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Friday, March 7, 2014 Your monthly magazine dedicated to health & wellbeing

All about glaucoma

What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a grou o! eye disorders that lead to damage to the o tic ner"e# $he role o! the o tic ner"e is to transmit images !rom the eye to the brain# $his disorder is o!ten associated with the rise o! ressure within the eye# $his ressure, which is called intraocular ressure %&'(), causes damage to the o tic ner"e# What is this pressure in the eye? $here is a small s ace inside the eye between the iris and the cornea*s innermost sur!ace, which is called the +anterior chamber+# , !luid called a-ueous humor !lows in and out o! this chamber through .chlemm*s canal, also /nown as canal o! .chlemm or the scleral "enous sinus# $he bloc/age o! this canal re"ents the normal in0and0out !low o! the !luid, resulting in accumulation o! the !luid# $his builds u a ressure inside the eye which ushes on the o tic ner"e# $he continuous ressure on the o tic ner"e leads to glaucoma# $his disease generally a!!ects both eyes, howe"er, one eye may ha"e more se"ere sym toms than the other# What are the types of Glaucoma? $here are two main ty es o! glaucoma1 ' en0angle and angle0closure glaucoma# Open-angle glaucoma: ,lso called wide0angle glaucoma, this is the most common ty e o! glaucoma, accounting !or o"er 203 o! all cases# &n o en0angle glaucoma, the angle, where the iris meets the cornea, is normal and as wide and o en as it should be, but the drainage mechanism gradually becomes clogged, mainly due to ageing# 4ith the !luids unable to drain !rom the eye ro erly, the ressure builds u within the eye ainlessly and without sym toms# &n this ty e o! glaucoma, the loss o! "ision starts on the side % eri herally), and there!ore most atients don*t realise that they are losing "ision until it a!!ects their central "isual area# ,d"anced o en0angle glaucoma can lead to blindness#

Angle-closure glaucoma: ,lso called chronic angle0closure or narrow0angle glaucoma, it is more common in ,sia than in the 4estern world !or reasons that are not yet clear# &n this ty e o! glaucoma, the angle between the iris and cornea becomes narrow# &t de"elo s "ery -uic/ly# &n this condition, the ressure within one eye increases suddenly# &ts sym toms are usually noticeable, li/e ain, redness in the eye, increased or cloudy "ision, rainbow0li/e halos around lights, nausea and "omiting and swollen eyes# ,ngle0closure glaucoma needs immediate medical attention# 5ongenital glaucoma and secondary glaucoma are other less common ty es o! glaucoma# Congenital glaucoma: &t o!ten runs in !amilies or in other words is inherited# &t is resent at birth and is caused by abnormal eye de"elo ment# &ts sym toms are red eye, sensiti"ity to light, cloudiness o! the !ront o! the eye and enlargement o! one or both eyes# $hese can be noticed e"en when the child is a !ew months old# Secondary glaucoma: &t is caused as a result o! another eye condition or disease, such as u"eitis and systemic diseases, drugs such as corticosteroids and trauma# How is glaucoma diagnosed? ,n eye s ecialist will conduct a com lete eye test# 6e7she may ut eye dro s in the eye to widen %dilate) the u il which hel s the doctor loo/ at the inside o! the eye# $he s ecialist may call you !or a test called tonometry, which is done to chec/ eye ressure# What is the treatment for glaucoma? $reating glaucoma is about reducing the ressure in your eye# $he eye s ecialist selects the treatment de ending on the ty e o! glaucoma the atient has# Many cases o! o en0angle glaucoma can be success!ully treated with eye dro s# $he doctor may also gi"e atients ills to lower ressure in the eye# &! these treatments don*t wor/, other treatments may in"ol"e laser thera y %iridotomy) and eye surgery# &n case o! angle0 closure glaucoma also, the atient may be gi"en eye dro s and medicines to lower eye ressure# 6owe"er, an acute angle0closure attac/ is a medical emergency which without treatment can cause ermanent loss o! "ision in a !ew days# $hose who e8 erience an acute angle0closure attac/ may need an emergency o eration# ,lmost all cases o! congenital glaucoma are treated with surgery and in case o! secondary glaucoma, treatment o! the underlying disease may hel the atients* sym toms go away#

