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By the hour:

- 8:30: Arrive at school

- 8:30-8:45: put belongings away, assign lockers

- 8:45-9:00: Breakfast

- 9:00-9:30: Intro to calendar time

o During this time, we will talk about and go through what we are going to do each

morning. This is more time than we are normally going to take, so we can go

through it in detail for the first time.

o Look at the weather outside, pick how the day is and make sure the season is

correct. Then we will pick the day of the week, add the number to the calendar,

write out the date, and then this is the time that we will introduce our alphabet.

After we do calendar time, we will sing our alphabet song which is linked below.


- 9:30-10:30: Classroom scavenger hunt

o We will go over different places in the classroom together that are important to


o Once we go over that the students will have a sheet of paper with different

pictures on it of things that are around the room. They are going to use their iPad

to go around and take pictures of those that they found and where they found


- 10:30-11:00: Bathroom break/ school walkthrough

- 11:00-11:15 recess

- 11:15-12:00: Lunch

- 12:00-12:15: Bathroom

- 12:15-12:45: Reading time with carpet expectations

o During this time, we will do our daily read-aloud. We will also be going over how

to properly sit on the carpet during this time and what is expected of them.

- 12:45-1:30: Class rules/expectations/ intro to “math” use jack Hartmann counting to get

them counting and moving.

o Classroom expectations are listed below.


- 1:30-2:15: Snack time and about me activity

o Activity is listed below

o I gave them a little extra time during this time so they did not have to have a

working snack today.

- 2:15-2:30: Recess

- 2:30-2:45: All about Miss Elbaor

o An example is listed below

- 2:45-3:00: Pack up to go home/ end of the day go noodle

*All videos used I have used based on them being used and they have been enjoyed by the

students and the educational ones have worked well. The go noodle is fun for the kids to get

them moving before heading home or heading on the bus.


 Office: Statue

 Bathrooms: Bulletin Boards that are near it.

 Water fountain: next to the stairs

 Gym/lunchroom: BIG doors

 Music Room: BIG notes hanging from the walls outside the door

 Art: Student work hanging outside the door and down the stairs


 I chose the book, the first day of school written by Trish Rabe. This book shows what

kindergarten is going to be like and how fun and exciting it is going to be. This is a book

to show the student's excitement and hopefully, help get rid of the nerves of being in

school for the first time for some of the students.

 I am going to read through the book and as we read, we are going to talk about the

character's feelings on the first day of school and how school is a fun place to come every
day to learn and we shouldn’t be nervous. We will be able to relate to the story and talk

about our own feelings as we read.

About Miss Elbaor:

 I will be creating a PowerPoint with facts and pictures about me. These pictures will

include important activities in my life that I enjoy or people/animals that are important to

me. Then at the end, I will have two facts that are true and two that are not. They will

have to figure out which ones are correct. this is a good way for them to get to know me

and make sure they were paying attention.


I will go through slides of pictures of things and people that are important to me such as

- My cat

- My friends

- My family

- My favorite show/ things to do

- Then at the end, there will be a few facts about me and they will have to figure out which

ones are true and not true (I will be reading them). EX. I have two sisters. I have a cat

named Flynn. My favorite show is…

- The students will have to hold up a finger on which one is not true and to prove the others

are true we will go back and check our work on the pictures we went through earlier in

the slides.

- After we do this, I will give the students a few minutes to ask any questions about me. I

will ensure they are questions I feel comfortable asking and then if they are not, I will

explain that it is too personal to talk about and to think of something different.

About the students:

- I am going to have a sheet for the students to draw their favorites, such as their favorite

food, favorite thing to do, favorite tv show, etc. They will be labeled on what they will

be drawing, and we will go through it together. Then they are going to move around and

share with their peers what they drew. This is a way for them to get to know each other,

for me to get to know them and for them to get up and move around.

Bulletin board:

- The students will be able to cut out their own hand and color it or design it however

they want. We will hang them on the board together and do a lesson about how they

can be whatever they want to be and talk about working together to do big things in

kindergarten. This will show them that everyone in our classroom is different but we can

become a strong class by learning about our differences and working together.
Discipline Policy:

3 Strike each day policy:

1. Verbal Warning

2. Talk with me so we can see what is going on and what is causing the behavior. Is the

student being bothered by another student so is this causing the behavior? (Meeting

with the teacher)

3. If it is something severe they will have to meet with the principal, if it is something

severe but the principal does not need to be involved a note will be sent home asking

the parent to meet with us at pick up/ drop off/ or at a convenient time. If it is

something due to hurting the feelings of another student or something not as severe,

they will have to do a picture apology. They will have 5 minutes out of their recess to

draw a picture of the individual that was affected to show they are sorry. This is a way to

show them how to apologize and forgive without taking their full recess away so they

can still exercise and get to play outside.

Classroom Rules:

 I will have these posted on the first day.

 Raise your hand, use a bathroom sign to get permission to go, keep your hands to

yourself, follow directions, stay in the classroom, use your listening ears, and stay quiet

while Miss Elbaor is teaching.

 These will be gone over on the first day of school. I am going to read a rule and then

have a student see if they can explain what I am expecting from that rule. This will also

show an example of the students raising their hand to talk rather than shouting out. I

will also do a mixture of pulling sticks to show that this may be a way that we will work

together at times.

Beginning of day routine:

 Students will line outside.

 Come into the classroom, take their folder, and lunch/snack out of their backpack.

 Go and put their backpack in their lockers.

 Come back in and out of their folder away and make their lunch choice for the day.

 They will then pick up breakfast and have their breakfast.

Calendar Routine:

 As the students are cleaning up their breakfast they will come to sit on their number on

the carpet.

 We will choose our calendar person for the day.

 We will see what the weather is like outside.

 We will see what day of the week it is, and what the date is and sing the calendar song.

Lining up routine:

 The students will be called to the lineup by the table, maybe what color shirt they are

wearing, or some sort of topic so they do not all line up at the same time.

 There will be feet in a line on the floor, they will stand on the feet.

 Before we go out into the hallway, we will sing our hallway song. (My hands are at my

sides, my feet are on the floor, my voice is at zero and I am ready for the hall)

End-of-day routine:

 Students will get their folders passed out to them.

 Once they get their folder, they can go get their backpack.

 Pack their backpack with their folder, lunch, water bottle, leftover a snack, etc.

 As we are packing our backpacks, we will go over who is riding the bus home and who is

getting picked up. For students who are riding the bus, I will give them their name tag

that has the bus they are riding on it.

 Once their backpack is packed, they will sit in their seat and stand behind their chair.

 I will turn on a Go Noodle dance.

 We will do this before we have to line up to go home.

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