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Lesson Plan

Prepared by: Katrina Rust level: K of lesson: 60 min Grade Length

Part 1: Lesson Overview and

a!"ground Knowledge

a#$ Lesson %itle: Chronological Thinking Using Timelines b#$ Lesson Ob&e!tives: Students will be able to create a timeline of the events that happened on their first day of school. Students will be able to explain the order that their daily events occurred. !#$ Grade Level 'ontent ()pe!tations *GL'(s#+'ommon 'ore ,tandards: Create a timeline using events from their own lives (e.g., birth, crawling, walking, loss of first tooth, first day of school). (Michigan rade !evel Content "xpectations, #$%&.'.&) (se a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened. (Common Core State Standards, !iteracy.).#.*) d#$ Rationale: +uring this lesson, the students will create a time line about their first day of school. ,hey will organi-e the events of their first day of school in order from what happened first to what happened last. )e are doing this lesson because it is important for students to understand the past. .t this age level, it may be hard for children to understand history that happened before they were born. ,his is why we will be focusing on something that happened fairly recently and something that they lived through, first hand. aining the understanding that even their first day of school is considered something that happened in the past, will help their understanding of what the past means to them later on in life. Students, even at a young age, need to understand that there is a past and we all have histories in the past. (nderstanding this concept is a necessary skill that they will use for the rest of their lives. .s they get older, students will dig further and further into the history of their lives, state, country and world. ,his is a simple and useful introduction to the concept of understanding the past. Creating timelines can also help students with future organi-ational skills and time planning. /or instance, creating timelines as a child may have helped to prepare me for my career as an adult. ,his lesson plan contains a timeline in the procedural section. 0 will be using timelines, in a sense, throughout my career. Calendars can also be seen as a type of timeline. )e can look back and ahead at dates that are important to us. Students may also

gain a sense of understanding about how their weekly planners, in upper elementary and beyond, work through the timelines they make in kindergarten. e# ig -dea*s#$ 1ur history is made up of events from our past, such as our first day of school. f#$ ,o!ial ,tudies 'ontent: 0n this lesson, students will become familiar with placing daily events in chronological order. ,hey will need to think about the events on their first day of school and what came first, last and in between. Students need to understand what 2history3 and 2the past3 mean. 4ecause the students are so young, thinking about a single day in their past is much easier for them to grasp the concept of time than if they were to create a time line of their life from birth to present. ,his lesson will be done on the second day of school. ,he reason for this is that their worksheet will have them think about their whole day from the morning until bedtime. 0 want to be sure that they have experienced the whole day but it will still be fairly fresh in their minds. )e will discuss the events that happened on their first day and 0 will put some drawings and ideas on the board, not necessarily in order. ,hey can look to these if they forgot some of the events. 0 do not expect the students to be able to write5spell this early in the school year so the worksheet will be completed with drawings and coloring.

Part .: Resour!es
a#$ Resour!es/ Preparation+0aterials: Materials for whole !lass6 Materials for groups6 Materials to accommodate individual student needs6 (be sure to indicate how you are going to provide resources needed for any students with special needs 7 "S!, gifted, autistic, etc.)

,ime line worksheets Crayons 8encils +ry erase markers

9ead$aloud book, My First Day of School ,ime line ideas on board

b#$ 1nnotated


%allinan, 8. #. (:;<=). My First Day of School. >ashville, ,>6 0deal 8ublications ,his book is for ages * to <. 0t talks about a ? year old boy@s experience with his first day of school. ,his book is written in a way that will boost kid@s confidence and make them feel at ease about their first day. ,he illustrations are cute and kid$friendly. ,his book is a bit dated so kids may not be able to relate to it as much as they could to a modern book. 0 will be using this book for a read$aloud because it fits the theme of the lesson. Massachusetts Studies 8roAect. ,eaching ,ools for !ocal %istory6 ,imelines. 9etrieved from http655www.msp.umb.edu5!oc%istory,emplates5MS8,imelines.html. ,his is a website that explains what timelines are and gives ideas on how to incorporate them into a social studies lesson. 0t also provides links to different types of timelines. 0 like this website because it gives me ideas on how to organi-e the timelines and how to put them together. 1benchain, #. M., B Morris, 9. C. (&'::). 50 Social Studies Strategies for K- Classrooms (*rd ed.). 4oston, M.6 8earson "ducation 0nc. ,his is a college text book that discusses ?' strategies for teaching social studies. 1ne of the strategies given is teaching time lines (pp. :<D$:<;). 0 used this text for ideas for this

lesson. 0 find this text easy to read and understand.