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&t is ossible to de"elo glaucoma with or without the ris/ !actors listed below# 6owe"er, more ris/ !actors ma/e you more susce tible to glaucoma# Age: 'lder ersons mainly de"elo angle0closure glaucoma, es ecially those around 90# "thnic &ac'ground: ,!rican0,mericans, abo"e 40 are at higher ris/ o! de"elo ing glaucoma# ,sian ersons de"elo acute angle0closure glaucoma more than anyone else in the world# %amily history: $hose with their !amily members ha"ing angle0closure glaucoma are as much as 10 times more li/ely to de"elo it# Gender: Females are :03 more li/ely to ha"e this eye disorder than men# Smaller eyes: .uch eyes are o!ten +!ar0sighted+, so ersons with hy ero ia %abnormal condition in which "ision !or distant ob;ects is better than !or near ob;ects) are more li/ely to de"elo angle0closure# (edical conditions: .e"eral health conditions, including diabetes, heart diseases, high blood ressure and hy othyroidism, may increase the ris/ o! de"elo ing glaucoma#

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<o the !ollowing to re"ent glaucoma1 #egular e+amination: 4hile secondary ty es o! glaucoma can be re"ented, doctors are still to come u with a way or ways o! re"enting o en0angle and angle0closure glaucoma# =ut i! the disease is recognised in the early stages, blindness or signi!icant "ision loss !rom this eye disorder can be re"ented# ,ccording to doctors, all adults should get a com lete eye e8amination be!ore 40# You can get this test done sooner i! you ha"e ris/ !actors !or glaucoma# "+ercise: .tudies ha"e shown that moderate e8ercise, such as wal/ing or ;ogging three times a wee/ can bring down the ressure in the eye or &'(# &t is im ortant that you e8ercise on a routine basis, as you can rea the bene!its o! e8ercise only as long as you are doing it# Yoga has also ro"en to be bene!icial, but many e8 erts suggest a"oiding in"erted ositions such as shoulderstands and headstands, as these may increase &'(# >egular e8ercise should in any case be done !or o"erall good health# )rotect your eyes: ,lways wear rotecti"e eyewear when engaged in s orts acti"ities# &t is also im ortant to rotect your eyes during reno"ation wor/s# .econdary glaucoma is a result o! eye in;uries, rotecting your eyes !rom in;ury is actually re"enting glaucoma#

"at healthy: ,ccording to doctors, eating more s inach and other green lea!y "egetables can hel with all /inds o! eye roblems, including glaucoma and cataracts# $hey also suggest ta/ing su lements rich in antio8idants# !a'e doctor,s help: <iscuss with your doctor i! you ha"e s eci!ic -uestions or concerns about Glaucoma# ,lso ta/e his ad"ise in starting an e8ercise rogramme#

Rare Polio-like disease found in Californian children

, rare, olio0li/e syndrome that has no /nown cure has emerged in a small number o! children in 5ali!ornia, ?. researchers said# Fi"e cases o! sudden onset aralysis were described by .tan!ord ?ni"ersity e8 erts at the ,merican ,cademy o! @eurology annual meeting in (hiladel hia# +,lthough olio"irus has been eradicated !rom most o! the globe, other "iruses can also in;ure the s ine, leading to a olio0li/e syndrome,+ said .tan!ord neurologist and lead author o! the case re orts, Aeith Ban 6aren# +$hese !i"e new cases highlight the ossibility o! an emerging in!ectious olio0li/e syndrome in 5ali!ornia#+ (olio has been largely wi ed out across the globe, than/s to the introduction o! an e!!ecti"e "accine in the mid 12:0s# 6owe"er, outbrea/s o! the highly contagious disease continue in arts o! the world, including (a/istan, @igeria and ,!ghanistan# $he 5ali!ornia children tested negati"e !or olio, and all had been "accinated# $he atients showed similar sym toms, such as sudden loss o! mo"ement in one or more o! their limbs, resulting in aralysis usually within two days# %,F()

