doamna, v(a placut pizza? Madam: It was more than delicious. ) fost mai mult decat delicioasa. Waiter: I'm lad to hear that. 'a ucur sa aud asta. Madam: I would also like to ask you somethin $ if I want to ha"e a pizza at home what should I do?

)s dori sa va mai intre ceva* daca vreau sa command o pizza acasa, ce tre uie sa fac? Waiter: Well. here you ha"e our number, you call here and say what pizza do you want and the deli"ery address. *hat's it. +i ine& aici aveti numarul nostrum de telefon, sunati aici si spuneti ce pizza doriti si adresa de livrare. )tat. Madam: /ou're so kind. *hank you. ,unteti tare ama il. 'ultumesc. Waiter: We'll wait you to come a ain. Va mai asteptam. Madam: Good bye! *a revedere! Waiter: Good bye, madam! *a revedere, doamna!

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