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Marla Ar[ona

330 Meadowbrook Lane, 1allahassee, lL 32304

332.408.6641 ar[ona.marla10[


8achelor of Sclence ln lnformaLlon 1echnology AugusL 2014
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lluenL ln Spanlsh
MySCL Workbench

Adobe AcrobaL ro
Mac CSx

MlcrosofL Cfflce

llorlda SLaLe unlverslLy College of CommunlcaLlon & lnformaLlon CcLober 2013-presenL
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1rack soclal medla fooLprlnL for 61 dlfferenL accounLs
ueslgn announcemenLs and flyers for upcomlng evenLs
MalnLaln and updaLe web pages for sLudenL organlzaLlons
arLlclpaLe ln bralnsLormlng meeLlngs wlLh AssoclaLe uean

SLrengLh Lndurance lalLh CrganlzaLlon Aprll 2013-presenL
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Manage SLlC's 1wlLLer and lnsLagram accounLs uslng 1weeLueck and PooLsulLe
CreaLe lnLrlgulng and lnformaLlve conLenL
Advlse on soclal medla markeLlng sLraLegles
ConLacL sponsors and seL up fundralslng evenLs

1allahassee CommunlLy College !uly 2013-CcLober 2013
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ueveloped lnLeracLlve conLenL for offlclal lacebook and 1wlLLer accounLs
Managed Lhe offlclal lnsLagram accounL for Lhe college
CapLured and edlLed phoLos for use on Lhe college soclal medla accounLs
ALLended bralnsLormlng meeLlngs wlLh head of Lhe communlcaLlons Leam
Archlved and organlzed Lhousands of phoLos for Lhe communlcaLlons offlce

Logan's 8oadhouse, lnc. AugusL 2011-CcLober 2013
1ranslaLed conversaLlons beLween servers and Spanlsh speaklng guesLs
1ralned 3 new employees on sLandard procedures and use of Squlrrel CS SysLem
MoLlvaLed Leam members by conslsLenLly dlsplaylng a poslLlve and frlendly aLLlLude

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