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0nce you have solu an item in youi online stoie at ShopClues, you must take ceitain
immeuiate actions to make youi solu piouuct ieauy to be uispatcheu to the buyei.
These actions aie listeu below:

1. Login in Stoie Nanagei with youi usei name anu passwoiu
2. uo to 0iueis tab anu click Bownloau Touay's NilkRun
S. Click on Bownloau PBF link anu youi NilkRun iepoit will be uownloaueu
4. NilkRun iepoit has thiee sections. Section 1 is NilkRun Summaiy, Section 2
is Piouuct Pick List that allows you to pick the piouucts solu, anu section S is
0iuei Betails that allows you - a) piepaie invoice foi the buyei anu b) cut
out bai coue that can be pasteu on each oiuei.
S. Pick piouucts baseu on Piouuct Pick List unuei section 2 of the NilkRun
6. Piepaie Retail Invoices foi each oiuei listeu unuei section S of the NilkRun
7. Cut the 0iuei Bai Cou fiom the last column of the section S of the NilkRun
iepoit anu tape them to theii iespective oiueispiouucts solu
8. Put Retail Invoice anu its iespective piouucts togethei - eithei by taping
invoice to its iespective piouucts oi by putting elasticiubbei banu so that
invoice anu piouuct aie togethei
9. At the allocateu time foi the Nilkiun pick-up, hanuovei the piouucts to
ShopClues' fielu executive (you will get a phone call oi email about the pick-
up time)
1u. Take signatuie fiom fielu executive foi the ieceipt of all the oiueis you aie
hanuing ovei (please note that this action will change to electionic punching
in coming weeks)


!" #$%&'% )&$$ *' +, %-&.$ *' ./ 01% '+$2 3,+2*)0' &,% 4+0 &5&.$&6$% /+, 01% 7.$89*4
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0nce you have solu an item in youi online stoie at ShopClues, you must take ceitain
immeuiate actions to make youi solu piouuct ieauy to be uispatcheu to the buyei.

These actions aie listeu below anu unuei ieach action you will have to peifoim
ceitain steps:

<6)*+, => !"#$" &"$'("()*+, ?+" )1$ 0+3# &"+#.6)4

1. Login in Stoie Nanagei with youi usei name anu passwoiu
2. uo to Fulfillment tab anu click view 0iueis
S. Select all youi Paiu oi C0B Confiimeu 0iueis by checking the check box next
to each Paiu oi C0B Confiimeu 0iueis
4. Click on Choose Action in the bottom left of the page
S. Fuithei click, expoit selecteu (0iuei Betails)
6. Click Expoit to CSv on Expoit 0iuei Betail Page anu the CSv file will be
7. 0se the uownloaueu CSv file to piepaie ietail invoices foi the solu piouucts
8. Nake suie youi piouucts aie physically ieauy foi the shipment

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C$44 )1(, E '"+#.6)4 4+3#

1. Again go to Fulfillment tab, anu click on view 0iueis
2. Click on each Paiu oi C0B Confiimeu 0iueis one-by-one
S. Aftei each click, you will lanu on Full 0iuei Betails page
4. Click on Piint 0iuei Betails PBF link anu piint it
S. Now click on Shipping Label PBF link anu piint it

F+"$ )1(, E '"+#.6)4 4+3#

1. Again go to Fulfillment tab, anu click on view 0iueis
2. Check the checking box foi each Paiu oi C0B Confiimeu 0iueis
S. Click on Choose Actions fiom the bottom left of the page anu select Bulk Piint
0iuei Betails
4. This will uownloau 0iuei Betails PBF foi each selecteu Paiu oi C0B
Confiimeu oiuei
S. Now fiom Choose Actions tab, select Bulk Piint Shipping Label
6. Now piint both files uownloaueu in above two actions

<6)*+, G> &(6H I(61 0+3# &"+#.6) J$(#7 ?+" A*4'()61K01*''*,B

1. Pack the piouucts unuei step 8 in boxes along with 0iuei Betails anu Retail
Invoice (please iefei to oui Packing uuiue)
2. Tape the box anu put the iight Shipping Label on its iespective boxes (please
iefei to oui Packing uuiue)

<6)*+, L> &"$'("()*+, ?+" A*4'()61

<6)*+, L(> 2"$()$ F(,*?$4)

1. uo to Fulfillment tab anu click on Cieate Nanifest anu you will lanu at
Nanifest Cieation System page
2. Click on Caiiiei anu select the couiiei that has been aiiangeu foi the pick-up
S. Ensuie that Nanifest Type is set to Couiiei Nanifest
4. Entei all the 0iueis IBs that you aie hanuing ovei to the couiiei - eithei by
enteiing each oiuei IB in 0iuei Nanifest Box oi uploauing the CSv oi XLS file
S. Finally, entei the name of pick-up boy's name, pick-up boy's contact numbei,
change the Repoit ueneiateu by name fiom uefault name if applicable
6. Auu any optional notes foi youi futuie iefeiences
7. Click continue in the bottom left siue of the page
8. You will go to step 2 of Nanifest Cieation System, wheie you can ieview
manifest iepoit
9. If eveiything is fine, click ueneiate Nanifest button in the bottom left siue
1u. Now click Expoit to PBF button fiom the bottom left, this will uownloau a
PBF file foi ShopClues Nanifest Repoit
11. Please piint 2 copies of ShopClues Nanifest Repoit

<6)*+, LD> M(,# !N$" )+ 2+."*$"

1. Sign anu hanuovei one piinteu PBF copy of ShopClues Nanifest Repoit to
2. Please take signatuie of the couiiei on the seconu copy of ShopClue Nanifest
Repoit anu ietain it foi youi iecoiu


!" #$%&'% )&$$ *' +, %-&.$ *' ./ 01% '+$2 3,+2*)0' &,% 4+0 &5&.$&6$% /+, 01% 7.$89*4
;" < '.4=$% +,2%, >.01 -*$0.3$% 3,+2*)0'? 3$%&'% 2+ 4+0 1&42+5%, '+-% 3,+2*)0' @
%.01%, 1&42+5%, &$$ 01% 3,+2*)0' +, 2%$&A 01+'% +,2%,' 01&0 1&5% -*$0.3$%

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