Caffeine stirs memory: study

, ;olt o! ca!!eine can boost memory, according to a study that ro"ides a scienti!ic moti"e !or students slur ing co!!ee, tea or energy drin/s when cramming !or e8ams# , team at Cohns 6o /ins ?ni"ersity in =altimore, Maryland, !ound that ca!!eine enhances certain memories !or at least a day a!ter they were !ormed# D"idence !or ca!!eine as a memory booster has been anecdotal until now, as the rocess o! registering memories may ha en in conditions where the erson is eager to absorb and retain in!ormation# $o stri out this con!ounding !actor, a team led by Michael Yassa, an assistant ro!essor o! sychological and brain science, as/ed 7E "olunteers to loo/ at images o! a number o! ob;ects# ,!terwards, hal! o! the grou were gi"en a 200mg dose o! ca!!eine, roughly e-ui"alent to two cu s o! strong es resso, and the others a dummy ill /nown as a lacebo# .ali"a sam les were ta/en one, three and 24 hours later to measure ca!!eine le"els#

$he !ollowing day, both grou s were as/ed to loo/ at another set o! ictures# .ome o! the images were the same, others were new, and a !ew were similar 0 !or instance, a bas/et as be!ore, but this time with one handle instead o! two# =oth grou s did well at distinguishing between old and new ictures# =ut those on ca!!eine were much shar er at identi!ying the +similar+ items in the lineu # $he test sought to discern the e!!ect o! ca!!eine on the hi ocam us, a art o! the brain that distinguishes between atterns, re-uiring both short0 and long0term memory# %,F()

H"A- !H. S"-% Rise and shine!!!

$he cozy bed, the sweet dreams, the hea"enly slee 0 who wants to wa/e u early in the morning# Many o! us might not e"en remember the last time we watched the sun rising# ,nd anyway, what is the oint o! getting u with the morning*s !irst light, when we do our best wor/ at nightF 4e lo"e being u late at night and that wor/s !or us# =ut there are eo le who say that switching !rom being a night owl to an early riser changed their li!e altogether# $hey say only early risers /now how bliss!ul mornings can be, what it is to bas/ in the warm golden rays o! the rising sun and en;oy the gentle morning breeze# Many also say that they !eel incredible satis!action !rom accom lishing a host o! tas/s while many eo le are still in the bed# $hey ha"e a list o! reasons why one should ma/e wa/ing u early a habit# >ead on to disco"er what else they say# (y time: Darly risers say that :07am or 407am is urely *My $ime*# &t may be some o!!ice wor/, household chores or sim ly ursuing a hobby, but no one is going to disturb them# $here are no e0mails !lowing in, no hone calls, no messages, it is totally *my time*# .ou,re more producti/e: 4e all ha"e some goals in li!e, but we o!ten com lain about not ha"ing enough time to wor/ in that direction# Darly0morning hours gi"e you that e8tra time to lan how you will get to your goals# Your will ower is stronger in the early hours than later in the day# Fewer interru tions and more will ower mean you*re automatically more roducti"e# .ou can e+ercise: You /now you*re not going to e8ercise or go to the gym a!ter wor/, and you ha"e been s/i ing wor/outs !or a long time# You ha"e long imagined that er!ect sha ed body, now is the time you wa/e u early and go !or it# (editation: ,n essential ractice !or mental hygiene, it calms the mind, connects you with an inner source o! energy and boosts the inner strength# &t also hel s to gi"e clarity

o! erce tion, good concentration and a blossoming o! s/ills and talents# Darly morning is the best time !or meditation# "n0oy the mornings: Mornings are beauti!ul# 4itness the dawn utting an end to the dar/ness o! night# .ee the dewdro s on !lowers, trees and grass# D8 erience the gentle breeze, the !reshness o! the atmos here and the urity o! silence# &t is hard to ignore that contented smile on their !ace when they s ea/ about how ;oining the :am club im ro"ed so many things in their li!e# .o what do you say, is this worth a tryF Get*s get u early !or at least a month and see !or oursel"es how this one change can ma/e our li!e better#

