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Val Wienke | March 12, 2014

10:05 A.M. Block center Val is sitting on the carpet using blocks for the cars to drive on. As she is moving the green car on her wooden block track, there is another car blocking the car she is holding. "My car cant go through," said Val. "What can you do to have your car go through," asks the teacher. Val stares at the car and the track then has the car go around the car on the track.
11c. Solves problems Preliminary Rating: Level 8

Entered on March 14, 2014, 10:43 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 11, 2014

11:15 A.M. The teacher told everyone to clean up and to go sit on the carpet. Val starts picking up the blocks and puts them in the red bin in block center. As soon as she puts the red bin away, Val uses her walking feet towards the large group area to sit on the carpet. Val crises crosses she legs with her hands on her lap while waiting for her friends to sit where she is sitting.
8b. Follows directions Preliminary Rating: Level 8

Entered on March 14, 2014, 10:30 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 11, 2014

Circle time 9:11 A.M. Val sees one of her peers wearing purple pants. "I have those same pants," said Val. "You do," said her teacher. "Yeah they are at home. they have pockets too." " Your purple pants have pockets, that is so cool," said her teacher. "Okay my friends let's start circle time so we can go play." Val crises crosses her legs and puts her hands on her lap. A peep moves towards Val and starts touching her white headband. "No stop touching my headband," said Val. He continues touching her head band. "I said stop!!! "Val does not want you to touch her head band please keep your hands to yourself," said the teacher. The peer stops touching her head band. "Yeah keep your hands to yourself that is not nice,"said Val.
3b. Solves social problems Preliminary Rating: Level 7 10a. Engages in conversations Preliminary Rating: Level 6

Entered on March 14, 2014, 10:15 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 11, 2014

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Val is sitting at the art table using a paintbrush with her right hand. She is making purple and yellow dots on the white paper.
7b. Uses writing and drawing tools Preliminary Rating: Level 7

Entered on March 14, 2014, 10:10 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 6, 2014

Free Play 5:00 P.M. Val has put the triangle and a rectangle together. She identifies that these two shapes make a house.

21a. Understands spatial relationships Preliminary Rating: Level 8

Entered on March 10, 2014, 1:51 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 6, 2014

Transition 10:35 A.M. Val dumps out the foam blocks out of the navy blue basket on the table. "Val can you count the foam blocks for me," asks the teacher. Val lifts her pointed finger and touches each of them while counting, "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13." "13" "Great job counting and thank you for helping me count, said her teacher as she is praising her.
20a. Counts Preliminary Rating: Level 5

Entered on March 10, 2014, 1:33 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 6, 2014

Transitions 10:19 A.M. Her teacher puts a flashcard of shape in front of Val and asks what shape is it. Val identifies that the shape is a heart. "Very good Val can you tell me what this shape is?" "Its an octagon." The teacher continues to have Val identify each shape. Val looks at the oval flashcard and says it's a circle. "Close but this shape is called an oval." Her teacher rips out a piece of paper from her

April 9, 2014

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notebook and draws a circle. "That is a circle and that is an oval," said the teacher as she is drawing an oval on the paper. After showing Val the difference between a circle and an oval, she puts down a new flashcard. "It's a square", said Val. " This shape is a rectangle, two squares make a rectangle." The teacher picks up her pen and draws two squares next to one another to make a rectangle. "two squares makes a tangle, said Val. Val practices on naming the two shapes until she named them correctly.
21b. Understands shapes Preliminary Rating: Level 4

Entered on March 10, 2014, 1:27 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 6, 2014

Transitions 10:15 A.M. Val and her teacher is sitting at the table to practice on naming colors by using flash cards. "Do you know what color is the heart is," asks the teacher. "Orange." The teacher continues to go through the flashcards with Val. The following colors Val named are black, purple, red, blue, pink, and white. The colors Val had a hard time is yellow, green, and brown. Her teacher went over the three colors with Val until she got them all correct. After showing the three same flashcards, Val names all three correctly but still may need to practice on those colors.
8a. Comprehends language Preliminary Rating: Level 4 12a. Recognizes and recalls Preliminary Rating: Level 7

Entered on March 10, 2014, 1:13 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 5, 2014

Val is about to jump off the shape foams. She lifts her feet and lands on the blue mat with both feet. Val takes big steps up on the yellow foam shape matt and jumps again.

4. Demonstrates traveling skills Preliminary Rating: Level 7 5. Demonstrates balancing skills Preliminary Rating: Level 8

Entered on March 14, 2014, 10:38 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 4, 2014

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Transitions 9:45 A.M. Val writes her name with her right hand holding a blue crayon.

7b. Uses writing and drawing tools Preliminary Rating: Level 4 19a. Writes name Preliminary Rating: Level 2

Entered on March 10, 2014, 2:00 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 4, 2014

10:01 A.M. Free play/transitions Val is standing at the light table building legos. "What will you be building today Ms. Val?"asks the teacher. "I'll be building a princess crown," said Val. "How will you make your crown," asks the teacher. "Ill show you," said Val. " I love how you made your crown with different colors, said the teacher her. "I I will have the crown sit there so everybody can look at it but no nobody can touch it." Okay Ill make sure no body touches your crown", said the teacher.