Part 2: Lesson Pro!edures *.0 points#

a# Lesson Pro!edures
1!tivity (lement 3 %ime *in minutes# Pro!edures and management Ste!-"y ste! !rocedures including #uestions and main !oints$ %isuali&e 'hat you are going to say to the students. (t might "e hel!ful to scri!t out 'hat you are going to say) although during the lesson you do not need to use this language %er"atim. ,o start off the lesson, 0 will say, 2Eesterday was your first day of schoolF Can anyone tell me what their favorite part of the day wasG3 .fter hearing from a few students (or all) 0 will ask them 2)hat were some things you did before and after school yesterdayG3 0 will then go on to explain that today we are going to draw pictures and write words (if they can) about what happened yesterday. 0 will tell them that we are going to write down something that happened at the beginning of the day, some things that happened in the middle of the day and something that happened at the end of the day. 0 will move to my reading chair and 0 will call tables by number or color (whatever 0 use to set them apart) to come sit near me on the rug in the reading area. 1!ademi!/ so!ial 3 linguisti! adaptations/ resour!es/ and support *o' 'ill you su!!ort +,, students 4ecause this is the beginning of kindergarten, some disabilities may not yet be not diagnosed. 0 will Aust make sure that 0 do not call on anyone to speak out loud because they may not feel comfortable doing so. 0 will allow students to speak only if they want to. 0f 0 can see that there are children that will have problems sitting on the rug with their peers, 0 will have them come sit next to me. ,hey can even help me turn the pages if it will help to keep them calm.

0ntroduction (? minutes)

,ransition (& minutes)

.ctivity : (:' minutes)

0 will read the book My First Day of School by %allinan, 8. #.. 0 will ask them Huestions like 2+id you do this on your

first day of schoolG3 2+oes the boy seem happy at school or sadG3 ,ransition (& minutes) 0 will stand up in the reading area and 0 will, once again, call tables by number or color to return to their seats. 1nce everyone is seated 0 will move to the front of the room to get ready to brainstorm with them and show them an example of a timeline on an overhead. ,he first thing 0 will do is ask the students to name off some things they did on the first day of school. 0 can either write the words down, draw pictures or find clip art that goes along with what they mention. .fter we have around ten ideas on the board, 0 will pull up a blank timeline on the board with a proAector. 0 will show them where they can draw their pictures and, if they are able to write letters or words, where they can write. >ow 0 will hand out the actual timelines. 0 will tell them to try to write their names at the top of the paper and then wait for directions. >ext, 0 will tell them to look at the ideas on the board and think about what they did first on their first day of school. 0 will give them a few minutes to fill in the first space on their timeline (0 found a timeline worksheet with three spaces but 0 would make my own and it would have five spaces). 0 will walk around the room to help any students that may be confused or need any other kind of direction. .fter everyone is done with the first space, 0 will have them Aump to the very last thing they did so they do not write what happened last in an incorrect place. 0 will give them time to fill in the space and will continue to walk around. )e will finish the other three spaces in the same manner. 1nce everyone is finished, 0 will have the students clean their work area. ,hey will keep their timelines in front of them. 0f any students seem to have a problem returning to their seats, 0 will walk them to their seat.

.ctivity * (?$:' minutes)

.ctivity I (:? minutes)

,ransition (& minutes)

.ctivity I (? minutes)

0f any students feel like sharing their timelines, 0 will allow them to come in front of the class and talk about it. 0f they explain it thoroughly and everything is in the correct order, 0 will use this as their assessment. 0f they do not talk about everything or don@t Huite have it, 0 will speak with them individually. 0 will probably walk around to each group of desks and kneel down to each student to have them explain their timelines from their seats. 0 think some students may feel singled out by coming up to my desk. )hile 0 am with one student, 0 will allow the others to choose a book to read at their desk while they wait. 0 will collect the timelines to put a sticker or stamp on and 0 will put them in their mailbox by the end of the day along with their at$home activity paper. )e will then take a short brain break and then we will move on to the next subAect.

,his will only be for students that feel comfortable with sharing.

.ssessment (:'$:? minutes)

0f the students have not finished, 0 will send their timeline home with them unless they want to tell me about the event of their day instead.

Conclusion6 (? minutes)

b# asis for assessment %as": 0n order to meet my obAectives, 2Students will be able to create a timeline of the

4iagnosti! features: 0 will need to events that happened on their first day of school. see that the Students will be able to explain the order that their events are listed daily events occurred.3, in order and 0 the students will need to be able to will need to see create the timeline and they will be able that they are to tell me exactly what is on the events that did timeline. ,he content and order of the happen at events will need to be what actually school or could happened on their first day. ,hey will have happened not need to include every detail, but the before or after events will need to be in the correct school that day. order and 0 should not see things like 20 0 will look went to +isney3 on there since that obviously did not happen at school. over each student@s timeline and 0 will ask them to tell me about each of the events. ,his will be done individually with each student.

,upport: 0 am aware that some students may need extra time to finish their timelines. 0f they are not able to finish it at school, 0 may choose to send it home with them so they can finish it with an adult at home. .lso, if they are not comfortable with trying to write words or draw pictures, 0 could have individual students come up to me to talk about the events that happened on their first day of school. ,his would still let me know that they are aware of what happened on their first day and what happened first and in the middle and what happened last.

!# Out5of5s!hool learning opportunities to e)pand and enri!h the !urri!ulum outside of !lass *home assignment#: /or when the students are at home, 0 will send a paper home to the parents suggesting what they can do together with their kids to help them gain more understanding about timelines. 0 will suggest that they work together to come up with a small poster of their daily weekday schedule and that they also include either photos or drawings of each thing mentioned on their timeline. /or example, if they have 2brush teeth3 as one of the first things on the timeline, the parent could take a photo of the child brushing their teeth in the morning and they could print that photo and glue it on the correct place on the timeline. ,his would not be mandatory and it would not be something that they would need to turn in. 0t would only be a suggestion since 0 know some families do not have time for time$consuming activities like this.

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