H"A-!H CA)S1-"S Sweet way to good health

6oney, one o! the oldest sweeteners on earth, has many health and nutrition bene!its# ?nli/e sugar, honey is a natural ingredient# &t contains "itamins, minerals and amino acids, which wor/ together to hel in !at and cholesterol metabolism that can hel you lose weight# &t*s antibacterial, anti0!ungal, antise tic and antio8idant ro erties im ro"e digesti"e system and strengthen your heart# &t is also a good remedy !or cough# =ecause o! its anti0in!lammatory ro erties, honey may ro"ide you relie! !rom itching and irritation caused by mos-uito bites# 6oney has the otential to reduce muscle !atigue and increase your energy le"els# $he glucose in honey is absorbed by the body -uic/ly and gi"es an immediate energy boost# &! you are !eeling low and lethargic in the morning, ha"e a toast with honey and see the di!!erenceH

You & your com uter

$he com uter is no doubt an incredibly use!ul tool and our de endence on it has grown mani!old# =ut do you /now that sitting on the com uter !or too long can cause hysical damageF (rolonged sitting can be stress!ul on the s ine and can lead to muscular bac/ ain and e"en disc rola se#

&t can also cause ain and numbness in hands and wrists, dry eyes or strained "ision, bac/aches and nec/ ain, ronounced weight gain and slee disturbances# .o, ta/e !re-uent brea/s, stand u and mo"e around# =esides a"oiding continuous sitting at the com uter, also ensure that you do not ha"e a high contrast screen# Your sitting osture and the choice o! chair and table is e-ually im ortant#

!e a good listener
4hile hearing is hysiological, listening is sychological# Gistening is a rocess o! recei"ing, attending to, constructing meaning !rom and res onding to s o/en or non0 "erbal messages# &t is di!!erent !rom hearing because an indi"idual has not only recei"ed and inter reted a message but has also added it to the mind*s storage ban/# ,ttenti"e listening leads to an alert and healthy mind# @ot e"eryone is born with good listening s/ills, but this habit can be de"elo ed with a little ractice# .it still and try to maintain eye contact# Goo/ing at someone in the eye hel s you ay attention to what the s ea/er says# $his also minimises con!usion and misunderstanding# $hese small gestures ma/e you a good listener# Most o! us listen at or below a 2:3 e!!iciency rate, thus remember only about hal! o! what is said during a 100minute con"ersation and !orget hal! o! that within 4I hours#

S)I#I!1A-I!. "hat am #$
4e s end hal! o! our li"es in !eeding, drin/ing, slee ing, we do e8actly what other animals do# Most o! the rest o! our a"ailable time, we s end earning enough to ay !or our hysical and emotional needs# $here is a "ery little time le!t o"er to do things in which we are interested# ,t times we !eel entra ed and want to brea/ !ree !rom our re etiti"e actions and ignore the challenges o! an e8tremely materialistic world# &n these moments either we mo"e into a de ersonalised state when our hysical body !unctions without our mind being in control or when we become aware o! our conscious sel! and relate to it# 4e realise that we ha"e been s ending most o! our a"ailable time in doing what the societies we li"e in want us to do# $his realisation draws us to the -uestion 4hat am &F & thin/ mysel! su erior to a mouse but & share a large genetic similarity with mice# & am made o! water and soil#

=ut there isn*t a single *&* as & am a collection o! sub0 ersonalities# .ometimes & am shy and boring, sometimes ha y and noisy# ,ggressi"eness, cle"erness and !oolishness are all a art o! me# D"ery indi"idual is a sel! lus a story# &! we com are the situation to a boo/, then all the boo/s ha"e similar hysical elements, li/e in/, a er and binding but it is the story they carry that ma/es them di!!erent and gi"es them a se arate identity# .o a art !rom blood, bones, brain, which is common to all o! us, what ma/es us di!!erent is the soul, our consciousness, which gi"es us to the ability to reason and hel s us to li"e "irtuously# 'ur consciousness hel s us to re!lect, ;udge, thin/, !eel and antici ate# $he consciousness is the art o! me that ma/es me realise that in s ite o! constantly changing and e"ol"ing a art o! me will remain the same# $hat art o! me will ne"er be bothered by what others thin/ o! me, that art o! me will remain ure and in that art o! me lies the answer to the -uestion *4hat am &F* 4hen nothing is going your way in li!e, meditate by !ocusing on the centre art o! your !orehead and !eel assured that come what may you will remain what you are and li"e your li!e the way you want to# &t will hel you to relate with your inner0sel!, your ure thoughts and be at eace with yoursel!# $he centre o! the !orehead is also called the inner eye# $hrough ro er meditation one can acti"ate their inner eye, which hel s to balance the energies o! a erson#