14a. Thinks symbolically Preliminary Rating: Level 7

Entered on March 4, 2014, 3:30 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | March 4, 2014

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Breakfast time Val is eating her pineapple cubes with a spoon and a pancake with her hand. She pushes the pineapple cubes on the spoon with her fingers and puts the spoon of it in her mouth. eight minutes later She gets up from her chair, picks up her dishes to put them in the sink and goes to the bathroom to wash her hands. After washing her hands, she picks a table toy and waits for everyone to be done eating before circle time.
7a. Uses fingers and hands Preliminary Rating: Level 6 12b. Makes connections Preliminary Rating: Level 5

Entered on March 4, 2014, 3:09 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 27, 2014

Val is sorting out green and red blocks separate on the carpet in block center. She first puts each red block on her left side and the green blocks on her right. As soon as she puts them separate. The teacher asks her which pile is bigger. Val points at the red block. Her teacher then asks which pile is smaller. Val says the green pile is smaller.
22. Compares and measures

Entered on March 14, 2014, 11:20 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 27, 2014

10:34 A.M. Free play/transitions Val walks to the housekeeping center from the block center until her teacher reminds her to pick up the blocks off from the carpet before leaving the center. She heads back to the block center and squats down to reach for the blocks. Val picks two blocks each with both hands and puts them in the wooden block bin. "Thank you val for cleaning up you may go to house keeping now," said her teacher.
12b. Makes connections Preliminary Rating: Level 3

Entered on March 4, 2014, 3:19 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 26, 2014

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Val is using legos to build a tall train. She talks about the sound a train makes and how she can build a train with legos. "Wow I like how you built your train." said the teacher. "How many lego squares are on your train/?" " Val uses her pointed finger to count and skips a few. "four." "Let's count together Val." "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9." "Ooops we missed one, 10." "I dont like counting sometimes," said Val. "why not?" asks the teacher. "Because counting is too much work," said Val. "I think counting is fun,said the teacher. "Well I guess it can be fun sometimes but sometimes it can be boring,said Val. " How is it boring to you," asks the teacher. " I dont know," said Val.
9b. Speaks clearly Preliminary Rating: Level 6 10a. Engages in conversations Preliminary Rating: Level 5 14a. Thinks symbolically Preliminary Rating: Level 8 20a. Counts Preliminary Rating: Level 3

Entered on March 14, 2014, 11:28 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 26, 2014

8:30 AM breakfast time Val uses her walking feet passing each cup to her friends at the table. She puts every cup on the table and tells everyone to not touch thier cups. Then val walks to her chair and sits on it. The teacher is pouring milk in each child's cup. When she went to Val, val asks if she could pour. Val puts a grip on the handle of the heavy milk carton with her teacher's help and pours it in her cup. "Thank you for letting me pout," said Val.
7a. Uses fingers and hands Preliminary Rating: Level 5

Entered on March 4, 2014, 2:55 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 20, 2014

Val is putting a blue peg inside the blue pegboard then takes it out and puts it back inside.

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7a. Uses fingers and hands Preliminary Rating: Level 6

Entered on March 11, 2014, 8:20 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 20, 2014

10:26 A.M. Transitions Val is passing out lace shape beads for all her friends. She walks around the table giving each shape bead to one person to another until the jar got empty. She uses her walking feet towards one of her peers and asks, "Want this one?" The girl shakes her head yes and takes the green circle bead from Val. "That was being such a wonderful friend Val I like how you are sharing the beads with all your friends, said the teacher. Val smiles with her hands behind her back and sits on a chair to play with the lace beads.
3a. Balances needs and rights of self and others Preliminary Rating: Level 7

Entered on February 23, 2014, 8:59 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 19, 2014

9:35 A.M. Val is sitting on a carpet in the group area while waiting for her name to be called and being asked what area she wants to play in. Only three people can play in each center of the classroom. When block center got full, Val starts to cry. "Val are you upset because you wanted to play in the block center?" Val has her thumb in her mouth and shakes her head yes while continuing to have tears rolling down her face. "Val you still have a lot of choices you can do in this room." said the teacher. The teacher helps support Val by giving her options, which is house keeping or table toy. Her teacher tells her that there are blocks at the table toy shelf. Val decides to do table toys by playing with colored wooden blocks at the table.
1b. Follows limits and expectations Preliminary Rating: Level 4 3b. Solves social problems Preliminary Rating: Level 3

Entered on February 23, 2014, 9:11 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 18, 2014

Toys/Games 9:15- 9:25 A.M. One of Val's peer wants to have some peg puzzles from her so he can have some to play with. "NO You cant they are mine," Val says. "Your friend would like to have some peg puzzles and you have plenty of them to play, can you please give five flower peg puzzles to your friend please?" Val tells the teacher no. " This is making your friend very sad because you are not willing to give some to your friend," The teacher takes five peg puzzle to give to Val's peer. Val begins to cry because the teacher gave five peg puzzle to the peer. She still has peg puzzles but still cries. "Val would you like to take a break so you can settle down?" asks the teacher. "NO!!" As Val continues to cry, the teacher takes Val's hand to have her sit in the library center. "Let me know when you ready to play again," said the teacher. Val remains in the library/quiet center until she stopped crying. "Are you ready to come play with us again Val, asks the teacher. Val shakes her head yes. "Can you please make your friends happy by sharing some peg puzzles?" Val shakes her head yes again and walks towards back to the table where the same peer is playing with the peg puzzles.
1a. Manages feelings Preliminary Rating: Level 2 3a. Balances needs and rights of self and others

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Preliminary Rating: Level 1

Entered on February 23, 2014, 8:46 PM by Stephanie Tamel

Val Wienke | February 18, 2014

Arrival 8 :00 A.M. Val enters the classroom with her mother. She is holding her mom's hand and is sucking her thumb as the two teachers are saying hello. Val smiles at one teacher. She let goes of her mother's hand, gives her a hug and a kiss on the lips. Val uses her walking feet towards her teacher. She crawls up on the teacher's lap. " Look at my dress my mommy got it for me", said Val. "Your pink dress looks very lovely on you," says the teacher.
2a. Forms relationships with adults Preliminary Rating: Level 9

Entered on February 23, 2014, 8:32 PM by Stephanie Tamel

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