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"+ercise 4: Anee bend with dumbbells 11 .tand with your !eet shoulder0width a art and a dumbbell in each hand# 21 =end your /nees, and sit down as i! you*re sitting down on a chair# Aee the bodyweight on your heels# 4hen your /nees are bent 20 degrees, ush bac/ u to the starting osition# Aee your bac/ straight during the entire mo"ement# "+ercise 5: 'ne0arm rowing 11 .tand with your weight on one /nee and one arm# 6old a dumbbell in your !ree hand and let the arm hang down !reely#

21 (ull the arm u along your side until the dumbbell reaches your stomach# .lowly lower the dumbbell bac/ to the starting osition# Maintain a straight bac/ throughout the entire mo"ement# >e eat the e8ercise with your other arm# "+ercise 6: .itting hea"y li!t 11 .it on a chair with your !eet on the !loor and your legs slightly rotated outwards# (lace the dumbbells on your shoulders, sit with a straight bac/ and maintain a straight bac/ during the entire e8ercise# 21 .lowly bend !orward as much as you can be!ore returning to the starting osition# "+ercise 7: Flat dumbbell ress 11 Gie su ine with your !eet on the !loor and the dumbbells at shoulder le"el# (ull your shoulder blades together and try to /ee them together during the e8ercise# 21 (ress the weights straight u until your arms are nearly stretched# .lowly lower them again and re eat# "+ercise 8: .houlder ress 11 .it on a chair while holding the dumbbells at the side o! your shoulders, alms ointing !orward# 21 (ress the weights u o"er your head until your arms are !ully stretched# .lowly lower them again until you reach the starting osition and re eat# "+ercise 9: .tanding bice s curl 11 .tand with dumbbells hanging down along your sides# 21 =end your elbows and li!t the weights all the way u while rotating them outwards %in the end osition your alms are ointing u )# .lowly lower the dumbbells bac/ to the starting osition and re eat# "+ercise :: $rice s ress 11 .tand with your weight on one /nee and one arm# 6old the acti"e arm along the side o! your u er body, elbow bent at 20 degrees# 21 .tretch the arm at your elbow as much as you can, be!ore slowly returning to the starting osition and re eat# %$'=7 &.4,@)

!H"#A). Pre/enti/e thera y for ear infections

Dar in!ection, or *otitis,* can a!!ect the inner, middle or outer ear# 'titis media is an in!ection o! the middle ear, the area right behind the ear drum# &t usually occurs when a cold or an u er res iratory in!ection introduces bacteria into the ear through the eustachian tube# 'titis e8terna, also /nown as *swimmer*s ear,* is an in!ection o! the outer ear and ear canal due to s ending long eriods o! time in the water, while 'titis interna %&nternal 'titis) is an in!lammation o! the inner ear# Signs ; Symptoms: ,ccording to the @ational &nstitutes o! 6ealth %@&6), ,cute 'titis Media %,'M), where arts o! the middle ear are in!ected and swollen, is the most common ear in!ection# 5ommon sym toms o! ,'M are earache and !e"er, though some eo le may also e8 erience hearing loss, headaches and roblems with balance, according to the Mayo 5linic# D8 erts at the @&6 also say that otitis media with e!!usion %'MD) ha ens when !luid stays tra ed behind the ear drum# 'MD may not show any sym toms and it can ha en a!ter an ear in!ection has run its course# 'titis e8terna has sym toms that are "ery similar to middle ear in!ections, though eo le may also e8 erience itchy and ain!ul ear canals# &t can lead to a slight amount o! clear discharge that can turn yellowish without treatment# 3iagnosis: Dar in!ection can be detected through a sim le e8amination o! the ears at the hysician*s o!!ice with a small lighted instrument called an otosco e# ,n in!ected ear may ha"e areas o! dullness or redness or there may be air bubbles or !luid behind the eardrum# $he doctor will also e8amine the throat and sinuses and see i! the atient has any recent cold or allergy sym toms# ,dditional tests may be er!ormed to !urther con!irm the diagnosis and di!!erentiate between ,'M and 'MD# ,lthough ear in!ection is usually caused by bacteria and antibiotics are o!ten rescribed, neither 'MD or ,'M should be treated with antibiotics at initial onset, according to the 5enters !or <isease 5ontrol and (re"ention %5<5)# )re/ention: >is/s o! ear in!ection can be reduced by sim le hygienic ractices such as /ee ing hands clean# Baccinations with in!luenza "accines and the 70"alent neumococcal con;ugate "accine %(5B7) can also reduce the ris/ o! illness and subse-uent ear in!ections, according to the 5<5# &n addition, homes should be /e t smo/e0!ree since studies collected by the @&6 ha"e shown that babies ha"e more ear in!ections when they are e8 osed to secondhand smo/e# 'titis e8terna can be a"oided by limiting time s ent in water, according to the @&6# ,!ter swimming, water should be drained !rom the ear canal by turning the head to the side and ulling the earlobe in di!!erent directions# ,ccording to the 5<5, do not insert cotton

swabs into the ear since this can scratch the ear canal or the wa8 layer, which can increase the ris/ o! in!ection# Aee ing ools and hot tubs clean with disin!ectants and regular 6 testing will also reduce the ris/ o! in!ection#

H"A-!H. "A!I G 0ealth benefits of #ndian gooseberries

&! you are !acing health issues li/e hair !all, s/in roblems, digesti"e disorders or trying to lose weight, then try the &ndian gooseberry or amla# $his magical !ruit can hel you get rid o! these roblems# $he taste o! this "ibrant green0colour !ruit is sour and bitter, but its bene!its are countless# &ndian gooseberries can be eaten raw and also be used as ingredient in "arious ic/les, ;uices and sweets# &t is more than I03 water and is rich source o! Bitamin 5, rotein, minerals, carbohydrates, dietary !ibre and antio8idants# 6ere are some amazing bene!its o! gooseberries# Healthy hair: Gooseberry oil ma/es your hair thic/ and so!t, hel s hair growth, reduces grey hair and act as a conditioner# &t is also hel !ul in treating dandru!! and dry itchy scal , # Impro/es digesti/e system: &! your are su!!ering !rom digesti"e disorder, eat a gooseberry e"eryday# &t stimulates the digesti"e system by triggering "arious taste rece tors and ma/ing the digesti"e enzymes acti"e# &t also cleans the gastrointestinal tracts and hel s in healthy bowel mo"ement# 2eneficial in dia&etes: .ince gooseberries are low in sugar and high in !ibre, they hel maintain blood sugar le"el# $he antio8idant "alue o! this !ruit hel s reduce glycosylated end roduct# &t also cuts down the serum le"el o! creatinine and hiobarbituric acid0 reacti"e substances le"els# Impro/es s'in: Gooseberries can ma/e the s/in healthy and hel s reduce wrin/les and !acial lines, as well as re"i"e the s/in te8ture# )re/ents cancer: $he &ndian gooseberry*s antio8idants ro erties hel restrict the growth o! carcinogenic cells# $his !ruit lays an im ortant role in re"enting tumour cell growth, thus rotecting stomach, s/in and li"er against cancer# Gooseberries can also counterattac/ the side e!!ects o! anti0cancer drugs# Helps lose weight: &! you are o"erweight or obese, add this !ruit in your diet# Gooseberry ;uice hel s reduce the !at content in the body# &t also aids in enhancing the metabolism o! !ood that leads to a reduction o! !ood accumulation in the body#

#"CI)"S 'ooseberry 1uice

Ingredients: &ndian gooseberries about I010J 1 cu o! owdered sugarJ 1 inch o! saltJ 5ardamom owder %o tional) 1 inch !or one glass o! gooseberry ;uice# (ethod: 4ash gooseberries well and dry them# (ut them in a bowl# ,dd about one and hal! cu s o! water to the ressure coo/er# @ow, lace the bowl inside the coo/er# 5oo/ it !or at least !i"e minutes# $a/e the bowl !rom the coo/er and allow to cool# @ow, remo"e seeds !rom all the gooseberries# Grind the gooseberries till they become a !ine aste# 5ombine owdered sugar, salt and the gooseberry aste# $he gooseberry ;uice concentration is now ready# You can /ee the gooseberry ;uice in a !reezer0sa!ebo8# D"ery time you drin/ the ;uice, sim ly add some water and cardamom owder#

'ooseberry And !eetroot Cutlet

Ingredients: : to 9 &ndian gooseberries, gratedJ 1 cu boiled and mashed beetrootJ E otatoes, boiled, eeled and mashedJ 1 tbs oilJ 1 onion, !inely cho edJ salt to tasteJ 174 tbs red chilli owderJ 174 tbs garam masala and 1 tbs lemon ;uice# (ethod: (ut some oil in a broad an and heat it !or !ew minutes# ,dd the cho ed onion and stir it till it turns light brown# ,dd the salt and beetroot, mi8 well and saute !or o"er !our minutes or till the mi8ture becomes dry# @ow ut the lemon ;uice and chilli owder in the mi8ture and mi8 well# ,dd the gooseberries and otatoes and re!rigerate !or about one and hal! hours# @ow, di"ide the mi8ture into e-ual ortions and ma/e a small !lat cutlet o! each# 6eat a little oil in a an and coo/ each cutlet till they become cris and golden brown on both sides# .er"e immediately#

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K $he !ocusing muscle o! your eyes can mo"e about 100,000 times on an a"erage day# K 'nly 90 seconds are re-uired !or one blood cell to tra"el a !ull circuit o! your body# K $he small intestine in our body is the largest internal organ# K 4hile ta/ing a ste , you use u to 200 muscles# K Your nose and ears continue to grow throughout your li!e#

S!#A G" 21! !#1" )besity declines among rich +S teens3 rises in oor
&n the ast decade, obesity has declined among ?. teenagers !rom rich !amilies but has risen among their im o"erished counter arts, a ga dri"en by lac/ o! e8ercise, said the study in the (roceedings o! the @ational ,cademy o! .ciences# $he research by e8 erts at 6ar"ard ?ni"ersity e8amined what a eared to be an encouraging decline in adolescent obesity and !ound that only the u er class is bene!iting# ?sing !amily income as well as the education le"el o! the arents to analyse two ma;or ?. sur"eys, researchers !ound a growing class ga where obesity was concerned# =eginning in the mid02000s, obesity rates declined among children o! arents who graduated !rom college# Meanwhile, obesity rates rose among children o! arents who had only a high school di loma# .imilar trends were seen when researchers se arated the data by income le"el# 6owe"er, when it came to robing racial di!!erences, researchers said they did not ha"e enough data to reliably e8 lore interactions between class and ethnicity# $he obesity rate among those aged 12017 in the ?. nearly doubled !rom the late 12I0s until the mid02000s, but began le"elling o!! about a decade ago# ,bout 23 o! adolescent were obese in the time s an o! 12II to 1221, but that rose to 173 by 200E004, according to go"ernment data# $here has been no change in the teen obesity rate since then# Aey reasons the oor may be gaining weight are lac/ o! hysical acti"ity and e8cessi"e !ood inta/e, the study said# ,ccording to the study, calorie inta/e among /ids o! all income classes has gone down in recent years, but only /ids o! educated arents ha"e re orted getting regular e8ercise# +$he di!!erence comes down to hysical acti"ity,+ study co0author Aaisa .nellman told ,F(# +Dducated !amilies, they are much more li/ely to engage in hysical acti"ities, e8ercising, bi/ing around, wal/ing#+ ,ccess to healthy !oods also remains an obstacle !or the oor# %,F()

(AC% )R ,Y%0
%AC!?: Gac/ o! slee causes bags under the eyes# (.!H: , number o! !actors in!luence this !acial henomenon, not ;ust lac/ o! slee # 'ur eyelids are considered the thinnest and so!test art o! s/in in the body ;ust 0#:mm thic/# &t has been ro"ed that !luid retention can create u!!iness due to the !act that gra"ity draws !luid to ool in areas where s/in is thin# $he u er eyelid contains two !at ads and the lower three, while under0eye bags are caused by !at accumulating in the area# &t is true that lac/ o! slee causes dar/ circles round the eyes, but lying down creates the main roblem !or the eyes# .e"eral ieces o! research ha"e shown that slee ing ro ed on two illows can drain the eye area#

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